1909 Vdb

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1909 Vdb

Postby Chief » Mon May 09, 2011 10:51 pm

I have a friend at work who told me that he has 1909-1940 Lincoln cents. I gave him a list of the most valuable ones (1909-s vdb, 1914-d. 1922 no-d, 1931-s) and today he told me that he has all of them. He said that he has 3 1909-2 vdb's. Tomorrow I am going to offer him $500 cash for 2 of his 3 1909-s vdb's. I really want them. I've seen on ebay that they are going of $900 each at least. Wish me luck.
By the way, today I told him $100 for one of the 1909-s vdb's and he said I might give it to you, so I an excited for this.
Do you think $500 will bring home 2 1909-s vbd's? I sure hope so. Cash talks, and I have $500 in 20's and 50's. I want those two pennies for $500. This deal would make my decade.
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Re: 1909 Vdb

Postby realfoot » Tue May 10, 2011 5:17 am

kind of hard to believe.i could see maybe one in poor condition but 2 ? why wouldn"t he sell on the bay ? does he not know what they are worth ? if he is in hard times then maybe i"ll believe 1 for $500.00.make sure they are not fakes.the chicoms are really good at faking the high end coins.good luck.
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Re: 1909 Vdb

Postby justoneguy » Tue May 10, 2011 9:54 am

Also, make sure you are buying "S" vdb coins.
the 1909 without the s mintmark are only $5-$20 dollars
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Re: 1909 Vdb

Postby AGCoinHunter » Tue May 10, 2011 10:34 am

How did he come across these coins? Lots of fakes out there and I mean lots. You better know what you are looking at before you sink any money into them. Raw specimens of these coins are quite rare and if they are raw there is most likely a reason. I would also question how good of a friend you are paying $500 for 2 coins that in their worst shape are each valued in the $1k range. Dont take advantage of a friend, its not worth it.
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Re: 1909 Vdb

Postby Chief » Tue May 10, 2011 4:16 pm

He knows what they are worth and he could use the money. He said that he has been collecting them since the early 1970's. We will see what happens.
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Re: 1909 Vdb

Postby OtusLotus » Tue May 10, 2011 9:29 pm

good luck.. would have asked to see them first without giving him a figure
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Re: 1909 Vdb

Postby Chief » Tue May 10, 2011 10:01 pm

I could always say no if the are in destroyed condition. Tomorrow we will see.
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Re: 1909 Vdb

Postby NotABigDeal » Wed May 11, 2011 5:46 pm

He could get more from a dealer. Is he high or what? You should offer him a FAIR price. I would if it was my friend....

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Re: 1909 Vdb

Postby John_doe » Thu May 12, 2011 12:01 am

justoneguy wrote:Also, make sure you are buying "S" vdb coins.
the 1909 without the s mintmark are only $5-$20 dollars

There are still some of these in circulation. Good luck finding a vdb s. I imagine a few people have gotten lucky, but not many.

Ps good luck buying the 2 vdb s! Let us know how it ends up.
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Re: 1909 Vdb

Postby NotABigDeal » Thu May 12, 2011 5:31 pm

Chief wrote:I could always say no if the are in destroyed condition. Tomorrow we will see.

It's yesterday's tomorrow, which is two tomorrows from Tuesday. Well?

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Re: 1909 Vdb

Postby Chief » Thu May 12, 2011 5:57 pm

He told me that his younger brother had taken 2 of his 1909-s vdb's so the deal was a no go. Too bad and also you guys got me thinking about how it was not a good idea to try to profit off of friends. Friends are more important than a few bucks. You guys have helped teach me many lessons, several about topics other than the true value of money. Keep up the good work.
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Re: 1909 Vdb

Postby NotABigDeal » Fri May 13, 2011 6:39 pm

Chief wrote:He told me that his younger brother had taken 2 of his 1909-s vdb's so the deal was a no go. Too bad and also you guys got me thinking about how it was not a good idea to try to profit off of friends. Friends are more important than a few bucks. You guys have helped teach me many lessons, several about topics other than the true value of money. Keep up the good work.

Lesson well learned. Good call.

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