Its all a scam.

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Re: Its all a scam.

Postby chris6084 » Sun Sep 03, 2017 5:06 am

68Camaro wrote:

The sentiments have been expressed here before, but this is as good a summary as any. The last several sentences are something my wife and I comment on all the time. Or expressed another way, the bar just gets set lower and lower. It takes so little for someone to excel these days relative to their "peer" group. In most of the maintenance/repair trades (electrician, plumber, carpenter, A/C repair, etc) you just have to know the basics of your business, show some respect to your customers by being neat, clean (relative to the job), showing up on time, finishing the job, and not stealing something while you are there. Do those things and (as a rule) you'll have so much business you don't even need to advertise.

You mention a job that requires skill and customer interaction. If you take both of those out, and consider for example, a forklift driver loading trucks in a manufacturing plant. All you have to do is show up on time, complete the job, and not steal. I've worked in a plant/warehouse environment for years. It boggles my mind how hard it apparently is to just do those three things. If you can manage those three, you are literally a superstar. For those that can't manage to do those three, they are constantly complaining about how unfair things are, how horrible the job environment is, how they are treated like slaves, they don't make enough money, etc. I think you could give those types of people 365 days a year paid time off, and they would still complain that they had to leave their house to pick up their check every week.
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Re: Its all a scam.

Postby Catfish4u » Sun Sep 03, 2017 12:40 pm

Recyclersteve wrote:3. Overall almost 80% of people living paycheck to paycheck.

I think that 80% number is much lower than what I see in my area. I think 90% would still be low. JMHO
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Re: Its all a scam.

Postby frugi » Mon Sep 04, 2017 9:16 am

chris6084 wrote:
.......they are constantly complaining about how unfair things are, how horrible the job environment is, how they are treated like slaves, they don't make enough money, etc. I think you could give those types of people 365 days a year paid time off, and they would still complain that they had to leave their house to pick up their check every week.

= ANTIFA, BLM, Progressives, Liberals, and most Demonrats.

I shutter when I hear anyone defend another by saying, "he didnt get a fair shake in life".

The last time I heard a person talking about a co-worker whom she thought he didnt get a fair shake because he had to work 3 jobs, and still couldnt support himself.....Well that co-worker was a teacher at a university, who was paying off student loans, is divorced twice, and paying child support to 2 women, drives a brand new volvo, lives in a ritzy part of town, has tattoos, a man bun, wears sandals and shorts 365 days a year......

Burns my nipples that she actually thinks he isnt getting a fair shake in life
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Re: Its all a scam.

Postby everything » Wed Sep 06, 2017 3:45 pm

This is why you don't keep all your eggs all in one basket. IF the ATM runs out, or I'm robbed, or my house is robbed, what do I have? I have no CC, no debit card, no cash, possibly no car, wait .. I keep a spare vehicle. I would not use public storage for anything significant, most do not have any climate control either, and the ones that do are pricey. This is a good idea though to spread our funds out, and I appreciate the banter and ideas. I knew a drug dealer back in college and he kept all his pot at his storage unit, not all the time, just when he was paranoid but I think he did keep smaller amounts at his house and larger amounts at the storage unit, not sure why. I've also seen people keep illegal stuff in their garages vs. apartments (again, lol, college days)..

Recyclersteve wrote:
TXSTARFIRE wrote:In the case of a power outage I'm not sure that a SDB is the best place to have your cash.

I agree. Even the term "safe" deposit box is a misnomer. Contents are NOT insured by the bank and can be confiscated. You can't get at your cash if a bank holiday is declared in response to a Black Swan event. It is a misnomer right up there with the "Affordable Care Act."

I'd much rather keep cash with a publicly traded storage company like U-Haul, Public Storage, etc.
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Re: Its all a scam.

Postby johnbrickner » Fri Sep 15, 2017 10:28 am

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Re: Its all a scam.

Postby Sanford02 » Fri Sep 15, 2017 11:28 am

The OP is definitely putting his money where his mouth is....I like that. He just put his entire (I assume) stack up for sale in the buy it now....
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Re: Its all a scam.

Postby wolvesdad » Sat Sep 16, 2017 7:49 am

68Camaro wrote:Well, at any rate when the time is right. no better way to exchange metal than through rc. I've told my wife that if something happens to me and she needs the cash, come here for help. She knows to do that.

This MAY be true of silver. But it ain't true for Gold. I had some listed here recently and didnt even get an inquiry or lowball offer.

Fortunately I was able to sell enough, at my prices, at my Local Coin Store and on Bullion Stackers. I got the bills paid for the moment. But RC was not the place.
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Re: Its all a scam.

Postby wolvesdad » Sat Sep 16, 2017 7:59 am

IdahoCopper wrote:I have no kids. The value locked up in the hoard could be put to some other use that improves the quality of my life in some way.

This is the killer. Silver maybe great as a store of value, but if you put OVER 10% of your total wealth(include your house) into silver THEN you are losing out on any short term gains that could be had.

The problem is that once you realize how cheap silver is, you want to put all your liquid investable income into it.

UNFORTUNATELY, if you had this same liquid income invested in rental or mutual funds....making at least 7%/year YOU WOULD DO lightyears better than your silver does for you.

But.....if dollar collapse and financial concern are your biggest motivators. ....then maybe...probably....silver as a longterm store of wealth IS BEST????

But to be honest....time and money investment into active vegetable farming now will probably do a better job of seeing you through an apocalypse than 100oz bars of silver. And the 'NOW' ROI is much better too!!
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Re: Its all a scam.

Postby wolvesdad » Sat Sep 16, 2017 8:18 am

Thogey wrote: $20,000 weighs 100 lbs. Too big, too heavy.

Silver does not earn money.
"Silver is running out" is not a good reason to buy it.
Worst of all silver is non-negotiable most of the time.

If the dollar collapses I'm not sure what liquidating 500 pounds of silver looks like.

RC predictions have been wrong.

The market may be corrupt, but it is the market. It's the way of the world.

Yep, yep, yep and yep. Edited to only show the points that I agree are solid 'facts' that every new silver 'investor' should look at.

And as for silver running out....the quantity that has been mined over the last 12 years will cover all industrial and investment needs for a good 5 years(maybe 10) at a price point below $35/ounce. Especially with cheap oil. If oil goes over $100/barrel that could change this a bit. But I would predict the ABSOLUTE highest we will see silver at in 5 years (probably 10) is $35/oz.
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Re: Its all a scam.

Postby 68Camaro » Sat Sep 16, 2017 8:26 am

wolvesdad wrote:
68Camaro wrote:Well, at any rate when the time is right. no better way to exchange metal than through rc. I've told my wife that if something happens to me and she needs the cash, come here for help. She knows to do that.

This MAY be true of silver. But it ain't true for Gold. I had some listed here recently and didnt even get an inquiry or lowball offer.

Fortunately I was able to sell enough, at my prices, at my Local Coin Store and on Bullion Stackers. I got the bills paid for the moment. But RC was not the place.

Type, timing, and price all matter. I am buying gold, but I am looking for specifics - .999 government coin at a good price. You can't always sell instantly, and if you don't have what people want at the right price, it won't sell.

To add: BS is another adjacent and related option, and they do typically have deeper pockets and more varied taste, so glad you found buyers over there. No reason not to treat them as equivalent options.
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
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Re: Its all a scam.

Postby 68Camaro » Sat Sep 16, 2017 8:44 am

wolvesdad wrote:...
But to be honest....time and money investment into active vegetable farming now will probably do a better job of seeing you through an apocalypse than 100oz bars of silver. And the 'NOW' ROI is much better too!!

Anyone that can do that and believes it is the better option should be doing it right now. Do it. Not an option for me at this point, even if I believed it (it has merit, but would be far from my sole venture if I was able, which I'm not).
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
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Re: Its all a scam.

Postby 68Camaro » Sat Sep 16, 2017 8:45 am

wolvesdad wrote:
Thogey wrote: $20,000 weighs 100 lbs. Too big, too heavy.

Silver does not earn money.
"Silver is running out" is not a good reason to buy it.
Worst of all silver is non-negotiable most of the time.

If the dollar collapses I'm not sure what liquidating 500 pounds of silver looks like.

RC predictions have been wrong.

The market may be corrupt, but it is the market. It's the way of the world.

Yep, yep, yep and yep. Edited to only show the points that I agree are solid 'facts' that every new silver 'investor' should look at.

And as for silver running out....the quantity that has been mined over the last 12 years will cover all industrial and investment needs for a good 5 years(maybe 10) at a price point below $35/ounce. Especially with cheap oil. If oil goes over $100/barrel that could change this a bit. But I would predict the ABSOLUTE highest we will see silver at in 5 years (probably 10) is $35/oz.

Maybe. I allow that is possible. I doubt it, but we'll see.
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
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Re: Its all a scam.

Postby IdahoCopper » Sat Sep 16, 2017 9:50 am

Sanford02 wrote:The OP is definitely putting his money where his mouth is....I like that. He just put his entire (I assume) stack up for sale in the buy it now....

Thanks for the plug. I removed the ad later in the day because spot dropped below my minimum comfortable amount. If it goes up again, I will put the ad back up.
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Re: Its all a scam.

Postby Treetop » Tue Oct 24, 2017 1:23 pm

68Camaro wrote:
wolvesdad wrote:...
But to be honest....time and money investment into active vegetable farming now will probably do a better job of seeing you through an apocalypse than 100oz bars of silver. And the 'NOW' ROI is much better too!!

Anyone that can do that and believes it is the better option should be doing it right now. Do it. Not an option for me at this point, even if I believed it (it has merit, but would be far from my sole venture if I was able, which I'm not).

The learning curve for growing enough food to feed a family is pretty steep for most people. It isnt rocket science though either, and if you take the time to find things that do well locally you will be fine. As Ive said here many times, back in the homesteading days people considered mature fruit and nut trees as well as berry bushes an investment. That never changed imo, weve just had mostly smooth sailing so most ignore it. If it is land you plan to keep you simply cant go wrong imo. Actually atleast where I live out here such things are considered value added to a property and increase value to buyers even in it doesnt on paper. I am especially keen to things that arent likely to need pesticides in your region to overcome pests.
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Re: Its all a scam.

Postby Treetop » Tue Oct 24, 2017 1:35 pm

I should add that its been said our most important resource as a species is our soil. I tend to agree. Start building that soil now if you are of a mind to do so even if you dont have time to grow. Ive seen people on craigslist giving away various types of organic matter, leaves, trees limbs, manure etc. If you have a place for it, and a bit of time it is a great idea to just pile it up and set yourself up for some great soil in a bit of time. Could probably even turn it into a side business, Ive seen silly people spend large sums for well composted soil.
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Re: Its all a scam.

Postby InfleXion » Wed Oct 25, 2017 9:17 pm

Treetop wrote:I should add that its been said our most important resource as a species is our soil. I tend to agree. Start building that soil now if you are of a mind to do so even if you dont have time to grow. Ive seen people on craigslist giving away various types of organic matter, leaves, trees limbs, manure etc. If you have a place for it, and a bit of time it is a great idea to just pile it up and set yourself up for some great soil in a bit of time. Could probably even turn it into a side business, Ive seen silly people spend large sums for well composted soil.

I think it was in one of David Morgan's interviews (yes I know he is wrong plenty) where he talked about land being wealth, and precious metals being land. Anything you mine from the land has a labor cost. Gold obviously has a much higher value than regular old dirt due to scarcity, but dirt still has value too as you've stated. It's just more costly to transport. I may be one of those silly people, since I paid for a combination of mushroom compost, steer manure, and pete moss in my garden, but at least I've got plenty to work with (minus trees... need a fence with some grape trees). My garden is probably only around 1% of what I consume, but I have basil with almost everything (easy to propagate), and I love fresh hot peppers for cooking with. Thankfully habaneros are pennies on the dollar at the store. Next year I'm going to do more squash. Spaghetti squash as a substitute for noodles is a great way to eat lean, only 35 calories in a cup. The more you eat out of your garden, the less you are spending. And you never have to pay sales or capital gains taxes on profits gained through lack of spending.
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Re: Its all a scam.

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Sun Jan 07, 2018 2:23 pm

Precious metals have indeed turned out to be a bad investment. Lousy investment to be more exact. That being said, I am more convinced than ever a financial day of reckoning will occur in my lifetime, (but wish I had bought stock like Ford when the price was right). I am concentrating on scrap copper now... .
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Re: Its all a scam.

Postby 68Camaro » Sun Jan 07, 2018 4:02 pm

Great to see you back Sheikh!

While I consider PMs a bit undervalued and therefore a bit of a "two-fer", I think the better view of them is as wealth protection rather than an investment.
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
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Re: Its all a scam.

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Sun Jan 07, 2018 7:09 pm

68Camaro wrote:Great to see you back Sheikh!

While I consider PMs a bit undervalued and therefore a bit of a "two-fer", I think the better view of them is as wealth protection rather than an investment.

Thanks '68!

Yeah you are right. PM's are a store of wealth, but they can be an investment,too. The old architect who gave me a big break in Const. Mgmt. died in his 80's last year. All he ever invested in was coins, bullion, milliteria, and real estate. He died a poor millionaire. No foolin'. He had well over a million in assets but was also broke at the same time.
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Re: Its all a scam.

Postby oktyabyr » Tue Jan 09, 2018 7:03 pm

Can’t let it run your life. I have some, I want more. But I also want to enjoy some stuff. Don’t wish to end up a poor millionaire.
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Re: Its all a scam.

Postby Cu Penny Hoarder » Sun Mar 18, 2018 3:02 pm

Sad and somewhat disturbing thread. OP seems to have more silver that he's comfortable with.

You must ask yourself, why did you get involved with silver in the first place? To store wealth and your labor, or to get rich quick? Simply put it away for the rainy days that are inevitably coming.

I'm at 80% precious metals now. I'm also hoarding cash. I have almost nothing in the stock market or RE. Asset bubbles are everywhere except precious metals.
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Re: Its all a scam.

Postby Recyclersteve » Mon Mar 19, 2018 1:43 am

Cu Penny Hoarder wrote:Sad and somewhat disturbing thread. OP seems to have more silver that he's comfortable with.

You must ask yourself, why did you get involved with silver in the first place? To store wealth and your labor, or to get rich quick? Simply put it away for the rainy days that are inevitably coming.

I'm at 80% precious metals now. I'm also hoarding cash. I have almost nothing in the stock market or RE. Asset bubbles are everywhere except precious metals.

Are you saying that 80% of everything you own is in precious metals? No real estate, collectible coins, or anything else to diversify in? That is a pretty extreme position. The only ones who seems to get away with it are the ultra high net worth people (worth say $20 million or more). If you think the stock market is overvalued you can always short something or buy puts to bet on it going down. Silver could be in the doldrums for a good while. Do you have 6-12 months of living expenses in cash on hand?

Silver has been going downhill since 2011. If you think that is too long, consider that when it peaked way back in 1980, it didn't bottom out til shortly after the 2001 terrorist attacks (21 long years). And even when it did start going back up, it was 2010 until things really got exciting (9 years after trend reversal). I am fully prepared for doldrums that last a long time, punctuated by much shorter periods of time when things can get pretty exciting.
Former stock broker w/ ~20 yrs. at one company. Spoke with 100k+ people and traded a lot (long, short, options, margin, extended hours, etc.).

NOTE: ANY stocks I discuss, no matter how compelling, carry risk- often
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Re: Its all a scam.

Postby Cu Penny Hoarder » Mon Mar 19, 2018 6:26 pm

Recyclersteve wrote:
Cu Penny Hoarder wrote:Sad and somewhat disturbing thread. OP seems to have more silver that he's comfortable with.

You must ask yourself, why did you get involved with silver in the first place? To store wealth and your labor, or to get rich quick? Simply put it away for the rainy days that are inevitably coming.

I'm at 80% precious metals now. I'm also hoarding cash. I have almost nothing in the stock market or RE. Asset bubbles are everywhere except precious metals.

Are you saying that 80% of everything you own is in precious metals? No real estate, collectible coins, or anything else to diversify in? That is a pretty extreme position. The only ones who seems to get away with it are the ultra high net worth people (worth say $20 million or more). If you think the stock market is overvalued you can always short something or buy puts to bet on it going down. Silver could be in the doldrums for a good while. Do you have 6-12 months of living expenses in cash on hand?

Silver has been going downhill since 2011. If you think that is too long, consider that when it peaked way back in 1980, it didn't bottom out til shortly after the 2001 terrorist attacks (21 long years). And even when it did start going back up, it was 2010 until things really got exciting (9 years after trend reversal). I am fully prepared for doldrums that last a long time, punctuated by much shorter periods of time when things can get pretty exciting.

Yes and yes.
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Re: Its all a scam.

Postby Recyclersteve » Mon Mar 19, 2018 11:59 pm

Hopefully your health is ok and you can afford to wait a while on the silver...
Former stock broker w/ ~20 yrs. at one company. Spoke with 100k+ people and traded a lot (long, short, options, margin, extended hours, etc.).

NOTE: ANY stocks I discuss, no matter how compelling, carry risk- often
substantial. If not prepared to buy it multiple times in modest amounts without going overboard (assuming nothing really wrong with the company), you need to learn more about the market and managing risk. Also, please research covered calls (options) and selling short as well.
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Re: Its all a scam.

Postby Cu Penny Hoarder » Tue Mar 20, 2018 1:48 pm

Recyclersteve wrote:Hopefully your health is ok and you can afford to wait a while on the silver...

Exercise and nutrition should get me to 100, hopefully. I'm 51 now.

Ag is $16.15 as I type this. Picked up another $100FV bag of 90% today for 0.29 above spot. What a bargain!
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