Scored lots of silver road tripping today

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Scored lots of silver road tripping today

Postby CardsNCoins » Tue Feb 15, 2011 2:16 pm

I headed out early this morning with a list of about 25 banks to hit. Almost halfway through I hadn't even gotten a clad half, let alone any silver. On route to my next stop I saw a Pathmark supermarket that had a bank branch inside of it, so I decided to give it a look. The male teller only had one half (clad), but the female teller overheard me and said she had 2 rolls that she forgot to include in yesterday's coin pick up (lucky me). She also mentioned they had been in her drawer a while. I bought them from her, and when I got in the car I found both rolls had 16 silvers and 4 clads each. ;D It broke down to two Franklins (1952 and 1954), four 1964s, and 26 40%ers.

But there's more.

At my second to last stop I was second on line waiting for a teller, and I noticed that the older gentleman in line in front of me had a heart box of candy in his hands. I thought "oh great he's gonna give them chocolate and ask for halves." When he got to the teller he did give her the heart, but just did a deposit. When I got to the teller I asked for halves and she had $98 worth so I took them all. As I stepped aside to count my change the woman in line behind me stepped up and I overheard her ask for halves and the teller told her "I just gave them all to him" (meaning me). It turns out I thought the hunter was in line in front of me (the older man), but the hunter was actually behind me (thank goodness). Inside that $98 worth of halves were 35 40%ers. ;D

So in total today I recovered:

2 - Franklins
4 - 1964
1 - 1965
32 - 1967
21 - 1968
7 - 1969

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Re: Scored lots of silver road tripping today

Postby dakota1955 » Tue Feb 15, 2011 2:26 pm

timing is everything
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Re: Scored lots of silver road tripping today

Postby beauanderos » Tue Feb 15, 2011 3:47 pm

Very nice score. Not too many jobs where you can earn $600 in a day... which is the "pre-taxed" earning power you'd have to have to make the equivalent in free silver for one day's searching you just accomplished. Way to go Nick! :mrgreen:
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Re: Scored lots of silver road tripping today

Postby scrapper2010 » Tue Feb 15, 2011 4:23 pm

Nice job. Had a similiar experience last weekend on a smaller scale, the teller had exactly one roll in her drawer, scored 2 90% and 6 40%. Nothing beats that feeling of opening up a roll and seeing all those white edges. :D
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Re: Scored lots of silver road tripping today

Postby BamaJoe » Tue Feb 15, 2011 5:06 pm

At my second to last stop I was second on line waiting for a teller, and I noticed that the older gentleman in line in front of me had a heart box of candy in his hands. I thought "oh great he's gonna give them chocolate and ask for halves." When he got to the teller he did give her the heart, but just did a deposit. When I got to the teller I asked for halves and she had $98 worth so I took them all. As I stepped aside to count my change the woman in line behind me stepped up and I overheard her ask for halves and the teller told her "I just gave them all to him" (meaning me). AT THAT POINT CARDNCOINS HAD TO MAKE A RUN FOR IT AS THE WOMAN CHASED HIM OUT OF THE BANK. It turns out I thought the hunter was in line in front of me (the older man), but the hunter was actually behind me (thank goodness). Inside that $98 worth of halves were 35 40%ers. ;D

I'm sorry, just couldn't help it. The mental picture just popped up in my mind. :)
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Re: Scored lots of silver road tripping today

Postby CardsNCoins » Tue Feb 15, 2011 5:22 pm


We did walk out of the bank together, but nary a word was spoken. :lol:
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Re: Scored lots of silver road tripping today

Postby appjoe » Tue Feb 15, 2011 7:21 pm

Nice score.
Most of the time when I would ask for halves they would pull out either Brinks or String rolls that were opened on 1 end and folded back over showing that they are someones dumps.
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Re: Scored lots of silver road tripping today

Postby twentybux » Wed Feb 16, 2011 6:07 pm

Absolutely nice score Nick!!!
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Re: Scored lots of silver road tripping today

Postby Snake42 » Wed Feb 16, 2011 11:14 pm

That is a fantastic score dude. I have never had a lucky day like that.
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Re: Scored lots of silver road tripping today

Postby shinnosuke » Thu Feb 17, 2011 2:32 am

Wait, I thought by now all the real halves would be gone. I'm going to start asking for them tomorrow.
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Re: Scored lots of silver road tripping today

Postby 68Camaro » Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:43 am

The halves thing is mostly a matter of being in the right place at the right time. I took a stab at it at Christmas time. Most banks around here don't even carry them. I went to dozens of banks without finding any (and I mean any halves period). I finally found a BofA that had hundreds that had been special ordered and had just been turned back in. Turned out they were from another silver hunter; already culled through. Your best luck is luck, if you can find a bank that just had someone dump some old halves. Doesn't happen that often though.
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