68Camaro wrote:Well, no matter what I said above, at today's spot that's pretty much insane. Of course I know when I first stuck my foot into the on line silver buying arena circa 2007 I badly overpaid (by then prices) on several lots, until I sorted out what was what. I suspect most of these buyers are newbies who don't know what they are doing. It seems to happen like that when people get freaked about the markets and decide to act on their silver buying impulse for the first time.
IMO, this is the majority of buyers right now. I peruse WallStSilver at least once a day and there are many newbies who still buy ASEs regardless of the premium. They schedule these silver "raid" days and buy no matter where the spot price is at (IMO, this is foolish, but oh well). These types of buyers are supporting/bolstering the high premiums, the bullion dealers must love them.
Also, we cannot ignore very wealthy buyers. The high premium doesn't really bother them.
A few years ago I was buying sh*t loads of 90% from Apmex at $0.29-0.49 over spot. I even posted about it back then. They were practically giving it away. We probably won't see premiums that low again in our lifetimes.
Time is precious, stop wasting it.