AdamsSamoa wrote:just the look from my fox hole...
dbalek wrote:I'd rather Reddit push towards Copper!
dbalek wrote:APMEX currently wants 30x for $100 face value bags of 90% silver, not available until Feb 15th?!?
dbalek wrote:APMEX currently wants 30x for $100 face value bags of 90% silver, not available until Feb 15th?!?
dbalek wrote:APMEX currently wants 30x for $100 face value bags of 90% silver, not available until Feb 15th?!?
silverflake wrote:AdamsSamoa was right. The posts on reddits "wallstreetbets" about SLV to $1000 apparently had a lot of "bot" generated messages. Someone, it would seem, was trying to pull the attention away from Gamestop with the SLV red herring. To any of you who hold shares, it was a great call selling day. I sold calls on monday on the AG and WPM I held. Bought them back yesterday almost worthless. Theres always an angle....
Be alert and keep stacking, friends.
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