Is this a 6oz or 8 oz American Silver Eagle?

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Re: Is this a 6oz or 8 oz American Silver Eagle?

Postby 68Camaro » Tue May 10, 2011 4:16 pm

Spikeanator6982 wrote:Well its not the same as the one the US mint put out, the US mint one says (one half pound), this one says 1/2 pound. Oddly enough the one the mint made says its 1/2 pound or 8 troy oz, which is not possible it can be both.

OK so i did some math and 1/2 pound is close to 8 troy oz, 8 troy oz is .54xxxxx of a "normal" pound. so I guess I will take it.

now..just weigh yours and figure how many grams it is...

The illustration at the US Mint site shows how to ID a REPLICA, which this is. The replica they show is a 1999. The one you show is a 2002.

I had no idea this could cause so much confusion...
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Re: Is this a 6oz or 8 oz American Silver Eagle?

Postby Country » Tue May 10, 2011 4:28 pm

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