not sure if all of you know about this site and I hope I am not violating any rules trying to help the members here save money. those that are not familiar with this site, its a cash back program that pays you a % back of money you spent shopping online. sites included are walmart, home depot, bestbuy, ebay etc. Ebay is especially important to people like us who buy gold or silver off ebay. Current you get 36% of listing and closing cost (that seller pays ebay) back for each purchase you make. So if you buy 10 silver eagles for $500 on ebay and the seller pays ebay $36 in fees, you will roughly get refunded back to you $12. I know some of you spend a lot on here, so your earning back potential is limitless. The site is free to join and they pay you once a month via paypal. purchases you make in january, you get paid in march and so on. Here is a screen shot of some of my ebay purchases and the cash back i got for each auction.
once you register for the site (free) and you know you are going to shop online, simply go to the above link and search for the website you will be shopping at, it will pull up a link and take you directly to the site and track what you purchase and credit your account within around 24 hours of you making a purchase.
like i said I hope this helps some of you save cash and lower your overall cost. If this violates some rule, please let me know.