2500 cents and not a single...

Forum for discussing any topic related to investing in, collecting and saving US, Canadian, UK, and other Copper Bullion Pennies for their metal content.

2500 cents and not a single...

Postby Number21 » Thu Apr 21, 2011 2:04 am

1982. What the heck? I just went through $25 in CWRs. I save the '82s seperately until I have a machine to check them for copper. Seems to be one of the most common years. I didn't get another sorter's dump, because I found a couple wheats, some canadians, and plenty of copper. Lots of 81s and 83s even. The teller at the bank had to run around looking for rolls just to give me $25, apparently the Brinks truck just left. What happened to all the 82s? :lol: Is there some other collectible value out there I'm not aware of? :roll:
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Re: 2500 cents and not a single...

Postby anarchir » Thu Apr 21, 2011 2:47 am

Hm. I get plenty. I set them aside and then when I have a big enough pile I bounce them off of the back of a plate and sort them by sound. Its real easy once you figure out to listen for the high pitched ring.
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Re: 2500 cents and not a single...

Postby pennypicker » Thu Apr 21, 2011 3:35 pm

If memory serves me 1982 has the largest mintage of any 95% copper year so you will get a lot of them. I accumulate 50 to 75 from each $25 string box and weigh each one at the end of the day. My copper rate on 82s is a dismal 40% though. :o
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