Did Cops Ever Show Up While Using a Ryedale?

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Did Cops Ever Show Up While Using a Ryedale?

Postby Recyclersteve » Tue Jan 23, 2018 9:48 pm

I just saw the posting tonight from mutiger about firing up the good ole Ryedale for the first time in a while and it got me to thinking.

Has anyone here ever had the cops show up because a neighbor heard a strange noise they couldn't identify? Perhaps you were in a garage or your house with the windows open on a nice day and had the Ryedale(s) humming away. I'm thinking a neighbor might have thought you were running a counterfeiting operation and that the Ryedale(s) were currency counters instead.

I imagine there might be some good war stories here. Anyone?
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Re: Did Cops Ever Show Up While Using a Ryedale?

Postby Know Common Cents » Tue Jan 23, 2018 10:43 pm

Likely not. Most of my neighbors are partially or just about totally deaf (or forget to wear their hearing aids while at home). I could install a drop forge in my back yard and no one would complain. Of course my situation may not be the norm, but I'm OK with the way it is.
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