I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the same

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I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the same

Postby goldteam » Sat Apr 16, 2011 6:22 am

the same time

I just got a ryedale and I love the machine. If you are reading this Andy, I love that machine.

Anyway, I asked my bank if I could purchase a large amount of pennies at once and the guy I asked said it shouldn't be a problem. I've known this guy for years and he asked what I was doing with the coins and I told him. I said I pull the coppers ones out. THAT WAS A BIG MISTAKE. I learned a lesson here. I knew I should never say that but just kind of let it slip, because this guy seems cool.

Anyway, he said I could call him back to verify in a couple of days. Well I called and called and called and got no answer. So I stop in and he walks over to me looking down and says, "What you are doing is illegal." I say "what?"

He says melting the pennies is illegal....."I'm not melting pennies".........."Well, you are taking the copper out"........."but I'm not melting them, I'm just pulling the copper ones out of the bag, you are not understanding what I am doing, it's just like people pulling out the wheat cents, or pulling out silver coins"........"Well, we won’t be selling any to you."

So I demand the phone number of the person who made the call on this. After numerous times of trying to contact her, she instantly says what I am doing is illegal. I start by telling her what I am doing is perfectly legal, and I am not very happy that you told that teller what I am doing is illegal. They did think I was melting them so I was ok at this point. After about 30 seconds of talking with her, she says can you hold.

I then am transferred to the top guy. He says what I am doing is illegal. I then tell him that if what I am doing is illegal you are a softie because you should have contacted law enforcement by now. That upped the ante a little. After talking with him he then realizes what I am doing and apologizes for saying it is illegal. So he changes his tune from calling it illegal to calling it unethical. I thought once I told him I was just sorting it would be no problem. He tells me his banks will not be participating in this unethical behavior, and they will not be selling me anymore coins.

I then asked him if he knows of any customers who sort coins and he said yes. I said that is what I am doing. He is getting pissed as I box him in. He still will not be allowing me to purchase pennies. I am relating it to anything and everything. I asked him if he found a silver coin, would he keep it. He says, "YES". I tell him I am finding copper coins and keeping them. He says purchasing them like I am is different, and it's unethical in his eyes.

I told him that sitting on his fat ass and giving me a loan for $200,000 when he all he does is nothing and I have to pay back 500,000 is actually the definition of unethical. That upped the ante even more. He was pissed and so was I.

In between this time I actually got called into my hometown bank (I live near a small town). I had no idea what that was about. This fool had actually called my hometown bank and told them I was doing wrong. I spent 30 minutes trying to clear that up. These are hometown classmates and a few friends of mine that work in this bank.

Anyway, I demanded an apology from this guy, and he actually gave it to me. I told him you will contact everyone that you emailed or phoned about me saying I was doing illegal activity, and you will take care of this. He said that he would.

I am still pissed. And no, I will not be pulling out of this bank, because it's right next to where I live. I am not going to let one fool make me drive extra all the time.

But in a nutshell, I am being unethical for pulling out coppers. :lol:

I had already opened a Wells Fargo account, which is a different bank, so I will still get pennies, just not as many.

Rest assured though, as pissed as I was about all of this, HAD I KEPT MY BIG MOUTH SHUT, NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED. It's really a lesson in keeping your dam mouth shut.

Don’t really say anything is the key. I know you know that, but I'm just reinforcing it.
Last edited by goldteam on Sat Apr 16, 2011 1:48 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the s

Postby goldteam » Sat Apr 16, 2011 6:29 am

sorry i double posted this ......i had some spelling errors and somehow posted it twice.....my apologies
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Re: I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the s

Postby Copper Catcher » Sat Apr 16, 2011 6:55 am

I deleted the other post for you... no problem.
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Re: I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the s

Postby barrytrot » Sat Apr 16, 2011 7:15 am

Hm, this is interesting.

You may have a legal case against the person that called the other bank and told them you were committing a crime.

It is slander to accuse someone of a crime. Your character DEFINITELY takes a hit when that happens! Unless your crime is cool, like "mafia style". :)

Your odds of ever actually winning the case due to the selective nature of the court system aren't great, but if you had time on your hands it would probably be a lot more hassle for them than the hassle they caused you.

That's probably why he was quick to apologize. He royally messed up and he's in a slight panic.
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Re: I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the s

Postby NDFarmer » Sat Apr 16, 2011 7:25 am

I usually go by the don't ask don't tell policy. If they don't ask I just don't tell them the whole truth I just say I am searching for wheat pennies. Which is true I do search for wheat pennies. I just "forget" to tell them that I also pull out all the coppers. What we are doing is definitely not illegal or unethical.
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Re: I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the s

Postby Morsecode » Sat Apr 16, 2011 7:50 am

A banker lecturing you on ethics...Classic.

You own his ass now. Send him a letter outlining your possible legal remedies for slandering your good name, etc. Then, get ready to be greeted forever more at the bank with, "How many bags will you be needing today, sir?"

God, I wish that would happen to me. The fun I could have with that.
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Re: I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the s

Postby Kurr » Sat Apr 16, 2011 9:35 am

defamation [ˌdɛfəˈmeɪʃən]
1. (Law) Law the injuring of a person's good name or reputation Compare libel, slander
2. (Law) the act of defaming or state of being defamed

li·bel (lbl)
a. A false publication, as in writing, print, signs, or pictures, that damages a person's reputation.
b. The act of presenting such material to the public.
2. The written claims presented by a plaintiff in an action at admiralty law or to an ecclesiastical court.
tr.v. li·beled or li·belled, li·bel·ing or li·bel·ling, li·bels
To publish a libel about (a person). See Synonyms at malign.

slan·der (slndr)
1. Law Oral communication of false statements injurious to a person's reputation.
2. A false and malicious statement or report about someone.
v. slan·dered, slan·der·ing, slan·ders
To utter a slander about. See Synonyms at malign.

ma·lign (m-ln)
tr.v. ma·ligned, ma·lign·ing, ma·ligns
To make evil, harmful, and often untrue statements about; speak evil of.
1. Evil in disposition, nature, or intent.
2. Evil in influence; injurious.
3. Having or showing malice or ill will; malevolent.

Eat em up. I am honest and tell them what I do as well. I have had a branch inform every branch in the district about me, and changed the policy to "we do not sell any coin to individuals in any amounts anymore, businesses only" at every branch within driving distance I could find for that company. That did not last very long let me tell you, ha ha ha. That was back in 09 when the 4 designs were HOT and I was looking for the railsplitters.

Other banks I deal with think I'm some kind of eccentric mild genius for having the insight to do this and JPM opening a copper ETF just proves my point to them.

You get BIG POINTS for speaking "truth to power" in bringing up that they create money out of THIN AIR, make you put up physical COLLATERAL for the imaginary money, loan it to you, then have the stones to charge you interest.

Good on ya. YOU did not screw up. You are well within your rights, and Greshams Law is an established economic phenomonon.

Good luck brother, you have an oppertunity.
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Re: I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the s

Postby fb101 » Sat Apr 16, 2011 9:40 am

reagarding this;
"This fool had actually called my hometown bank and told them I was doing wrong. "

If it was me, I would accept nothing, not even an apology, until I talked to a lawyer.
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Re: I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the s

Postby Corsair » Sat Apr 16, 2011 9:47 am

I agree with the guys. By accusing you of a crime, and then passing that information around to other banks, they broke a law and damaged your character. I'm pretty sure Aggressive Metal has a law degree. I'd talk to him, have him write you up a letter, and present that to the manager of your bank, from "your personal lawyer." You'd have them kissing your feet.
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Re: I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the s

Postby VWBEAMER » Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:13 am

You copper hoarders really p' me off, makes it hard for me to get pennies for my 4 little kids that like to look at them to get the wheat pennies out of..... :P

Joke, yea, when they ask me I just mumble, but I did talk to it with one teller, but she was all into silver and I told her I was saving copper. She thought it was a good idea.

The rest of them just think I'm weird, I tell them I'm looking for wheat pennies and stuff.

Valuable story, and lesson for the rest of us, thanks for sharing. :) .
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Re: I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the s

Postby andrewjackson » Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:45 am

8-). I use the don't tell, don't tell policy. When asked, I reply by sharing the fact that I am searching for Indian head cents with my daughter. As far as unethical, the banks ought to do some self examination! They are still robbing everyone blind, even after they received the taxpayer provided bailout. Don't let them give you a class on ethics!!!
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Re: I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the s

Postby Economist » Sat Apr 16, 2011 11:05 am

Yes Yes Yes-- reveal as little as possible, while still being nice, agreeable, happy, and nice. The farthest I'll go is to tell the folks at the bank I'm a collector. This is most certainly true- I have been collecting coins since I was 10 or so. If the tellers push back a little, I tell the usual wheats/ steels/ errors story. But never copper- you don't want to even risk poisoning the well.
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Re: I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the s

Postby tinhorn » Sat Apr 16, 2011 12:24 pm

goldteam wrote:I told him that sitting on his fat ass and giving me a loan for $200,000 when he all he does is nothing and I have to pay back 500,000 is actually the definition of unethical. That upped the ante even more.

Hahahahahahaha! Priceless!

I tell 'em I like to pick out the OLD ones. Lotsa tellers, I bet, have no idea what a wheat or Indian Head is.
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Re: I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the s

Postby goldteam » Sat Apr 16, 2011 1:44 pm

I wish I would have kept my mouth shut about what I was doing with them.

I won't be suing........I told them I was pulling out the copper, which was a poor choice of words. They took it literally.

I just thought you guys would get a kick out it. They told me I was unethical. :lol:

Moral of the story is don't share what you are doing.
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Re: I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the s

Postby Pennybug » Sat Apr 16, 2011 2:41 pm

One thing I learned EARLY on into this whole thing:

NEVER say two words in a bank: #1 - Copper and #2 - Silver

NEVER say those words! I ALWAYS say that I'm just looking for old coins for my collection. PERIOD. NO MATTER how big the order I'm shooting for. Not picken on you or anything... just some freindly advice. This paid off yesterday too... had a teller hand me a 57 quarter and 4 Ikes for face! She said "found these... I know there old and I thought you may be interested"... YEP! And even if I did not collect the Ikes... I'd take EVERYTHING she had! DON'T tip them off onto what is really valuable and what isn't.

As for the Legal matters... I'd be looking for the bank presidents phone # Monday morning myself. I'd inform him of how you were treated and that you will no longer be conducting business with them as well as seeking legal council on this matter. See what happens next!

Sorry to hear of your troubles! And yes... you got the moral of the story right! It's all in wording!
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Re: I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the s

Postby Market Harmony » Sat Apr 16, 2011 3:12 pm



You have been given your name, but, it is up to you to make that name. If someone defames that name, then ATTACK.

I certainly would... someone comes after me, my kin, or my company, they are going to regret it.

And I am certainly not the type to lawyer up at first inclination, but something like this is too important to "let slide"

If you proceed in this manner, that guy will most likely lose his job. Keep that in mind.
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Re: I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the s

Postby goldteam » Sat Apr 16, 2011 4:14 pm

Pennybug wrote:One thing I learned EARLY on into this whole thing:

NEVER say two words in a bank: #1 - Copper and #2 - Silver

NEVER say those words! I ALWAYS say that I'm just looking for old coins for my collection. PERIOD. NO MATTER how big the order I'm shooting for. Not picken on you or anything... just some freindly advice. This paid off yesterday too... had a teller hand me a 57 quarter and 4 Ikes for face! She said "found these... I know there old and I thought you may be interested"... YEP! And even if I did not collect the Ikes... I'd take EVERYTHING she had! DON'T tip them off onto what is really valuable and what isn't.

As for the Legal matters... I'd be looking for the bank presidents phone # Monday morning myself. I'd inform him of how you were treated and that you will no longer be conducting business with them as well as seeking legal council on this matter. See what happens next!

Sorry to hear of your troubles! And yes... you got the moral of the story right! It's all in wording!

I already knew this and that's why I am saying WHY DID I OPEN MY BIG FAT MOUTH.....as pissed as I was at these other people, it's mostly on me
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Re: I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the s

Postby goldteam » Sat Apr 16, 2011 4:17 pm

Market Harmony wrote:.


You have been given your name, but, it is up to you to make that name. If someone defames that name, then ATTACK.

I certainly would... someone comes after me, my kin, or my company, they are going to regret it.

And I am certainly not the type to lawyer up at first inclination, but something like this is too important to "let slide"

If you proceed in this manner, that guy will most likely lose his job. Keep that in mind.

the guy legitimately thought I was melting copper........I don't like what that he called my bank.......but I think he was kind of going to have my bank talk to me and convince me to quit before I get in trouble
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Re: I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the s

Postby Common Cents » Sat Apr 16, 2011 4:53 pm

Loose lips sink ships. I go by the same rules as Pennybug mentioned, never mentioning the metal as my end target. I say I'm a collector, and that is true. They don't need to know specifically what I collect. If the teller is especially inquisitive, I'll admit to searching for wheat pennies to placate their curiosity. But I've learned to say as little as possible. Good advice for dealing with banks and cops!
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Re: I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the s

Postby NiBullionCu » Sat Apr 16, 2011 5:06 pm

Looks like you found your Dump bank... :twisted:
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Re: I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the s

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Sat Apr 16, 2011 5:41 pm

goldteam wrote:I wish I would have kept my mouth shut about what I was doing with them.

I won't be suing........I told them I was pulling out the copper, which was a poor choice of words. They took it literally.

I just thought you guys would get a kick out it. They told me I was unethical. :lol:

Moral of the story is don't share what you are doing.

They have defamed your character. Given this has been done in the banking industry, there could be irreparable harm to your good name. This could effect you years from now when it comes time to talk to a banker about loans needed for your "pursuit of happiness".

Take some time and find a very reputable lawyer. You will be very surprised what a good lawyer can do with a simple little "demand" letter. ;) Seriously, banks cannot just go around talking smack about people like that. They are licensed and regulated by the federal government for many good reasons. Defamation being one of them.

By defending your good character, you will do much to establish your good name within the community.
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Re: I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the s

Postby Thogey » Sat Apr 16, 2011 7:12 pm

OK, I'm going to disagree with some of my good friends here by using sarcasm:

Yea call a lawyer! That' just what this country needs is someone who is perfectly able to handle this situation to call a BLOODSUCKING lawyer.

What's with all this 'lawyer' crap?

The bank will get bigger lawyers who will find penny hoarding to be illegal, or at least find an excuse to legally oblige banks NOT to handle cents.

Remember: when it comes to the law , nothing is 'understood'

Just inform the guy that he's an idiot and HE is the unethical one by slandering you all around town.

You know I love you guys but enough with the lawyer crap. It's just as bad as the advice I gave that kid to bust those blue IKES out of the mint packs.
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Re: I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the s

Postby barrytrot » Sat Apr 16, 2011 7:21 pm

Thogey wrote:OK, I'm going to disagree with some of my good friends here by using sarcasm:

Yea call a lawyer! That' just what this country needs is someone who is perfectly able to handle this situation to call a BLOODSUCKING lawyer.

What's with all this 'lawyer' crap?

The bank will get bigger lawyers who will find penny hoarding to be illegal, or at least find an excuse to legally oblige banks NOT to handle cents.

Remember: when it comes to the law , nothing is 'understood'

Just inform the guy that he's an idiot and HE is the unethical one by slandering you all around town.

You know I love you guys but enough with the lawyer crap. It's just as bad as the advice I gave that kid to bust those blue IKES out of the mint packs.

Actually you are way wrong on the "bigger lawyers" thing. The "biggest lawyers" are those that have time on their hands. The guy that would represent "goldteam" (for free until settlement) would have a ton of time compared to the bank's lawyers. And it would be worth WAY MORE to the "goldteam" team than to the bank.

The bank would be hard pressed to find a better solution than firing the manager and writing "goldteam" a reasonable check for his troubles.

These nuisance law suits are 100% of the business of many VERY successful firms.

And they would love a case like this with super deep pockets and a VERY LEGITIMATE case of SLANDER.
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Re: I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the s

Postby Thogey » Sat Apr 16, 2011 7:22 pm

Barry, you just made my point.
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Re: I screwed up royally but then had to get pissed at the s

Postby Corsair » Sat Apr 16, 2011 7:23 pm

Thogey wrote:Barry, you just made my point.

Then I don't understand your point.

No one likes frivolous lawsuits. But goldteam was slandered throughout his town. That is illegal and totally inappropriate.
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