Group Buy::: The RealCent Silver Mine

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Re: Group Buy::: The RealCent Silver Mine

Postby 999Ni » Thu Mar 10, 2011 10:52 pm

I think everybody is aware of the operational costs involved as well....

We could just take possession of the mine, and wait till silver goes "to the moon", then sell.
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Re: Group Buy::: The RealCent Silver Mine

Postby hejira11 » Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:01 pm

Lets just buy it. It's Idaho, if there is no silver we can always grow potatos! Did I spell the plural of potato correctly? I feel like Dan Quayle.
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Re: Group Buy::: The RealCent Silver Mine

Postby Rosco » Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:02 pm

I have helped Drill Coyote Holes an run a mucking bucket on a Gravel operation, Its work. A Gold operation I see in western NM is a sulfide show an that is different.
Share price at $500 might be a better starting point, I would be in for several an hope we can make it go as Prospect rather than a development property.
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Re: Group Buy::: The RealCent Silver Mine

Postby beauanderos » Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:13 pm

Let's get the property, then build a dual-purpose bunker retreat/barracks... just in case. I would be willing to relocate there... gotta be better than California :lol:
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Re: Group Buy::: The RealCent Silver Mine

Postby aloneibreak » Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:21 pm

ive been to central idaho

it is better than cali :)
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Re: Group Buy::: The RealCent Silver Mine

Postby Thogey » Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:23 pm

I've been to Rugby North Dakota

it is better than cali
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Re: Group Buy::: The RealCent Silver Mine

Postby aloneibreak » Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:28 pm

Thogey wrote:I've been to Rugby North Dakota

it is better than cali

yea this could go on and on :D
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Re: Group Buy::: The RealCent Silver Mine

Postby IdahoCopper » Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:42 pm

Here is a sat image with the patented claims in the area. The "x" is Herb's claims area.

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Re: Group Buy::: The RealCent Silver Mine

Postby tbram88 » Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:44 pm

This does sound like it might be a good opportunity, we should consider putting together some lists like: who is interested, level of interest, volunteers to research the survey, legalities and such.

If we can get some interested people to do some research we can come up with ideas on how to proceed.

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Re: Group Buy::: The RealCent Silver Mine

Postby argent_pur » Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:47 pm

At 500 bucks a share, I could probably convince my wife to go in for a few shares. Now then, what to call our corporation???

RCM Silver Corp. OR Average Joe Silver Mining, Inc. OR We Don't Know Jack About Mining Mining Co.
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Re: Group Buy::: The RealCent Silver Mine

Postby 999Ni » Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:48 pm

argent_pur wrote: We Don't Know Jack About Mining Mining Co.

I like it! :D
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Re: Group Buy::: The RealCent Silver Mine

Postby IdahoCopper » Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:53 pm

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Re: Group Buy::: The RealCent Silver Mine

Postby IdahoCopper » Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:00 am

Here is the MLS listing by the agent who is selling the mine for Herb: ... Report=Yes

Kevin Ordway is the agent.
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Re: Group Buy::: The RealCent Silver Mine

Postby 999Ni » Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:06 am

Incredible info, thanks.

I only skimmed thru the first .pdf file so far. What is "150 opt silver"? (pg.17)

I was an earth science teacher and have never heard of this before.
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Re: Group Buy::: The RealCent Silver Mine

Postby twentybux » Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:06 am

Why not just ask highroller to give us a loan. If we default he plants the Portland mint on the premises. :mrgreen:
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Re: Group Buy::: The RealCent Silver Mine

Postby beauanderos » Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:09 am

Moonshot Silver Mining, Forum Mining Company, Real Metals Mining :mrgreen:
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Re: Group Buy::: The RealCent Silver Mine

Postby IdahoCopper » Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:14 am

999Ni wrote:Incredible info, thanks.

I only skimmed thru the first .pdf file so far. What is "150 opt silver"? (pg.17)

I was an earth science teacher and have never heard of this before.

"150 opt silver" is 150 ounces silver, per ton of ore, i.e. "Ounces Per Ton"
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Re: Group Buy::: The RealCent Silver Mine

Postby barrytrot » Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:16 am

IdahoCopper wrote:
999Ni wrote:Incredible info, thanks.

I only skimmed thru the first .pdf file so far. What is "150 opt silver"? (pg.17)

I was an earth science teacher and have never heard of this before.

"150 opt silver" is 150 ounces silver, per ton of ore, i.e. "Ounces Per Ton"

Based on our hoarding tactics that means that just taking a ton of the ground yields a better price than copper cents currently :)

$5,250 per ton as opposed to the going rate for cents of $4,495.

We don't need to mine it, we just need to dig it up and take it home :)
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Re: Group Buy::: The RealCent Silver Mine

Postby beauanderos » Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:29 am

Hard Assets Holding Corporation :D
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Re: Group Buy::: The RealCent Silver Mine

Postby jtlee321 » Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:57 am

How much would he sell his driveway for? If it is paved with about 2500 oz silver. Maybe he would sell it for $10,000.00 and new gravel? :lol:
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Re: Group Buy::: The RealCent Silver Mine

Postby shinnosuke » Fri Mar 11, 2011 1:06 am

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It's a long way from Texas to Idaho, but I am very interested. Forming a corporation is the way to go. I just hope everyone realizes that we are not just talking about each of us buying X number of shares at $Y to purchase the land and suddenly we're rich. A whole lot of due diligence needs to happen before we could even make an offer. The DD should determine clear title for the land, if there are legal issues at county/state level, and even if ol' Herb owes any back taxes. We have to see records of how much silver has come out of the ground already and then interview other mines in the area to see if there is still some life left in the place. Personally, I would simply want to ask Herb why he doesn't just sell it to another mining company already familiar with the area. Or, why he doesn't just leave it to his children in his will.

Who is going to run the mine? How will we establish credit with suppliers? Who can make sure we hire an experienced crew that will work for the wages that we can pay them before we ever get a single ounce out of the ground or from midnight procurement raids to Herb's driveway? The group of London entrepreneurs who formed the Virginia Company sent a lot 0f ill-prepared settlers to Jamestown and to their death. We don't want to make the same sort of mistake, although much likely to be less lethal. We need money to make sure we do everything right. It takes money to make money.

Would it be possible to simply buy the land and let a neighboring mining company do the work on commission under the watchful inspection of IdahoCopper, for example?

What about the lead? Is there any money to be made from the mining of it?

And so on...
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Re: Group Buy::: The RealCent Silver Mine

Postby SteelCityCopper » Fri Mar 11, 2011 1:17 am

jtlee321 wrote:How much would he sell his driveway for? If it is paved with about 2500 oz silver. Maybe he would sell it for $10,000.00 and new gravel? :lol:

Yea no kiddin. No dynamite needed... but blowing stuff up is ohhh so fun. What's so difficult about mining? Grab a pick, a hat with a light on the top then go to town right? Seen it in movies all the time. :D
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Re: Group Buy::: The RealCent Silver Mine

Postby Tourney64 » Fri Mar 11, 2011 5:48 am

You can count me out. I know nothing about silver mining. I am too old to do something like that. The cost of the claim would just be part of the expense. You will need equipment, supplies, permits, travel expenses, etc., etc., etc..
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Re: Group Buy::: The RealCent Silver Mine

Postby 68Camaro » Fri Mar 11, 2011 6:35 am

For info gathering purposes, if someone, or a small group of someones, has the time and energy to work this and put together a serious proposal that makes sense, I'll buy in. Amount will depend on how well thought out it is. It will require incorporation, directors, shares, finance and accounting, D&O insurance, regular insurance, property maintenance, taxes, etc. That assumes the intent is to only hold and sell later. If the intent is to work it, that's a whole nuther level that I don't believe we can afford, but certainly willing to listen.

Otherwise, it's at least a fun thing to discuss... ;)
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Re: Group Buy::: The RealCent Silver Mine

Postby kagarise » Fri Mar 11, 2011 9:22 am

hmm i'd be interested this would be something to keep my eye on.
all else fails im tottaly fine with being sent to my death! :D
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