luck is opportunity meets preparation

This forum is for discussing hunting and collecting US and Canadian circulation Silver Bullion Coins, other types of minted bullion, and other types of precious and base metal investments other than Bullion Pennies and Nickels.

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luck is opportunity meets preparation

Postby fusscharles » Sat Apr 23, 2011 9:43 am

Walked into the bank yesterday, and I being next in line, noticed a teller flag down a customer, who met the teller at the end of the teller "bar". The teller handed the customer a bag of coins... I immediately notice large coins in the bag. The teller and him talked quietly, as he examined the coins. From my distance, it looked like around $50 face of different coins, and when the customer was done looking at the coins, gave the bag back to the teller.

When the customer left, I was completing my transaction at the same time the "line" was lessening. I stepped to the teller and asked her what she was doing with the coins, and went into a story about how her mother left her a bunch of coins, and she had been checking around to see what they were worth. I told her I knew a little about coins, but if there was something in there decent, I was ready to buy. To my surprise, she handed me the bag and let me go through it in the middle of a friday afternoon rush shift, while I held up the line I sorted a ton of Ike's and post 64 coins, until I got to the meat:

1 1986 Eagle
3 Morgans and Peace (common dates)
2 Halves (pre 64)
1 1965 Half
9 Quarters (pre 64)
1 Slick Morgan (no date)
4 dimes (pre 64)

I quickly did some math in my head and ended throwing out some numbers on each coin... she took notes and said she would call me monday. I left the bank thinking I will never hear from her again. Later last night, she called me and left a vm, to see if I could meet her tonite. I smiled, called her back and asked if the price was right, and she agreed that $230 was great for her.

We did the transaction at a McDonald's at 10:30 pm last night. Price-wise, I felt this was fair for both parties, and my Karma is still clean.....
Oh and it turns out, the fellow who was looking at the coins, was a friend of hers who, "knew" about coins, I did not pry into specifics, but he probably gave her a dollar offer that was clearly less than what I was willing to pay.
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Re: luck is opportunity meets preparation

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Sat Apr 23, 2011 10:30 am

Awesome score! You are right, luck is being prepared to act when opportunity presents itself. Lucky you!! :D

And I won't even touch the part where she met you at 10:30 at night! You might have gotten lucky another way, too! :lol:
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