Should I or should I not.....

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Should I or should I not.....

Postby ffej » Wed May 11, 2011 5:24 pm

I was wanting to sell several pounds of.925 ( I have a lot and have very little $ invested in it ) to raise cash to buy more silver eagles because they are on sale, but silver is down and so is the price of .925, but the price of a silver eagle is down...etc....I, like others have limited amount of FRN to spend on eagles. Should I take the hit on lower silver prices and sell my .925 to buy more or just sit on the sideline watching a buying op to pass me by? I'm very interested in your thoughts.
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Re: Should I or should I not.....

Postby fasteddy » Wed May 11, 2011 6:32 pm

sell the .925 on feebay then buy your ASE's for the cheapest you can find...NOT from FEEBAY...Good Luck.
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Re: Should I or should I not.....

Postby beauanderos » Wed May 11, 2011 6:42 pm

try to "sell the rally" to market your sterling, and "buy the dip" to pick up your eagles. Not always easy to do, particularly when the game is rigged. You can also dollar cost avg out of your position, say over two or three sales, instead of trying to pick the perfect time to sell all of it and then hope to buy back in. Do any of the big online dealers even buy sterling? If they did, you can just take your payout in the product you elect, rather than cash.
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Re: Should I or should I not.....

Postby mtalbot_ca » Wed May 11, 2011 6:44 pm

I am by no stretch of the imagination an expert. First I a newbie and second I always buy. As I was writing I saw what beauanderos wrote and I believe it is close (go for me) to what I was writing, so here I go:

I would think that the .925 always lags behind any .999 when it is going up, and generally leads and therefore falls faster when going down, but both have the same relative ceilings or bottoms. So to minimize this effect you have to trade when they are both moving in the same direction but preferrably up. When silver has been going up for significant period (two weeks for example) it is a go, when silver has been going down but near the floor you think it will hit then it is another go timing.

Let us know what you did.

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Re: Should I or should I not.....

Postby hobo finds » Wed May 11, 2011 6:54 pm

sell your .925 and buy ASE's now is as good as any time is if you are selling silver and buying silver...
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Re: Should I or should I not.....

Postby TXBullion » Wed May 11, 2011 7:16 pm

Or try to work a trade here on the forum and maybe slant it in favor for the other person so you just trade Ag for Ag and eliminate the variation in pricing
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Re: Should I or should I not.....

Postby ffej » Wed May 11, 2011 7:39 pm

Thanks for the responses,and for a couple good ideals. As a noob I started buying small amounts of looked over .925 at yardsales for pennies. Started buying Junk silver underspot, worked my way up to rounds and as I'm growing in knowlegde and expirence I'm more interested in ASE. I thought about sending my .925 off to ARA in Texas but that is only 90% of spot when feebay seems to go way over spot ( up until a week or so ago). I will keep ya'll posted on how it works out.....ffej
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Re: Should I or should I not.....

Postby timmus0382 » Wed May 11, 2011 8:30 pm

why ase's? Why not silvertown or engelhard ect? They are all premium names and don't have as much of a premium. Just a thought. I hold 25% in ase's with some numis ones and 75% in the big name generic. 999 is 999. Make sure the 925 isint a collector item before parting for spot. Ever watch antique road show?
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Re: Should I or should I not.....

Postby ffej » Wed May 11, 2011 9:27 pm

Hey tim, the reason for ASE is for no reason at all other than it's just a beauty of a coin. I have plenty ( if there is such a thing ) of junk silver coins as well as the well known generic, just wanting to upgrade my silver. No collector .925 pieces and I've heard of the antique road show, don't own a T.V. and haven't watch one in over 5 years unless i'm out and one is on. For me it's the biggest waste of I waste it on forums like this.. :-)
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Re: Should I or should I not.....

Postby ScottyTX » Wed May 11, 2011 10:15 pm

Humm, here's a novel Idea get turn them into market harmony bars :) The market is so all over the place right now. I would be almost afraid to sell and then buy, by the time the funds cleared silver might go up 8-15% over a few days geesh. I would wait for an runnup and pull the trigger but who knows maybe were looking at 15.00 silver again :)
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Re: Should I or should I not.....

Postby ffej » Wed May 11, 2011 10:43 pm

Scotty, I really thought I'd send it all off to the smelter then either cash out or have it made into bars, but the way things are going right now the smelter is running a week or two behind. They don't pay until the silver is in the sponge. A lot can happen in that time. I think I'll sell other things on feebay, lock the .925 up till the prices go back up. I just really wanted to convert the .925 to .999. and take advatage of this dip. I'll be in silver for the rest of my life and I'm sure I'm going to see a lot of volatility. Thanks for all the advice and commetrs from everyone...ffej
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