... Itemid=130 "the $50/oz mark is of enormous importance to them, because it is the last time that their manipulation operations will be aided by any technical “resistance”. The reason that this current attack is as extreme as the banksters could possibly conjure up is that they are desperate to create the appearance of a “crash” as silver approached the $50/oz mark." "As I’ve pointed out many times in the past, “technical analysis” is 100% meaningless in manipulated markets. All technical analysis is based on a very long list of assumptions, starting with “free and open markets”.
Could Da Boyz have intentionally laid off manipulating silver on its recent record run-up in order to allow the appearance of a parabolic surge... thus making it that much more plausible that a correction was overdue, so as not to arouse the suspicions of a public that still believes in free markets when they again engineered the price lower?