America the Beautiful Coins $500 profit

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Re: America the Beautiful Coins $500 profit

Postby surething » Sat Mar 26, 2011 10:03 am

I am order # 1336 which was placed at 9:15AM. Sounds like they are going fast
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Re: America the Beautiful Coins $500 profit

Postby Rodebaugh » Sat Mar 26, 2011 11:47 am

surething wrote:I am order # 1336 which was placed at 9:15AM. Sounds like they are going fast

What time zone are you in?

Anyone else that has ordered post the time and order number and I should be able to generate a chart. And I know, my fellow realcenters love stats. :P
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Re: America the Beautiful Coins $500 profit

Postby AGCoinHunter » Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:01 pm

Doc for your stats, I was order 670 @ 4:25 PM yesterday.

Mailed payment out this AM via overnight usps.
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Re: America the Beautiful Coins $500 profit

Postby Treetop » Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:02 pm

623 at 2:16 mountain time
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Re: America the Beautiful Coins $500 profit

Postby Rodebaugh » Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:29 pm

AGCoinHunter wrote:Doc for your stats, I was order 670 @ 4:25 PM yesterday.

Mailed payment out this AM via overnight usps.

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Re: America the Beautiful Coins $500 profit

Postby Rodebaugh » Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:33 pm

Tourney64 wrote:Jack Hunt is one of 10 authorized dealers on the coins. He received 3,300 or the 33,000 minted. I ordered within 10 minutes of his announcing the availability and I was order 400.

What time did you place your order?
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Re: America the Beautiful Coins $500 profit

Postby AGCoinHunter » Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:34 pm

Rodebaugh wrote:
AGCoinHunter wrote:Doc for your stats, I was order 670 @ 4:25 PM yesterday.

Mailed payment out this AM via overnight usps.


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Re: America the Beautiful Coins $500 profit

Postby Diggin4copper » Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:35 pm

I have a set in hand for sale in the buy sell forum :D

(mod you can delete if this is against the rules)
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Re: America the Beautiful Coins $500 profit

Postby Tourney64 » Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:39 pm

#1562 @1:36 PM EST today. #400 @2:15 PM EST yesterday.
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Re: America the Beautiful Coins $500 profit

Postby panther » Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:47 pm

#1554 and #1561 for another person in a another household at 12:46 CT today
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Re: America the Beautiful Coins $500 profit

Postby jtlee321 » Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:52 pm

Rodebaugh wrote:
jtlee321 wrote:I ordered mine last night at around 11:30 PM Pacific Time and my order was #1269.

Justin I was # 883 @ 6:30 eastern (3:30pm pacific)

so......that makes 386 orders in 8 hrs....or about 50/hour.

assuming a steady rate of sales....((3300-1269)/50))= 40 @ 11:30 pac.....or about 33 hours left from right now until they are all sold out.

Rode you should change your screen name to Mr. Calculator.. LOL :lol:
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Re: America the Beautiful Coins $500 profit

Postby oober » Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:57 pm

Set ordered yesterday #744. Sent overnight payment this morning.
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Re: America the Beautiful Coins $500 profit

Postby Corsair » Sat Mar 26, 2011 1:05 pm

Devil's advocate here. Let's assume that Mr. Hunt is legit and you guys get your coins safely in two to six weeks. First, we don't know what the eBay market will be like in 14 to 42 days. Second, how many sets have been ordered by Realcent members just to resell? So, probably around the exact same time, dozens (if not hundreds) of sets are going to flood eBay. Supply and demand takes over from there, right?

This looked pretty good to me, but I'm with Eric. I'll sit this one out.
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Re: America the Beautiful Coins $500 profit

Postby Rodebaugh » Sat Mar 26, 2011 1:13 pm

Corsair wrote:Devil's advocate here. Let's assume that Mr. Hunt is legit and you guys get your coins safely in two to six weeks. First, we don't know what the eBay market will be like in 14 to 42 days. Second, how many sets have been ordered by Realcent members just to resell? So, probably around the exact same time, dozens (if not hundreds) of sets are going to flood eBay. Supply and demand takes over from there, right?

This looked pretty good to me, but I'm with Eric. I'll sit this one out.

Nope, 3-4 sets in; 1-2 out.....these are cheaper than ASEs.

Corsair, Do you not like BU USA issued silver at 70 cents above spot shipped to your door?

Quick someone check his pulse.
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Re: America the Beautiful Coins $500 profit

Postby Tourney64 » Sat Mar 26, 2011 1:24 pm

I only plan on selling one of my 2 sets like Rodebaugh. This is the 1st year in a multi-year release. They are releasing 33,000 nationally of the 2010 set. The 2011 set will have 100,000 released. The 1st year set will contnue to have demand as the years go on.
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Re: America the Beautiful Coins $500 profit

Postby byro007 » Sat Mar 26, 2011 1:29 pm

I am way in on this, I dont care what anyone says where else can you pick up silver from the us mint for .70 over? No where. And this deal is ligit. I already ordered 10 sets. And the price will continue to rise the longer you hold them. 33k is a super low mint for these. just my 2 cents
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Re: America the Beautiful Coins $500 profit

Postby Tourney64 » Sat Mar 26, 2011 1:41 pm

How did you order 10?
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Re: America the Beautiful Coins $500 profit

Postby blackrabbit » Sat Mar 26, 2011 1:42 pm

# 494 at 12:06 PM Pacific
# 985 at 4:59

If I had more money right now I'd get some more folks to help me order more!
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Re: America the Beautiful Coins $500 profit

Postby jtlee321 » Sat Mar 26, 2011 1:48 pm

Rodebaugh wrote:
Corsair wrote:Devil's advocate here. Let's assume that Mr. Hunt is legit and you guys get your coins safely in two to six weeks. First, we don't know what the eBay market will be like in 14 to 42 days. Second, how many sets have been ordered by Realcent members just to resell? So, probably around the exact same time, dozens (if not hundreds) of sets are going to flood eBay. Supply and demand takes over from there, right?

This looked pretty good to me, but I'm with Eric. I'll sit this one out.

Nope, 3-4 sets in; 1-2 out.....these are cheaper than ASEs.

Corsair, Do you not like BU USA issued silver at 70 cents above spot shipped to your door?

Quick someone check his pulse.

Rode I feel exactly the same way as you. I am jumping on this deal because A) they are only $.70 above spot per ounce (no brainer). B) I've been wanting a set of these for a long time now. C) these may flood eBay in the short term but within a year or so the prices are going to rise dramatically. I am going to hold these for the long run.
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Re: America the Beautiful Coins $500 profit

Postby Rodebaugh » Sat Mar 26, 2011 2:33 pm

So here we are so far.

at the time of this posting the hour is curently 27.5 on this chart. have less than 24hrs to get on the bus (assuming linear sales). ;)
chart1.png (11.23 KiB) Viewed 568 times
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Re: America the Beautiful Coins $500 profit

Postby inflationhawk » Sat Mar 26, 2011 2:36 pm

The APs are strictly enforcing the 1 per household limit. They may even cut ALL your orders if they see you tried to order more than one. They are not playing around with the Mint on this one. The US Mint has threatened to cut their ties with the APs and revoke their semi-exclusive status with the Mint if they violate the one per household rule. You are playing with fire if you attempt to circumvent.

As far as the market value standing up over time. There has been a steady decline in price for these sets on ebay. They started out selling at about 2400 a set (ungraded) in December. By the end of January they were down to about 1900, and now they are down to around 1400. With spot value being about $925 or so, and with the scarcity factor of these coins, I think the floor would be around 1250 or 1300, but if silver keeps going up so will the value of these coins. I'm holding this set personally, along with 2 others I have purchased from different APs.
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Re: America the Beautiful Coins $500 profit

Postby inflationhawk » Sat Mar 26, 2011 2:45 pm

Read this section from the link provided yesterday: ... tion-0572/

For authorized purchasers who acknowledge and agree to the terms of distribution for the America the Beautiful Silver Bullion Coins, the US Mint has reserved the right “to examine and audit all of the Authorized Purchaser’s books, records, documents, and other data to ensure that they have complied with the terms and conditions herein. Violation of any one of the above outlined terms and conditions may be grounds for suspension or permanent removal from the United States Mint’s Authorized Purchaser distribution network.”
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Re: America the Beautiful Coins $500 profit

Postby Treetop » Sat Mar 26, 2011 2:48 pm

Im going to trade my set for ASEs. I was going to have my mom in another state do it for me, but she refused.... :( :lol:
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Re: America the Beautiful Coins $500 profit

Postby LostCents » Sat Mar 26, 2011 3:25 pm

Currently, these coins are being released by a few of the dealers right now and soon.

April 2nd:

As of the 11th on this month (probably sold out?):

As of yesterday:

Today on ebay:
(100 sets sold fast, next hundred is going fast...probably a lot more)

So, in my opinion, the 'quick flip' idea on ebay or other outlets should see a very fast drop in price because
of thousands of sets that will immediately flood the market.
Just look here:
Almost all arrows pointing down.

But, in the longer run (2-3 months, 1 year, 10 years, etc) it should come back up.
Unless people just write this set off as a joke and aren't willing to pay a high premium
and/or the silver spot price drops dramatically.
So, if you have been looking to purchase bullion at today's price, this it a great deal for you.
But, if you are looking at it in terms of an investment, then it is all just speculation.

Either way, I was unfamiliar with this set and it has been quite fun learning about them
and all the commotion surrounding these coins....I'm in for (1) set.
At least for a piece of history and a little fun. Worst case scenario, silver drop and no one wants
these coins. No problem, they will still have bullion value at the daily rate.
A little bit of risk but it will be well worth it for the fun of holding a set and watching how this all plays out :)
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Re: America the Beautiful Coins $500 profit

Postby Corsair » Sat Mar 26, 2011 3:28 pm

LostCents is exactly right. Just look at this listing here:

Set for $1025 shipped

After Mr. Rebates and eBay Bucks, you're paying just a little above the $949 this guy wants. Good luck flipping these, guys.
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