Discussions pertaining to the investing in, collecting and saving of U.S. CuNi Nickels and Canadian Ni and CuNi Nickels, and other coins containing nickel. Put in your "5 cents" here.


Postby Know Common Cents » Wed Jan 26, 2011 11:16 pm

I've been saving bullion nix for many years. My daughter is in college now, but when she was very young, I taught her about saving nix, too. I made up a clever (?) name for the large plastic bucket I still use today for bulk nix (before bagging and storing).

I call the bucket "NOFTSON." That stands for Nickel Only For The Sake Of Nickel. Nothing collectible winds up in the NOFTSON bucket. Was fun to have my daughter come home from school or after being with friends saying, "Dad, I've got 2 more for the NOFTSON bucket." It's a word she remembered very well and couldn't
understand why everyone didn't have one in their house.
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Re: My NOFTSON Bucket

Postby justoneguy » Thu Jan 27, 2011 1:32 am

gotta love that.
it's so important to teach our kids about money.
+ how to have more of it than just from our jobs.
buy + sell, save, do side jobs.
the best part tho is just being involved in each others lives in a special way :D
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Re: My NOFTSON Bucket

Postby TXBullion » Thu Jan 27, 2011 9:59 am

Is it US Nickel or CAN Nickel?
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Re: My NOFTSON Bucket

Postby PreservingThePast » Sun Jan 30, 2011 4:37 pm

Know Common Cents wrote:I've been saving bullion nix for many years. My daughter is in college now, but when she was very young, I taught her about saving nix, too. I made up a clever (?) name for the large plastic bucket I still use today for bulk nix (before bagging and storing).

I call the bucket "NOFTSON." That stands for Nickel Only For The Sake Of Nickel. Nothing collectible winds up in the NOFTSON bucket. Was fun to have my daughter come home from school or after being with friends saying, "Dad, I've got 2 more for the NOFTSON bucket." It's a word she remembered very well and couldn't
understand why everyone didn't have one in their house.


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Re: My NOFTSON Bucket

Postby Recyclersteve » Thu Oct 10, 2019 11:13 am

Bump- old post, but still a great idea. I love reading stories like this.

But there could also be a SOFTSON bucket for silver. Of course, it would take a LONG time to fill.

And then there are those who might argue that the term applies to the boy that doesn’t play sports. :)
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Re: My NOFTSON Bucket

Postby Know Common Cents » Sun May 01, 2022 4:55 pm

Ha Ha! I completely forgot about the NOFTSON Bucket until I was reminded by my Daughter. She had several small bags of curious coins that she brought me from Alaska (where she lives now and is 33 years old!). Yup. I still have the NOFTSON Bucket, but a curious spider has completed an intricate web there. Looks like it may be abandoned, in fact.

Stay tuned. (I really forgot about that, but we'll see what develops.) Fun stuff.
"I don't know what I'm doin' but I'm sure havin' fun" Herman Munster

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Re: My NOFTSON Bucket

Postby Numis Pam » Tue May 03, 2022 12:55 pm

Awesome post. Was fun to read it again. :thumbup:
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Re: My NOFTSON Bucket

Postby Morsecode » Thu May 05, 2022 8:44 pm

That was good.

And the original was posted 2 weeks before I found realcent.

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