Where the rubber meets the road. Money needed for next step

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Re: Where the rubber meets the road. Money needed for next

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:17 pm

President's Day MONEY BOMB fund raiser

3:00 PM CST update: $467,530.20 raised so far! :D
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Re: Where the rubber meets the road. Money needed for next

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Mon Feb 21, 2011 7:52 pm

President's Day MONEY BOMB fund raiser total as of 6:45 PM CST is: $553,411.83

Here is another message from Dr. Ron Paul:

February 21, 2011

Dear Richard,

Money Bomb days are wonderful! There seems to be electricity in the air and a certain excitement that makes your heart beat a little more quickly.

Each time I look at the ticker and see more generous contributions and the names of other fellow Liberty lovers, it excites me about what we might be able to do together to win the future.

I can remember where I was on the day of the biggest-ever money bomb on December 16th, 2007.

I gave a speech to a big TEA Party right here in Texas and then spent the evening with family, many of whom made two or three donations so they could see their name roll around again on the ticker.

It was a tremendous day in the fight for Liberty and thinking back on it warms my heart.

Today has the same feeling. I have checked the ticker at least a dozen times and have been thrilled to see it surging up and up.

We have had so much success, in fact, that I just approved a two-day trip to New Hampshire during March recess! I hope for even more success today so I can approve more trips and programs.

Let's keep the momentum rolling.

If you haven't donated today, please consider chipping in right now. A contribution of any size, perhaps $20.12, would be deeply appreciated.

Please also forward this email to your friends and post it on Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks.

Our strength lies in our numbers, and together, we can stand up to the banksters and elites and tell them we are here to fight for Liberty.

The statists and other forces of big government know we are making plans and are watching what we do today.

Let's do something special and send a powerful message. Again, please consider a donation of any size and help spread the word.

For Liberty,

Ron Paul

P.S. In honor of George Washington's birthday, Liberty PAC has launched a Presidents' Day Money Bomb.

Your support is critical in guiding my 2012 decision making and guaranteeing a successful political operation so we can elect the type of President who will take our country back from the statists.

So please, click here to make a contribution of $500, $250, $100, $50, or even $20.12, toward the Liberty PAC Presidents' Day Money Bomb.

Paid for by Liberty PAC.
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
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Re: Where the rubber meets the road. Money needed for next

Postby Corsair » Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:37 pm

I'm all for change and progress and liberty and whatnot, but it looks to me like a bunch of people just blew five hundred grand. How about a Money Bomb for a person or charity that would actually accomplish something? Red Cross? Humane Society? It's great that everyone is making their voices heard. But when it costs money for my voice to be heard, and my voice isn't going to make a difference, I'm keeping my mouth shut and my wallet full.
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Re: Where the rubber meets the road. Money needed for next

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:00 pm

Okay, Corsair, if the election were today... who would have your vote?
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Re: Where the rubber meets the road. Money needed for next

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:04 pm

President's Day MONEY BOMB contributions as of 9:00 PM CST is: $629,878.40 and the money is still rolling in!
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Re: Where the rubber meets the road. Money needed for next

Postby Corsair » Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:07 pm

Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay wrote:Okay, Corsair, if the election were today... who would have your vote?

Depends on who the GOP would nominate. I'd vote for Romney or Ron Paul or Mayor Rudy. If it was Palin, I'd probably vote for Stephen T. Colbert or Richard M. Nixon. If it was some other Republican, I'd do my homework first. With a red House and a blue Senate, things are going to be gridlocked for the most part, so I'd rather have a strong leader, which I think Obama has the capability of being. I don't like some of his policies, but he is my president, as he is all of yours, and he deserves a fair shake.
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Re: Where the rubber meets the road. Money needed for next

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:30 pm

Corsair wrote:
Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay wrote:Okay, Corsair, if the election were today... who would have your vote?

Depends on who the GOP would nominate. I'd vote for Romney or Ron Paul or Mayor Rudy.

That sounds pretty reasonalbe.

If it was Palin, I'd probably vote for Stephen T. Colbert or Richard M. Nixon. I did vote for Richard M. Nixon in 1972 and I agree with you on Palin..

If it was some other Republican, I'd do my homework first. With a red House and a blue Senate, things are going to be gridlocked for the most part, so I'd rather have a strong leader, which I think Obama has the capability of being. I don't like some of his policies, but he is my president, as he is all of yours, and he deserves a fair shake.

I will respect Mr. Obama as much as Obama's supporters respected Mr. George W. Bush. President Bush deserved a fair shake, too, but he didn't get it. In all of American history, no other president had so much abuse heaped upon them.
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Re: Where the rubber meets the road. Money needed for next

Postby Corsair » Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:38 pm

Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay wrote:
Corsair wrote:
Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay wrote:Okay, Corsair, if the election were today... who would have your vote?

Depends on who the GOP would nominate. I'd vote for Romney or Ron Paul or Mayor Rudy.

That sounds pretty reasonalbe.

If it was Palin, I'd probably vote for Stephen T. Colbert or Richard M. Nixon. I did vote for Richard M. Nixon in 1972 and I agree with you on Palin..

If it was some other Republican, I'd do my homework first. With a red House and a blue Senate, things are going to be gridlocked for the most part, so I'd rather have a strong leader, which I think Obama has the capability of being. I don't like some of his policies, but he is my president, as he is all of yours, and he deserves a fair shake.

I will respect Mr. Obama as much as Obama's supporters respected Mr. George W. Bush. President Bush deserved a fair shake, too, but he didn't get it. In all of American history, no other president had so much abuse heaped upon them.

Bush had a staggering amount of support in the early years of his presidency. Obama has had hardly any support from the right since Day One. I think you should look back in American history a bit before you toss around that last statement. Check out Harry Truman's popular support as he left office. Look at him now. He's often considered in the top ten of all time. Bush'll be the same way, I bet. The present fades away. History is the true judge.

Also, two wrongs don't make a right. Just because Bush was bashed, doesn't mean Obama should be. He's still the President of the United States. He deserves respect. Not a crown or jewels or me kneeling before him. Respect enough to hold off with the stupid nicknames (I saw Obummer today on the forum), respect to let the birther thing go, and the respect to let him help lead this country. Majority rules, and he won. I would have voted for McCain if I could have, but that doesn't mean I'm going to shout at Obama or call him names. That's the mark of a sore loser.
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Re: Where the rubber meets the road. Money needed for next

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:55 pm

G.W. Bush's Presidentcy was challenged starting Nov. 2 when Gore refused to concede. That rapidly led to a legal fist fight from Florida all the way to the SCOTUS. Even after SCOTUS said it was a no brainer, the Left was far too imbittered to let it go. The legal battles forced Bush 2 to be late installing his admin and he had to use Clinton era appointees to handle the work. They did all they could to railroad Bush with constant leaks to the press in attempts to embarrass the President. Bush 2 did have a short period of solidarity for less than 12 months after the Twin Towers fell, then the Left went back to the most dis-respectful attacks on him. No other President in the history of the US had an off Broadway play deriding them. It was titled something like: "I want to assasinate the President!". It was dubbed as "art" and therefor not sedition. Thru it all Bush was man enough to never complain. He never whined "They are treating me like a dog!"

Sorry, Corsair. I think you are a great guy and I hope all the best for you, but if you are expecting me to respect Mr. Obama.... that ain't never gonna happen, pardner.
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Re: Where the rubber meets the road. Money needed for next

Postby Corsair » Mon Feb 21, 2011 11:07 pm

The hatred of Bush was magnified because of the liberal media, and the Hollywood elite. Look at the number of "stars" that railed against Bush whenever they could - Kanye West, Sean Penn, Whoopie Goldberg, Kevin Costner, The Dixie Chicks...the list goes on.

The hatred of Obama is on a much more personal, less personality-driven, basis. If you stop and read comments on Internet stories, listen to some of the crazier Tea Party antics, or realize that there is an entire "Klan" of people devoted to the downfall of Obama, the line between Bush's hatred and Obama's hatred starts to blur. According to the BBC, Bush's approval rating two years in was at about 60%. According to Real Clear Politics, Obama's now is 48%. It took President Bush more than three years to get to that point. I know I'm splitting hairs here, but my original point was, even though the Left lost a painful fight in the 2000 Election, many came back to support Bush in the following years. The election in 2008 was barely close at all, yet the Right has shown virtually no support to Obama in the least.
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Re: Where the rubber meets the road. Money needed for next

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Mon Feb 21, 2011 11:08 pm

P.S. I have discovered a book that is very enlightning! It answers some unspoken questions I have had for many years. It is called "The Liberal Mind" and it's subtitle is "The Psychological Causes of Political Madness."

Corsair, I really meant what I said. I do hope all the best for you. You have such a promising future. If you will PM your address to me, I will mail you a copy.
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Re: Where the rubber meets the road. Money needed for next

Postby Corsair » Mon Feb 21, 2011 11:16 pm


I appreciate the kind words and the generous offer. But that is the exact thing that I am trying to speak out against. People shouldn't write books claiming the other side is based on "madness." Just from the Amazon description, I can see the book is about how the Left is trying to "destroy the West's greatest achievement: the American dream of civilized liberty" and how the demands of the Left are purely "disorders of the psyche."

I am not trying to spit in your face with your offer, really. I do appreciate it. Maybe I'm naive, but I would love to see a political realm where people can disagree without throwing in personal attacks, senseless criticisms, and baseless hatred. Agree to disagree. That's what's so great about our country. People can have different opinions, and one person doesn't need to end up beheaded because of it.
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Re: Where the rubber meets the road. Money needed for next

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Mon Feb 21, 2011 11:47 pm

The book was copy written in 2006. Before most people ever knew of BHO, so it is not about him.

I only offer it because I think you might want a little balance in your education. You are at a state run university, and if it is like all other state run universities, then you are getting a very one-sided view of the world. It happens to so many people. They are influenced by their instructors and their peers. I went into college as a very conservative person, then four years later I came out as a liberal whack job. Once out in the real world, I shifted back.

Come on, try it. If you don't like it... you can mail it back, Okay?

Now, about that "Klan' stuff. I live in the reddest of all red states. I have only heard one individual make truely racist comments about Mr. O. He became a former employee after awhile. Yes, he, too had a mental disorder (seriously!). I tried to get him to get some professional advise. Finally, he did. He is on medication now.

I have been to a lot of TEA Party protests and I can tell you the one's running around with racist signs were outsiders trying to discredit what we TEA Partiers were doing. It is not about race, it is not to "get even", it's about putting our country back onto a sustainable path. It is about adhering to the Constitution.

The path our country is now on is indeed political madness. By the Left and the Right. There is no provision within the Constitution mandating the POTUS to submit a budget. It is simply a polite thing to do. This month, the POTUS did submit a recommended budget with an ultimatum. Mr. Obama said he would veto any budget that deviated from the one he submitted. Yet, his own Secretary of the Treasury admitted under oath before a Congressional Committee the POTUS budget was unsustainable. You submit a budget your Treasurer admits will not work, yet you threaten to veto any other budget that comes to you???!! Whew! How is that not madness?

Dr. Ron Paul is the only candidate I know of who has the best chance of returning the US to it's former modus operandi. Sound money. Sound foreign policy.
Last edited by Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay on Tue Feb 22, 2011 9:01 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Where the rubber meets the road. Money needed for next

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Tue Feb 22, 2011 12:14 am

11:00 PM CST update: $692,049.90 raised thus far.
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Re: Where the rubber meets the road. Money needed for next

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Tue Feb 22, 2011 9:06 am

24 hrs. update at 8:00 AM CST: $719,923.24 raised in one day! And it is early in this campaign! Whoo Hoo!

To all who helped raise money for Dr. Paul... THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :D :D
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Re: Where the rubber meets the road. Money needed for next

Postby AGCoinHunter » Tue Feb 22, 2011 10:10 am

Also, two wrongs don't make a right. Just because Bush was bashed, doesn't mean Obama should be. He's still the President of the United States. He deserves respect. Not a crown or jewels or me kneeling before him. Respect enough to hold off with the stupid nicknames (I saw Obummer today on the forum), respect to let the birther thing go, and the respect to let him help lead this country. Majority rules, and he won. I would have voted for McCain if I could have, but that doesn't mean I'm going to shout at Obama or call him names. That's the mark of a sore loser.

That was me who used to term Obummer for our enlightened president. Let me make one thing clear I have respect for the office of the president. It is a duty given to you by the citizens of this country which is no small task. But that doesnt mean that I have respect for the individual in the office. And that goes even deeper when the person in the office is hell bent on reshaping this country into a socialist utopia. Just as Bush, Obummer is a manchurian for the elites and corporatist driving this country into the ground.

Btw, I was critical of Bush and his antics while he was in office also.
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Re: Where the rubber meets the road. Money needed for next

Postby Rosco » Tue Feb 22, 2011 10:47 am

As a conservative I felt bad that we elected Obama but waited to see the change he promised an it did not happen. Closed door hearings write a bill with earmarks to get the last few votes to pass it an stick in back door taxes to fool people into thinking the costs are bearable BS, we were shafted and will spend time an money trying to make the abortion the health care bill is work.

We need to support Dr Paul or some one like him to get the USA back on track .
In Wisconsin the Demos runaway and call it politics more BS no one can demand throw this out or I wont Play. I believe that Repubs tried to influence the bills an did not run Off, Are they always right NO , but we need them to try an help solve our mess.

Remember the part of the HC bill to Tax all transactions over $600 by forcing dealers to file tax forms on our coin purchases, I did not like that Idea? did You
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Re: Where the rubber meets the road. Money needed for next

Postby Delawhere Jack » Tue Feb 22, 2011 6:33 pm

Devil Soundwave wrote:p.s. - I note I am not allowed to donate as I'm an evil foreign type. Gah.

That didn't stop B. Hussein Obama's foreign handlers, um, I mean contributors.
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Re: Where the rubber meets the road. Money needed for next

Postby Mossy » Tue Feb 22, 2011 7:03 pm

"Klan"? Both incarnation of the KKK was founded and run by Democrats. I did not notice many of the losing party supporting Bush II, the constant and vulgar attacks continued for a year /after/ he was no longer in office.

I had many problems with Bush while he was in office, but was often put in the uncomfortable position of defending him from insane attacks and out right lies. The "liberals" (they are no such thing, but totalitarian wannabees) were out of their minds in the forums where I hang out. Who can have a sensible discussion when people are screaming like monkeys with rubber snakes tied to their ankles? Of course, that was the intent of the Trolls, to prevent intelligent discussion.

So far as I can tell, Obama wants to implement a social and economic change, and the effects those changes will have on the populace are simply not relevant. People who say he is trying to destroy the US are, IMO, wrong. The damage he is doing is just not something he understands or cares about.

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The politicians who destroyed Argentina, with the assistance of various corporations, did not intend to destroy so many lives. They had no intentions at all regarding that subject. Argentina still fell.
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Re: Where the rubber meets the road. Money needed for next

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Wed Feb 23, 2011 12:32 pm

Mossy is right. Both manifestations of the "Klan" were done by Democrats. Also, all "Jim Crow" laws were written by Democratic majority state legislatures. But all that is now ancient history.

Here is the real "Klan" of today: Demo. Rep. urges his people to "Get a little bloody in the streets"
http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing- ... -necessary
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