Persecuted for believing in Christ

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Persecuted for believing in Christ

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Thu May 26, 2011 7:52 am

There is much ado about the Rapture, the second coming of Christ, and the end of the world in the news today. There is even debate as to what the definition of a Christian is.

All the while, the greatest persecution of believers in history is happening right now without hardly a word being said in the media. More Christians have been killed for their faith (Martyred) in the last 100 years than in all the 1900 years before that. It is now at epic proportions.

If in your heart you feel you are a Christian, please visit these sites:

Compass Direct:

The Voice of the Martyrs:

It didn't end back when Romans threw Christians to the lions. It is now worse than ever before.

Pray for those in chains. Pray for those who have lost everything for their faith in Christ.
Last edited by Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay on Thu May 26, 2011 8:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Persecuted for believing in Christ

Postby AGCoinHunter » Thu May 26, 2011 8:01 am

Christians here in the US and Western Europe are shielded from it. The biggest threat is the peace loving religion sweeping the ME and Africa. It is building and soon to overtake Europe and Asia. If you dont convert they kill you. Thats about as simple as it gets. My question is how long till those in the west wake up and if it will be too late? Its the ultimate good vs. evil. Islam is evil to its core.
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Re: Persecuted for believing in Christ

Postby Mossy » Thu May 26, 2011 11:58 am

I'm an atheistic pagan under a threat of death by the "religion of peace" for not being "of the book". This I know because I pay attention to what they teach.

There are those here in the US who think that they will not be harmed by the "religion of peace" because they attack Christians and Jews. They are fools.
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Re: Persecuted for believing in Christ

Postby Corsair » Thu May 26, 2011 12:35 pm

Because Christians never killed anyone who didn't follow their belief?
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Re: Persecuted for believing in Christ

Postby Neckro » Thu May 26, 2011 12:51 pm

Any religion that uses a God to justify killing someone for not following their belief is a religion of evil and death. It's the pot calling the kettle black when it isn't in their favor.
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Re: Persecuted for believing in Christ

Postby AGgressive Metal » Thu May 26, 2011 2:36 pm

Neckro wrote:Any religion that uses a God to justify killing someone for not following their belief is a religion of evil and death.

Depends on what you are talking about. If someone is executed for rape or murder because that is "not following their belief", then I have to disagree. You can't define evil without some kind of belief system or else it is a meaningless term to begin with. The most deadly religion in the history of the world, by far, is communism, followed by national socialism.
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Re: Persecuted for believing in Christ

Postby AGCoinHunter » Thu May 26, 2011 2:53 pm

Corsair wrote:Because Christians never killed anyone who didn't follow their belief?

I am not talking about history; I am talking about here and now. Yes, Christians have killed those who didn’t believe throughout history as well as Muslims. No one denies that. Radicalism of any religion is dangerous.
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Re: Persecuted for believing in Christ

Postby AGgressive Metal » Thu May 26, 2011 3:01 pm

AGCoinHunter wrote:
Corsair wrote:Because Christians never killed anyone who didn't follow their belief?

Radicalism of any religion is dangerous.

I disagree. Being a radical Christian would involve loving people radically though, as opposed to killing them. That is the difference. When a Christian in the Middle Ages went out and killed pagans hundreds of years ago, it was before the Reformation and he probably couldn't even read the Bible for himself. Since the Reformation I don't think anyone can point to any Protestant theologian who interpreted the Bible to say go kill all the pagans. But when a modern-day Muslim kills someone, it is completely in compliance with many of their scriptures and Imams, as well as the example of Muhammad himself, who was a bloody conqueror.

EDIT: For instance, who are the most "radical" Christians? Paul, Peter, Stephen, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, etc. These guys never killed anyone as a Christian.
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Re: Persecuted for believing in Christ

Postby scrapper2010 » Thu May 26, 2011 3:24 pm

Being radical in your religion does not only mean to murder. Scientists were commonly jailed for life because their findings contridicted the bible. I think that's pretty radical.
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Re: Persecuted for believing in Christ

Postby AGCoinHunter » Thu May 26, 2011 3:34 pm

AGgressive Metal wrote:
AGCoinHunter wrote:
Corsair wrote:Because Christians never killed anyone who didn't follow their belief?

Radicalism of any religion is dangerous.

I disagree. Being a radical Christian would involve loving people radically though, as opposed to killing them. That is the difference. When a Christian in the Middle Ages went out and killed pagans hundreds of years ago, it was before the Reformation and he probably couldn't even read the Bible for himself. Since the Reformation I don't think anyone can point to any Protestant theologian who interpreted the Bible to say go kill all the pagans. But when a modern-day Muslim kills someone, it is completely in compliance with many of their scriptures and Imams, as well as the example of Muhammad himself, who was a bloody conqueror.

EDIT: For instance, who are the most "radical" Christians? Paul, Peter, Stephen, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, etc. These guys never killed anyone as a Christian.

Radicalism to the point where the leaders and the scripture of a religion that advocates the killing of someone who doesnt believe. Yes you can be radical to the other side of the spectrum also, point taken. On the flip side OT tribes of Isreal were instructed to go and cleanse the promise land of pagans. They were not "Christians" per se... The MA Christians were doing the bidding the pope and/or a king in the name of "Christianity." Mainly one of the many reasons why I despise the Catholic church.
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Re: Persecuted for believing in Christ

Postby AGgressive Metal » Thu May 26, 2011 6:01 pm

scrapper2010 wrote:Being radical in your religion does not only mean to murder. Scientists were commonly jailed for life because their findings contridicted the bible. I think that's pretty radical.

Commonly? Really? And name one since the Reformation 500 years ago. :?
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Re: Persecuted for believing in Christ

Postby Mossy » Thu May 26, 2011 6:03 pm

Corsair wrote:Because Christians never killed anyone who didn't follow their belief?

So far as I can tell, not for the first couple hundred years. True or not, Christianity teaches that Jesus committed very little violence. OTOH, Islam teaches that Mohamed was violent, that he was a slaver, bandit, rapist, and pedophile (although they don't come out and use those words, just describe behavior best labeled as).

Christianity did become violent, and religion was used to justify the same behavior Islam praises today. Eventually, Christianity "grew up", as did Judaism, though I'm less familiar with the history of Judaism.

Coexistance is easier to justify according to the Christian and Judaic religious books, but nearly impossible using the Koran. Preaching coexistance is a good way for a Moslem to get killed.

Christians and Jews who call for the death of unbelievers find /many/ co-religionists slapping them down. Moslems calling for death to unbelievers are praised.

And, keep in mind that this is from someone who turned his back on Christianity long ago. I don't disagree with the morality preached, just the tales told and what I'm required to believe.
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Re: Persecuted for believing in Christ

Postby Corsair » Thu May 26, 2011 6:07 pm

AGgressive Metal wrote:
scrapper2010 wrote:Being radical in your religion does not only mean to murder. Scientists were commonly jailed for life because their findings contridicted the bible. I think that's pretty radical.

Commonly? Really? And name one since the Reformation 500 years ago. :?

Galileo was warned by the Church to drop his view of heliocentricism in 1616. In 1633, he was tried for heresy for believing the sun is the center of the galaxy and that one may hold beliefs contrary to the Bible, and was sentenced to house arrest.
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Re: Persecuted for believing in Christ

Postby Thogey » Thu May 26, 2011 6:21 pm

Mossy wrote:
Corsair wrote:Because Christians never killed anyone who didn't follow their belief?

So far as I can tell, not for the first couple hundred years. True or not, Christianity teaches that Jesus committed very little violence. OTOH, Islam teaches that Mohamed was violent, that he was a slaver, bandit, rapist, and pedophile (although they don't come out and use those words, just describe behavior best labeled as).

Christianity did become violent, and religion was used to justify the same behavior Islam praises today. Eventually, Christianity "grew up", as did Judaism, though I'm less familiar with the history of Judaism.

Coexistance is easier to justify according to the Christian and Judaic religious books, but nearly impossible using the Koran. Preaching coexistance is a good way for a Moslem to get killed.

Christians and Jews who call for the death of unbelievers find /many/ co-religionists slapping them down. Moslems calling for death to unbelievers are praised.

And, keep in mind that this is from someone who turned his back on Christianity long ago. I don't disagree with the morality preached, just the tales told and what I'm required to believe.

Dude, you're not required to believe anything. It's your soul. You're free to do with it what you please.

I never will understand why American Christians get so wound up about non-believer's comments and complaints. They know the choices, and in America you're free to worship how you please.

And I also don't know why non-believers keep trying to convince others that Christians are wrong. I really don't give a hoot what an atheist's opinion of my religion is. Why would I, they're atheists. No-one has to answer to Christians, why do Christians feel compelled to argue these points with non believers?
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Re: Persecuted for believing in Christ

Postby Thogey » Thu May 26, 2011 6:32 pm

Corsair wrote:
AGgressive Metal wrote:
scrapper2010 wrote:Being radical in your religion does not only mean to murder. Scientists were commonly jailed for life because their findings contridicted the bible. I think that's pretty radical.

Commonly? Really? And name one since the Reformation 500 years ago. :?

Galileo was warned by the Church to drop his view of heliocentricism in 1616. In 1633, he was tried for heresy for believing the sun is the center of the galaxy and that one may hold beliefs contrary to the Bible, and was sentenced to house arrest.

Galileo told the trial, 'The bible tells us how to go to heaven, not how heaven goes"

All this stuff had nothing to do with Christianity BTW. It is all about power, and men use the book to lord over the masses.

This is what keeps people away from Christianity, Christians. It's a shame, but that's how it's always been.
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Re: Persecuted for believing in Christ

Postby henrysmedford » Thu May 26, 2011 6:37 pm

To get it back to the coin theme Matthew 22:21 One of them showed him a Roman coin, and he asked them whose name and inscription were on it. They answered, “Caesar’s,” and he responded “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and give to God what is God’s.” So is there a Realcenter with a Roman coin?
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Re: Persecuted for believing in Christ

Postby Mossy » Thu May 26, 2011 6:39 pm

Thogey wrote: Dude, you're not required to believe anything. It's your soul. You're free to do with it what you please.

I never will understand why American Christians get so wound up about non-believer's comments and complaints. They know the choices, and in America you're free to worship how you please.

And I also don't know why non-believers keep trying to convince others that Christians are wrong. I really don't give a hoot what an atheist's opinion of my religion is. Why would I, they're atheists. No-one has to answer to Christians, why do Christians feel compelled to argue these points with non believers?

No arguments, as presented.

Christians are required to believe certain things in order to be considered Christians. I, quite simply, could not believe them.

You responded to my post, and I see nothing in that post supporting an interpretation that I am saying you are wrong to believe as you wish.

However, the "religion of peace" is a different subject, as is my opinion of it, and my expectations of their behavior if they ever gain power over a country I am living in.
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Re: Persecuted for believing in Christ

Postby Thogey » Thu May 26, 2011 6:45 pm

You're right and I took one line out of context.

Your post was very good and I agree with it.

Jesus healed the sick and raised the dead. Mohammed won gigantic military victories.
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Re: Persecuted for believing in Christ

Postby Thogey » Thu May 26, 2011 6:47 pm

henrysmedford wrote:To get it back to the coin theme Matthew 22:21 One of them showed him a Roman coin, and he asked them whose name and inscription were on it. They answered, “Caesar’s,” and he responded “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and give to God what is God’s.” So is there a Realcenter with a Roman coin?

There is and I just found Caesar (Hernandez). Should I give him my Roman coins?
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Re: Persecuted for believing in Christ

Postby AGgressive Metal » Thu May 26, 2011 8:10 pm

Corsair wrote:
AGgressive Metal wrote:
scrapper2010 wrote:Being radical in your religion does not only mean to murder. Scientists were commonly jailed for life because their findings contridicted the bible. I think that's pretty radical.

Commonly? Really? And name one since the Reformation 500 years ago. :?

Galileo was warned by the Church to drop his view of heliocentricism in 1616. In 1633, he was tried for heresy for believing the sun is the center of the galaxy and that one may hold beliefs contrary to the Bible, and was sentenced to house arrest.

Soooo, one single guy, tried 400 years ago by a denomination that is not even a majority in America = "common"? Interesting. So far as I can tell, 90% of modern science has originated in majority Christian countries.
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Re: Persecuted for believing in Christ

Postby Mossy » Thu May 26, 2011 8:14 pm

Thogey wrote: Galileo told the trial, 'The bible tells us how to go to heaven, not how heaven goes"

LOL, Good line.

As I understand it, Galileo's biggest error was calling the Pope an imbecile. This, of course, requires verification elsewhere, and I don't know where to look.

It would explain a good deal, though.
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Re: Persecuted for believing in Christ

Postby Corsair » Thu May 26, 2011 8:38 pm

AGgressive Metal wrote:
Corsair wrote:
AGgressive Metal wrote:Commonly? Really? And name one since the Reformation 500 years ago. :?

Galileo was warned by the Church to drop his view of heliocentricism in 1616. In 1633, he was tried for heresy for believing the sun is the center of the galaxy and that one may hold beliefs contrary to the Bible, and was sentenced to house arrest.

Soooo, one single guy, tried 400 years ago by a denomination that is not even a majority in America = "common"? Interesting. So far as I can tell, 90% of modern science has originated in majority Christian countries.

I forget ever saying that it was common. I forget ever defending scrapper's views, just proving that the point you made was false. And what kind of a point are you trying to make by saying, "90% of modern science has originated in majority Christian countries"? I think the key word there is "modern." My only contribution to this thread, before the Galileo thing, was to say that Christians have killed many, many people in the name of their religion, and it would be hypocritical to cry wolf that they are now being killed without saying that, by the way, they did their fair share of damage in the past 1000 years. I wasn't saying that they are killing anyone in modern times. You used my comment to debunk scrapper's comment, when mine had nothing to do with his.
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Re: Persecuted for believing in Christ

Postby Roadrunner » Thu May 26, 2011 10:19 pm

Corsair wrote:I forget ever saying that it was common. I forget ever defending scrapper's views, just proving that the point you made was false. And what kind of a point are you trying to make by saying, "90% of modern science has originated in majority Christian countries"? I think the key word there is "modern." My only contribution to this thread, before the Galileo thing, was to say that Christians have killed many, many people in the name of their religion, and it would be hypocritical to cry wolf that they are now being killed without saying that, by the way, they did their fair share of damage in the past 1000 years. I wasn't saying that they are killing anyone in modern times. You used my comment to debunk scrapper's comment, when mine had nothing to do with his.

The VAST majority of killings were by the roman catholic church and their followers, not the Protestant church. The difference between those churches is like night and day. I'm not saying that NO christian has EVER killed anyone unjustly. That has happened, and it would be stupid to blind myself to that fact. No man is perfect, that's why we need a Savior. Remember also that many who killed and persecuted would claim to be Christians yet may not actually have been.

However, based on my study of Church History, the Protestant church and its followers have unjustly killed/tortured/jailed a tiny percent of the amount of Protestant Christians who have been killed/tortured/jailed by members of other religions. That still doesn't make the unjust killings right. I'm not saying that at all. However, people have to remember the huge imbalance.

The main point of this thread is for us to remember and pray for the Christians being persecuted.
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Re: Persecuted for believing in Christ

Postby Corsair » Thu May 26, 2011 10:23 pm

A good point, RR, but Roman Catholics pray to the same God that Christians do. They also imprison and murder for the same God as Christians do.
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Re: Persecuted for believing in Christ

Postby Neckro » Thu May 26, 2011 10:30 pm

The Christians, Jews, and Muslims all worship the same God.
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