Made a teller think twice about her answer today...

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Made a teller think twice about her answer today...

Postby Pennybug » Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:03 pm

OK... so I went to some hole in the wall bank in Nowhere, GA and asked for $15 in pennies (all the cash I had)... she looked kinda mean/smurky at me and asked "do you have an account with us?"... I said "no... I'm new to the area and I'm shopping around for a new bank to open an account with." ;) which is not a lie since I just moved here. She then COMPLETELY changed her attitude and promptly handed me over her entire drawer of pennies! :D

Just food for thought... :)
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Re: Made a teller think twice about her answer today...

Postby Snake42 » Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:38 pm

I live in Georgia too and am always getting comments like that. It's not really winning hearts and minds in my opinion. Surely isn't making me want to open accounts with them. I usually give the same response and they still blow me off.
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Re: Made a teller think twice about her answer today...

Postby OtusLotus » Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:45 pm

Most of the branches I go to that tell me that I need to be a customer, I only go there once...

I once had the goal of opening an acct at every single bank, just so it didn't matter where I went..

But that would get too confusing for
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Re: Made a teller think twice about her answer today...

Postby Red King » Mon Mar 14, 2011 11:19 pm

OtusLotus wrote:Most of the branches I go to that tell me that I need to be a customer, I only go there once...

I once had the goal of opening an acct at every single bank, just so it didn't matter where I went..

But that would get too confusing for

It can be confusing of you let it. The trick is to keep money as minimal and stationary as possible. Here in GA, I opened up an acct w/ 3 different banks (the ones w/ the most branches of course). Then, just kept a small amount (- + $100) in each.

Unfortunately, the large oligarchs of the industry (Chase, BOA, Suntrust, WF) began a "policy" this year where either direct deposit or a 4-digit minimum must be maintained, or pay a fee every month. I promptly said "Good day to you" to 1 of those leaches, then transferred business to a small community bank.

Not to go off topic, but how asinine can a bank be to institute this "maintainance fee", when every dollar in every acct can be multiplied by 100 on a balance sheet, using the fractional reserve system? In other words, I am doing them the favor, then they demand a fee for the "privelage" of keeping their operation funded. :evil:
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Re: Made a teller think twice about her answer today...

Postby ed_vantage17 » Tue Mar 15, 2011 5:55 am

A quick way to get around the direct deposit problem is PayPal. Send money to PayPal from acc't A, then deposit same to acc't B. Repeat as needed.
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