ed_vantage17 wrote:I've always gotten 28%-32% before but nothing this good.
timmus0382 wrote:You can only get 4 per week now? What were you getting before that? My best bank gives me 10 per week, I wonder if that is going to be short lived. I guess it depends on the delivery guy and how long he can deal with lugging in all my boxes from his truck.
Morsecode wrote:TD Bank says I need to open a commercial account if I want any more coin. So that's what I plan on doing tomorrow. Conjure up a business name, make a one time minimum deposit, and get the all important acct number.
Morsecode wrote:TD Bank says I need to open a commercial account if I want any more coin. So that's what I plan on doing tomorrow. Conjure up a business name, make a one time minimum deposit, and get the all important acct number.
HoardCopperByTheTon wrote: Some of us slide wildly up and down the scale from week to week depending on how busy we are with other things.
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