by Dr. Cadmium » Sat Mar 11, 2023 1:29 pm
I run a business that buys and sells electronic scrap. You are better off selling the material to a middleman like any other type of scrap than trying to process it yourself. Doing your own recovery is complicated, dangerous, and if you follow most of the guides you will find online, also illegal. The best way to process e-waste for metals is by tens of thousands of pounds at a time in a specialized facility.
One of my longtime catchphrases: "Copper makes people stupid, gold makes people re+arded." For years I've had to deal with people who think they're crafty or ingenius for making $0.10/hr while they're generating toxic waste and/or fumigating themselves. Just sell the material to a dealer and then find more scrap!
Also, FYI I pay more for CPUs and other items than boardsort does. If you ever want a quote on material send me a PM.