Sell or hold?

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Sell or hold?

Postby mr18 » Mon Mar 07, 2011 9:44 am

Like most of you, my investment in junk silver has appreciated. Dimes that were once 1.00 are now at 2.50, halves that were 7.00 are now at 12.50, quarters that were once 4.00 are now 6.00 etc. I need advice. Should i continue to hold on to my junk silver or sell to purchase gold? If so, should i buy slabbed or raw gold? Better quality Morgans maybe? Then the question would be where to purchase these higher end coins. All my silver has been acquired at flea markets and yard sales. Any reputable and affordable dealers on-line? I'm afraid local dealers would charge too much of a premium or is that normal with higher end silver coins? Your help is greatly appreciated.
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Re: Sell or hold?

Postby 97guns » Mon Mar 07, 2011 11:13 am

i say hold, everyone says silver will outpace gold this year. silver has been leading the way in my portfolio, then PD and gold bringing up the rear.
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Re: Sell or hold?

Postby Know Common Cents » Mon Mar 07, 2011 11:20 am

Once we hit the $36 mark, I started gathering up my silver culls. You know, the ones with dents, gouges, bent, mangled, with deep scratches and the like. Those melt like anything else and have zero collector value. That along with 4 sets of sterling cuff links I picked up at a rummage sale as well as some bent sterling spoons and a couple of forks are destined for the melting pot. No remorse for these to go. Everything else stays on board for the longer ride to the promised land.
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Re: Sell or hold?

Postby shinnosuke » Mon Mar 07, 2011 11:25 am

The more we buy and hoard, the higher the price goes...well, not just us realcenters, but the market in general. But there will always be people who, once they cross some pre-determined threshold, will sell for profits.
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Re: Sell or hold?

Postby Mossy » Mon Mar 07, 2011 1:57 pm

Go by the ratio. Look at historical ratios and decide what your trade point is. "Dollar" alone for one or the other is meaningless.
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Re: Sell or hold?

Postby misteroman » Mon Mar 07, 2011 2:02 pm

sell and buy real estate. all time lows and people will always need a place to live!
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Re: Sell or hold?

Postby whatsnext » Mon Mar 07, 2011 2:19 pm

The sell signs are coming like heavy rain. /---EDIT=Maybe not 'heavy" ,maybe just me getting ancy

-to much short term attention /--EDIT= maybe this good news for it, and will go long term.
-TV ="buy silver its going to 50-130 -They are not casting it aside anymore either.
-silver shooting up like a weed, might get cut /--EDIT---I'M WISHING ANYWAY

If the TV is telling you to buy, big guys might be selling some. /--EDIT Maybe it's just demand cant be ignored anymore and news people are just saving face.

I have heard that if you think its going to 50 sell at 40-45, waiting for the last 10% is a great way to miss the sellpoint.

Real estate can be a pain in the ass unless your getting middleground renters.
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Re: Sell or hold?

Postby DeanStockwell » Mon Mar 07, 2011 7:44 pm

gold/silver ratio is getting very low...that's a sign to swap silver for gold. I'd do a 75% swap; sell 3/4ths of silver and transfer into gold. Assuming of course you are allocated 50/50 between the two. Or even better, sink the 75% into a gold stock like Barrick Gold(ABX) if we see the correction.
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Re: Sell or hold?

Postby 68Camaro » Mon Mar 07, 2011 8:16 pm

If you sell you'd best have something else to put it into besides FRNs. Some commodity. Real estate. Household stockpiles (if you're not already reasonably ready for a disaster, you could spend several thousands there and it would be not only piece of mind, but with inflation here, even without a disaster, it's better than any CD or other instrument you can find). Whatever toots your horn, but something tangible, worthwhile, with value to you or people you know. Even gold, as suggested.

However, I just cashed out a bond account, and the plan with the proceeds is to buy more silver on a dip. Silver, the stuff you want to sell... is what I want to buy ;)
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Re: Sell or hold?

Postby IdahoCopper » Mon Mar 07, 2011 8:30 pm

If you have 9 to 12 months supply of stored food, then it is not yet time to sell silver. If your cupboards are bare...then take care of your essential needs, food.
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Re: Sell or hold?

Postby VWBEAMER » Mon Mar 07, 2011 8:39 pm

I would not sell unless it meets another goal, for example you can sell you hoard and pay off your mortgage.

The Gold/silver ratio has tighten to about 40-1, but historically it's been around 20-1, so silver has a way to go yet. I would wait to get closer to 20-1 if you are going to trade silver for gold.
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Re: Sell or hold?

Postby beauanderos » Mon Mar 07, 2011 9:24 pm

I'm still selling gold to buy more silver
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Re: Sell or hold?

Postby theo » Mon Mar 07, 2011 10:03 pm

I think the possibility of a 20% correction is definately there, however I can't imagine silver not challenging its old 1980 highs at the very least.
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Re: Sell or hold?

Postby neilgin1 » Mon Mar 07, 2011 10:13 pm

dont even think about selling. of course if you need to raise funds, get liquid...sure.

But these are not normal times, you pay an insurance company to insure your auto, or health. Think of silver as wealth insurance against the ravages of irresponsible fiat currency printing.

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Re: Sell or hold?

Postby Thogey » Mon Mar 07, 2011 10:19 pm

neilgin1 wrote:Brother,
dont even think about selling. of course if you need to raise funds, get liquid...sure.

But these are not normal times, you pay an insurance company to insure your auto, or health. Think of silver as wealth insurance against the ravages of irresponsible fiat currency printing.


Good to see you back. I've been woundering what your opinions are regarding the silver market.
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Re: Sell or hold?

Postby neilgin1 » Mon Mar 07, 2011 10:39 pm

thanks for the welcome back, its good to be back.

i posted in the 31-32-33 thread.

these minor corrections, ALL healthy for a bull market are trifles for anybody buying and holding.

first stop $70-80, then $125-150, then a spike to 250-350.

this world, as you know, is a very different, more dangerous place. Without being alarmist, we are in a for a very wild ride.

Keep your eye on Oman and Bahrain, as well as the Sa-udi Kingdom. Forget Libya, Qaddafi's done.

Oman is crucial.

Hoping you are well and healthy, neil
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Re: Sell or hold?

Postby mr18 » Mon Mar 07, 2011 11:57 pm

I thank you all for your input on this subject. I have been hoarding silver of all denominations for almost 7 months now, it seems I should hold on longer. I guess i got excited since my investment looks to have a great return thus far. It also sounds like I should have more silver than gold, truth be told I only own 3 1/10 oz gold eagles. Unfortunately, as of late it seems everyone is asking between 10-15% above what the value of silver on is on any given day. I still find great deals at antique flea markets, too bad they are only available on weekends. I just got introduced to Mexican silver, particularly the 1932 UN PESO and 1977-79 100 PESOS. All the us coins have been drying up. Any good tips on how to identify the fake Mexican silver coins is greatly appreciated.

Thank you all for all this valuable information!!!! :)
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Re: Sell or hold?

Postby aristobolus » Tue Mar 08, 2011 1:24 am

Oh to be 18 again!
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