White Market/Black Market...are you ready?

This forum is for discussing hunting and collecting US and Canadian circulation Silver Bullion Coins, other types of minted bullion, and other types of precious and base metal investments other than Bullion Pennies and Nickels.

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White Market/Black Market...are you ready?

Postby neilgin1 » Tue Mar 31, 2020 11:52 am

brothers, there is a day coming, sooner or later, where TPT shouldn't be , will be dictate that private ownership of both Au and Ag, is illegal, by "emergency legislation", and you will be required, under the penalty of "law" to sell(turn in) all Au/Ag to the"proper authorities" at preset fixed price.
At that point, every man here will have to decide, bend the knee?...or not......I, of course, don't have to worry, because I never owned any precious metals, I just brag about owning......here's what I mean to say, I MAY or may not at times been involved in various black market trading, ever since I was a teen ager in Korea, maybe until this present day, and I hope you all think hard about learning the in's and out's of the coming black market, trust no one, and never trade alone, always have a wingman....If you think i'm crazy, history does back me up.

my friends Aaron and Mel put up a documentary entitled "12 Monkeys"...a thoughtful sober read of what's behind the curtain, you wouldn't go wrong giving it a listen....that said, inside my soul, I am heartbroken, i'm watching our beautiful America fall prey to an insidious well planned scheme, respectfully to all, n.

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Re: White Market/Black Market...are you ready?

Postby IdahoCopper » Tue Mar 31, 2020 12:11 pm

Just like the last gold confiscation, the language of the Order will be just slippery enough to make you volunteer to give up your gold. Such an order can never be constitutional. The last one wasn't.
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Re: White Market/Black Market...are you ready?

Postby silverflake » Tue Mar 31, 2020 8:35 pm

Discussing this with my wife....So on some future day you catch the faintest whiff that Big Brother is going to confiscate your PM's, whats your next step? I might suggest, ok finally trade it in while you can and buy arable, farmable land. My wife, always smarter than me says "But then, why can't they take your land away too?" Smart gal. What next? As you move down the line of assets that store value, hold value and keep you free from the decay of FRN's, you eventually run out of options. They just want to keep stealing every ounce of freedom, every shred of independence. I am running out of answers and options.

These times have made me anxious for sure guys. I don't post here much anymore but really happy to come back and see the same ol' crew (and some newbies). Neil, keeping it real as usual brother. 68camaro - you're probably who I consider one of, if not THE wisest of the wise here. Recyclersteve, thogey etc....whats next for us? I don't expect an answer. Just glad to have a reliable landing spot on the web with a bunch of stalwarts like you all. OK, I have babbled enough. Need to find some toilet paper.................

Keep stacking. While you can.
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Re: White Market/Black Market...are you ready?

Postby Recyclersteve » Wed Apr 01, 2020 2:43 am

silverflake wrote:Discussing this with my wife....So on some future day you catch the faintest whiff that Big Brother is going to confiscate your PM's, whats your next step? I might suggest, ok finally trade it in while you can and buy arable, farmable land. My wife, always smarter than me says "But then, why can't they take your land away too?" Smart gal. What next? As you move down the line of assets that store value, hold value and keep you free from the decay of FRN's, you eventually run out of options. They just want to keep stealing every ounce of freedom, every shred of independence. I am running out of answers and options.

These times have made me anxious for sure guys. I don't post here much anymore but really happy to come back and see the same ol' crew (and some newbies). Neil, keeping it real as usual brother. 68camaro - you're probably who I consider one of, if not THE wisest of the wise here. Recyclersteve, thogey etc....whats next for us? I don't expect an answer. Just glad to have a reliable landing spot on the web with a bunch of stalwarts like you all. OK, I have babbled enough. Need to find some toilet paper.................

Keep stacking. While you can.

Hey silverflake: Thx for the kind words. I, too, have been struggling with the concept of what could be held safely without any real risk of being seized. Some would argue that gold would be a lot easier to make illegal to hold than silver or even nickel or copper. Back when the govt. tried to seize most gold (was the Executive Order in 1933?) many buried it in their back yards. If they tried to seize silver, nickel or copper, the govt. would have a huge task on their hands.

I guess the problem with the concept of burying gold (or anything else) in your back yard a la during the Great Depression is this- what if they just seize your property and force you to move immediately to some type of government trailer. Then they would have anything buried in your yard and could post a No Trespassing sign to keep you out. Imagine that!

This is definitely a mess.

I guess part of the answer might be in some type of diversification. I have a good friend who put most of his investable capital into Bitcoin. He is really hurting now- I believe he bought near the highs.

Some would argue that Bitcoin is a good investment. But, if every single Bitcoin transaction can be tracked, couldn't it be stolen or seized somehow. Also, what if someone found a way to collapse the internet. I know that sounds far-fetched, but even a couple months ago I'd have never in a million years have believed that Coronavirus could grab the attention of practically the whole world so quickly.

This has to be the strangest event I've ever lived through.
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Please note that ANY stocks I discuss, no matter how compelling, carry risk- sometimes substantial. If not prepared to buy it multiple times in modest amounts without going overboard (assuming nothing really wrong with the company), you need to learn more about the market and managing risk. Also, please research covered calls (options) as well.
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Re: White Market/Black Market...are you ready?

Postby Morsecode » Wed Apr 01, 2020 3:50 am

One of the silver linings to the current mess we find ourselves in is that everday Americans are slowly coming to realize government cannot and should not be trusted to do what's right. Each new ban, restriction, or advisory results in a general watering down of the significance (and the perceived consequence of ignoring same) of these extra legal proclamations.

I'm proud to say that here in CT, our post-Sandy Hook gun legislation is overwhelmingly ignored by liberals and conservatives alike. Latest data on compliance with magazine restrictions is running around 10%. Did I mention this is in Connecticut?

The trick to successful non-compliance is not allowing yourself to become a weak hand.

When the mag restrictions were first being proposed many rushed for the exits, selling out in fear of fear itself. They can do the same with precious metals; driving the markets down to artificially low levels (sound familiar?) and letting the "free" market do the confiscating.

But even as that happens - if it happens - a more enlightened electorate emboldened by the failures of recent bans will believe that choosing not to participate is no big deal. There is little stigma left in the term Black Market.

The real question should be: bars or coins? Call me paranoid, but I've never been completely comfortable with serially numbered ingots. If I had a mind to start stacking again I might lean on dimes & quarters & fractional gold. For now, I'm content to buy salt, sugar, and coffee :P
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Re: White Market/Black Market...are you ready?

Postby blackrabbit » Fri Apr 03, 2020 11:04 am

As the economy further collapses black markets will become an integral part of survival for millions. We are just at the beginning of the great depression 2.0 :(
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered....The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
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Re: White Market/Black Market...are you ready?

Postby InfleXion » Fri Apr 03, 2020 5:34 pm

Laws will be what they will be, but they require enforcement by people. People can be reasoned with. Keep your business to yourself, and such things will likely pass over without much fanfare. Nobody wants to spend their days going door to door and harassing people that aren't criminally relevant during times when we all know we need to stick together.

Most definitely exercise extra caution with any dealings and speakings.
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Re: White Market/Black Market...are you ready?

Postby JadeDragon » Thu Apr 09, 2020 11:40 pm

If the government confiscated farmland, who would they get to work it?

If the government confiscated gold, how would they find it all (or even most of it?). What about jewellery? Will the population accept losing their wedding rings? I seriously doubt it.

The guy that moved his money all into bitcoins is an idiot. You can't eat bitcoin. You can't hold it or even look at it. It has no intrinsic value or uses. I'll stick with my land and metals and shares in high quality companies that make stuff people need to buy.
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Re: White Market/Black Market...are you ready?

Postby coppernickel » Tue Apr 14, 2020 2:16 pm

Agreed I am afraid we are closer to the beginning than the end.

A group for safety has always been a priority. Close family, church folks who can work together, community that supports each other. I'm mildly successful here.

Self sufficiency is helpful. My weaknesses are growing a garden, raising animals. We are considering getting a dog.

Commodities: Wheat, rice, beans, whisky, etc?
Silver Monometalism is the most permanent and stable form of money the world has seen. Natural law and history prove silver value is best multiplied by gold and best divided by copper. It is only in this counterfeit currency time when the natural law appears suspended.
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