68Camaro wrote:With spot at $27, APMEX ASEs are now at $39-41. $1000 face "junk" 90% is selling for nearly $38/oz. Incredible premiums. While some think we will see a pull-back before it continues to rise into the coming years, I'm not so sure about that.
Changechecker wrote:
Regarding prepping, I also think now would be a good time to refocus on preps. If not for any reason other than the shortages and inflation that could soon begin to manifest itself in the coming year. Rumor is that the ports in California are weeks behind in onloading shipping containers. This only adds to costs. Combined with increasing fuel and covid regulation costs and we could soon see stagflation. Just my own thoughts.
Cu Penny Hoarder wrote:68Camaro wrote:With spot at $27, APMEX ASEs are now at $39-41. $1000 face "junk" 90% is selling for nearly $38/oz. Incredible premiums. While some think we will see a pull-back before it continues to rise into the coming years, I'm not so sure about that.
In 2018/19 when silver was ranging between $14-16 I was urging ppl to buy 90%, the premium was only 0.29 cents then. Prices were low, things were quiet/calm, and that's the perfect time to accumulate.
Then in March 2020 the price dumped to $12 due to the scamdemic. I posted here for stackers to hurry up and buy (premium on 90% was only 0.49 cents). Only 4-6 hours after that slam down, the premiums skyrocketed. Those few hours was quite possibly the buying opportunity of a lifetime.
Stackers should be aware of the daily price movement and keep lots of dry power ready in order to take advantage of price smash downs (for whatever reason). If you are a long-term holder, I guess buying now would be okay, but I'd rather wait until things calm down and premiums drop a bit before buying more.
History shows that premiums have always come back down a few month after a market shock event. Most silver pundits out there who have proclaimed: "This is it!" have been wrong. Could this time be different?... possibly, but I believe the interest will eventually wane when these younger buyers see the PM prices stall or come down again. There is no instant gratification in PMs.
Changechecker wrote:Keep things in perspective. For every seller there needs to be a buyer. The equilibrium must be achieved for there to be an opportunity to close the deal. Where p.m.'s are concerned it's a fluid market. The price is not fixed and while not what you were expecting it was within the market parameters based on market conditions. Sorry you were disappointed and as you stated they won't get your business in the future which is the beauty of Capitalism. Be patient, be prepared for the next opportunity to present itself. It will.
shinnosuke wrote:No matter how much we paid for silver, this table puts some things in perspective, particularly if the total number of silver ounces is accurate.
50 billion troy ounces of silver mined in history
coincrazy wrote:shinnosuke wrote:No matter how much we paid for silver, this table puts some things in perspective, particularly if the total number of silver ounces is accurate.
This was interesting but it seems this is GOLD and not silver.50 billion troy ounces of silver mined in history
based on this article which says 6 billion for gold.
https://sdbullion.com/blog/how-much-sil ... d-is-there
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