One thing that does weigh heavily on myself is the way certain words/ideas are interpreted today. I said the Truth has been distorted mightily and would like to clarify, just for a moment, and look at what the term "prophet" and "prophesy" really mean, instead of the "modern interpretation" GIFT OF PROPHECY
In Romans 12:6 Paul writes, “If a man’s gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith” (NIV). Strong interprets prophecy as a “prediction (scriptural or other), an inspired speaker; or to speak under inspiration.” In the Old Testament prophecy was often predictive or praying and speaking on behalf of God, calling the people to repent of their sins or face God’s wrath. In the New Testament, because the scripture was not complete, prophecy was speaking on God’s behalf with authority on the Christian experience. Paul writes in
I Corinthians 14:3 that prophecy was to edify, encourage and comfort the believers.
Prophecy today is still through an inspired speaker. A person with this gift, like its Old Testament counterpart, has a keen awareness of current events and the cultural implications of not following God’s word. This is important because each church is made up of people, customs, and circumstances that are different from others. Prophecy helps us apply the scriptures to where we live. A person with this gift has a burden to warn of God’s judgment and the need for us to repent. ... sku=PSS016What is prophecy?
Prophecy is speaking the word or message of God for a particular circumstance or time.In Biblical times prophets foretold the future, condemned unrighteous acts, gave encouragement, recommended courses of action to rulers or to priests and warned of judgment.
Only a small portion of the work of a prophet involves predicting the future, and even the predictions are designed either to teach or to correct.
What is the gift of prophecy?
The gift of prophecy is the gift of receiving messages from the Lord to speak forth. These messages can come at any time or place and are often not under the conscious control of the person who speaks them so that the person speaking does not choose whether to utter the message. (If the gift of prophecy is true, the message will always be from God, of course.)
The gift of prophecy is one of the information types of gifts given by the Holy Spirit. Others are words of knowledge or wisdom and discernment. Prophecy is distinguished from these other gifts in that it provides a direct message from God and is usually identified as the word of the Lord when the prophet speaks it in one way or another, though not always.
Does the person with the gift of prophecy only receive messages expressed in words?
A person with the gift of prophecy may receive messages in various ways, including visions (Ezekiel 1), dreams (Daniel 7), words of knowledge or wisdom, discernment and the operation of another spiritual gift such as teaching (Paul's epistles, Hebrews, James). Very often the prophet's message will come in a way that requires the prophet to find the words to describe the message. It may even be in the form of a strong emotional impression.
Is the gift of prophecy different from the office of the prophet?
Yes. Many people may have the gift of prophecy to use in whatever office they exercise in the church. A pastor, evangelist or teacher may have this gift. An apostle probably will have it.
The office of the prophet is one established in the church to provide continuing correction and guidance from a person that the church recognizes as possessing a true gift. The church also recognizes that the person is reliable in the exercise of that gift and has the wisdom to use it properly. In appointing someone to the office of prophet, the church recognizes that the person so commissioned will speak the word of the Lord only when he or she is certain that a message is from God.
Pastors, evangelists, teachers and other church leaders, as well as those exercising the office of the prophet must apply discernment to any message identified as a word from the Lord, and must correct those who express a false word.
It is time we have an apstacy from the false religions of the world and the "corporate churches" and return to the True Teaching of Christ. I try to speak on this when I can, as I see so many being led astray.
Yes the books we know as the canon were selected by men and many books/writings/recordings have been removed/censored by man. Through dilligent study, our faith, and prayer we can recieve the truth and relearn both what is expected of ourselves and how to worship the Father in a way that is pleases and glorifies Him, and is clothed in rightiousness.