Penny sorter anonymous - looking for speed

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Penny sorter anonymous - looking for speed

Postby inflationhawk » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:47 pm

Hello, my name is inflationhawk and I am a penny sorter. It's been about 2 hours since my last roll. I need help. I am looking for ways to speed up my sorting, but I am not looking to go too crazy...yet. I am just looking for something to ease things up a bit on the eyes. I am considering the Penny Miser, but not sure about it's accuracy or durability. I have seen the YouTube video and I know it's relatively slow, but I can live with the speed if it's accurate and will last a while. I want to make sure it pays for itself several times over. I have also seen pictures of the lower end Ryedale model. I believe its based on magnetism and cost about $120(?). I have not seen any videos of this one in action. I don't really want to spend $500 on the higher end Ryedale model. I have also heard of people buying coin comparitors and rigging their own devices. Which way is best? Any thoughts? I am leaning towered the Penny Miser at this time, but haven't made a final decision. Thanks in advance for your support and thoughts.
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Re: Penny sorter anonymous - looking for speed

Postby Corsair » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:46 pm

Welcome. PM the member "Ryedale" about his Sniper model. It's perfect for you.
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Re: Penny sorter anonymous - looking for speed

Postby tinhorn » Sun Feb 20, 2011 6:33 pm

VWBEAMER has ordered a Penny Miser. I hope he reports on it, but according to their website, Penny Misers take three weeks for delivery. I'm looking forward to ordering one myself unless VWBEAMER reports bad news. Another poster recently reported problems in getting his adjusted correctly. The Penny Miser site claims accuracy of 98%, which sounds high until you realize that 98% accuracy means an entire roll of lost coppers, or a roll of zinc contaminating your coppers. (Or both?)

If you want high speed, it sounds as though the high-end Ryedale is your machine. The low-end unit uses a Chinese comparitor that some of us find difficult to live with. (There's one entire thread on the Chinese comparitor.) I don't know how Ryedale's version stacks up against the others--I haven't used either of Ryedale's products.

I have used the Chinese comparitors. In one I have a zinc planchet, and I'm able to get some pretty clean batches of zinc. Problem is, a lot of zinc gets rejected, too, along with all the copper. (Well, almost all of it.) All those rejected coins drop into a second comparitor containing a copper penny, but it does a really crummy job of sorting. I've tried several different sample coins.

Separating by weight seems to make sense. At fifty bucks for a kit, it would be easy to add a second or third unit when one needed to scale up their operation. Here's a cute homemade version: And a more intriguing variation: ... re=related

Somebody has a very short youtube clip showing a sorter using an electromagnet. ... re=related There are several copper/magnet clips on youtube, which may be an idea worth playing with. Heck, I thought only iron products were magnetic. ... ature=fvwp

If you do invest in a Penny Miser, please let us know how it works.
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Re: Penny sorter anonymous - looking for speed

Postby inflationhawk » Sun Feb 20, 2011 7:02 pm

Thanks for the replies! I did locate a video of the Sniper in action: viewtopic.php?f=21&t=2538#p22974

After viewing this video, I am convinced this is the way to go and I have PMed "Ryedale" about this unit. The Penny Miser seems good and I like the concept, but the Sniper seems much faster. I have also repeatedly read great things about Ryedale products and the customer service. I hope to have one of these Snipers soon and I'll report back. My bigger worry is getting enough coins from the bank to make this worthwhile. It's pretty easy to go in and ask for one box, but when you start asking for four, five or ten plus I'm sure I'll get push back. I tried to get four a week ago just to have some on hand to hand sort, but the lady told me they didn't have four and I'd have to order them and come back the following week. She seemed pretty skeptical about it. I guess if I open enough accounts at various banks and rotate getting pennies from various banks I'll get enough. I wish there was a way to order like 50 boxes and have them delivered to my house!
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