I just bought a 1916 Wheat penny

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I just bought a 1916 Wheat penny

Postby Contradiction » Fri Aug 31, 2018 1:34 pm

I stopped by my credit union to buy a box of pennies. When I asked the teller for a box he asked me why I wanted them, and "Are you a collector?" My first reaction was to think, Why don't you come outside with me real quick so I can teach you a lesson about minding your own business that your Mommy and Daddy obviously didn't teach you...But I just said, I like to find the old ones. Then he said that he had a 1916 and I relaxed. He said he got in change somewhere. Oh, he's probably 25 or 26, a little older than me.

He then said that he had found another 1916 penny in the reject catcher on the credit union's coin counter. He just put it in a drawer in the back, he said. So I asked, Can I buy it? He said OK!

He brought it out with the $25 box and it's in good shape. Lincoln's face is smooth and the ear is almost gone, but the date is clearly visible.

My cost? One cent. The credit union just traded me a 2017 penny for a 1916 penny! It's a great keeper.
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Re: I just bought a 1916 Wheat penny

Postby Country » Fri Aug 31, 2018 1:38 pm

Very Nice! :thumbup:
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Re: I just bought a 1916 Wheat penny

Postby Recyclersteve » Fri Aug 31, 2018 4:43 pm

You got a coin that is over a century old. Or, as John McCain's mom would say, "I'm older than that!" (she's 106) :)

I would put the coin into a little sandwich baggy with a note about how and when you found it. Then, when you are a grandfather, you will have a neat story to tell others and won't have to worry about forgetting the details.
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Re: I just bought a 1916 Wheat penny

Postby aloneibreak » Fri Aug 31, 2018 6:51 pm

Recyclersteve wrote:You got a coin that is over a century old. Or, as John McCain's mom would say, "I'm older than that!" (she's 106) :)

I would put the coin into a little sandwich baggy with a note about how and when you found it. Then, when you are a grandfather, you will have a neat story to tell others and won't have to worry about forgetting the details.

youve heard of these things called cardboard 2 x 2's right !?!

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Re: I just bought a 1916 Wheat penny

Postby Recyclersteve » Fri Aug 31, 2018 7:08 pm

aloneibreak wrote:
Recyclersteve wrote:You got a coin that is over a century old. Or, as John McCain's mom would say, "I'm older than that!" (she's 106) :)

I would put the coin into a little sandwich baggy with a note about how and when you found it. Then, when you are a grandfather, you will have a neat story to tell others and won't have to worry about forgetting the details.

youve heard of these things called cardboard 2 x 2's right !?!


Of course, but you have to buy a box of 100 and if you have limited funds it is easier to just use a sandwich bag. Also, you can put in a piece of paper with detailed notes so that you aren't limited to the surface area of the 2x2 itself.
Former stock broker w/ ~20 yrs. at one company. Spoke with 100k+ people and traded a lot (long, short, options, margin, extended hours, etc.).

NOTE: ANY stocks I discuss, no matter how compelling, carry risk- often
substantial. If not prepared to buy it multiple times in modest amounts without going overboard (assuming nothing really wrong with the company), you need to learn more about the market and managing risk. Also, please research covered calls (options) and selling short as well.
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Re: I just bought a 1916 Wheat penny

Postby Contradiction » Fri Aug 31, 2018 9:54 pm

Recyclersteve wrote:You got a coin that is over a century old. Or, as John McCain's mom would say, "I'm older than that!" (she's 106) :)

I would put the coin into a little sandwich baggy with a note about how and when you found it. Then, when you are a grandfather, you will have a neat story to tell others and won't have to worry about forgetting the details.

Hey Mr. Steve, I don't have to write it down on a piece of paper because I already told the story here. I'll just tell my kids (if there's ever a woman who will marry me) that they should tell their kids to join realcent and they can read what gramps did way back when.
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