First $25 box

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First $25 box

Postby sigs1000 » Wed Apr 27, 2011 2:25 pm

After a few weeks snooping around here I finally broke down and got my first $25 box. They were all CWR. I scored about 50% copper, 3 wheats 48, 56, 57, 5 canadian cents, 1 1970s, 1 1972s and 8 total 2009. Also found 1 dime. I'm Hooked!!!!! Wife thinks I'm crazy :roll:
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Re: First $25 box

Postby shinnosuke » Wed Apr 27, 2011 2:57 pm

sigs1000 wrote:After a few weeks snooping around here I finally broke down and got my first $25 box. They were all CWR. I scored about 50% copper, 3 wheats 48, 56, 57, 5 canadian cents, 1 1970s, 1 1972s and 8 total 2009. Also found 1 dime. I'm Hooked!!!!! Wife thinks I'm crazy :roll:

Welcome and congrats on some great finds.

As for the issues with the spousal unit, welcome to the club.

By the way, for all you guys always salivating over 2009 pennies, make me an offer via PM. I find quite a few in my boxes and would be glad to sell some zincs for more than fv plus shipping.
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Re: First $25 box

Postby NDFarmer » Wed Apr 27, 2011 3:13 pm

sigs1000 wrote:Wife thinks I'm crazy :roll:

Welcome to the club. Mine wants to have me committed. :lol:
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Re: First $25 box

Postby timmus0382 » Wed Apr 27, 2011 3:22 pm

My girlfriends family came to visit her at our house this past weekend while I was visiting my parents for easter. A word of advice, cover our hide your stash before you have guests. She told me they went into my "office room" and saw my hoard of 25 dollar boxes all neatly stacked all one hundred and something of them. She told them I was a cooper collector and now her whole family thinks I'm nuts. oh yeah and they saw my hoard of food and prep stuff. Maybe instead of thinking I'm crazy they should be happy that at least someone is looking out for the well being of the daughter.
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Re: First $25 box

Postby Kurr » Wed Apr 27, 2011 3:33 pm

Welcome to the board.

I remember my first box. I had to save to get it, because we were always so tight that $25 pocket money was unheard of. I remeber the nervousness of asking for that first one.

Several years later, I still sort, and sell, and have used it to bootstrap A&M Fine Metals and just started silver smithing. I finished my first .999 Silver Rose today about an hour ago, and have a real nice indian/wheat/cent collection/s

Again welcome to the forum brother, I hope copper will be as good to you as it has been to me! :D So very very much to learn on this board.
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Re: First $25 box

Postby NotABigDeal » Wed Apr 27, 2011 5:47 pm

sigs1000 wrote:After a few weeks snooping around here I finally broke down and got my first $25 box. They were all CWR. I scored about 50% copper, 3 wheats 48, 56, 57, 5 canadian cents, 1 1970s, 1 1972s and 8 total 2009. Also found 1 dime. I'm Hooked!!!!! Wife thinks I'm crazy :roll:

The addiction only gets worse. One day your wife will thank you for your preparedness. If you like the dimes and other goodies, try and get bags. No rolls to open and they usually contain more goodies than boxes. Better percentages too. I'm running a bag now that is runnnig 50% CU. I average 30% or better. Can't complain. Keep upi the searches.


p.s. You said they were all CWR's. All rolled by hand in the box? Not machine wrapped? Was the box taped/glued?
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Re: First $25 box

Postby pennypicker » Wed Apr 27, 2011 7:07 pm

sigs1000 wrote:After a few weeks snooping around here I finally broke down and got my first $25 box. They were all CWR. I scored about 50% copper, 3 wheats 48, 56, 57, 5 canadian cents, 1 1970s, 1 1972s and 8 total 2009. Also found 1 dime. I'm Hooked!!!!! Wife thinks I'm crazy :roll:

Geez, where do you guys find these "loaded" boxes. If I could find boxes like that I would never leave the house.

Seriously though, welcome to the boards and cherish that first box--they don't come around like that very often. :D
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Re: First $25 box

Postby rickygee » Wed Apr 27, 2011 7:43 pm

sigs1000 wrote: Wife thinks I'm crazy :roll:

Trust me on this one sigs, she thought you were crazy long before the copper mining and wheat harvesting!!! You just corroborated her feelings! :lol:
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Re: First $25 box

Postby TheJonasCollegeFund » Wed Apr 27, 2011 8:44 pm

sigs1000 wrote:After a few weeks snooping around here I finally broke down and got my first $25 box. They were all CWR. I scored about 50% copper, 3 wheats 48, 56, 57, 5 canadian cents, 1 1970s, 1 1972s and 8 total 2009. Also found 1 dime. I'm Hooked!!!!! Wife thinks I'm crazy :roll:

Wife is right...but it's OK. There's a great big support group here!

Welcome home!
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Re: First $25 box

Postby HoardCopperByTheTon » Thu Apr 28, 2011 12:14 am

Welcome to our support group sigs. Tell her you found a group of guys and gals that are even crazier than you. :mrgreen:
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Re: First $25 box

Postby sparechange » Thu Apr 28, 2011 4:01 pm

Welcome to the board!! Just remember--the more you stack & read this forum, the crazier you will become. Beware! :shock:
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Re: First $25 box

Postby nero12345 » Sun May 01, 2011 11:52 pm

Tell her to find a hobby that you can return at any time and get all your money back. You'll never look at change the same way ever again. Welcome and happy sorting
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