I have a pretty cool wife

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I have a pretty cool wife

Postby rexmerdinus » Wed Apr 20, 2011 1:01 am

She tolerates my copper and silver hobby--wish it was more than a hobby, but my hoard is still tiny--and she even helps a little now and then by sorting her change drawer when she's bored at work. One of her best moments by far, however, happened this afternoon. I'm a small-time licensed firearms dealer (another hobby she tolerates!), and when I was unpacking my brand new .450 Bushmaster delivered today courtesy of UPS, her reaction was "Whoa, cool!"

Of course, I haven't mentioned how much the optic or the ammo is going to cost. We'll leave those for another day!
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Re: I have a pretty cool wife

Postby shinnosuke » Wed Apr 20, 2011 2:26 am

Wow, she's a keeper. After you get it zero'd in, post pictures of your targets. Going after some feral hogs?
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