Copper cent supply dwindling?

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Re: Copper cent supply dwindling?

Postby mtalbot_ca » Sat Jun 04, 2011 9:25 pm

68Camaro wrote:
Copper wrote:In Ontario the percentange is consistant at 40-50% sometimes hopping to 60%, But when I buy in the larger cities Kitchener or London, the percentage usually drops to 30%

Dang, those are crazy numbers....

I just got this idea: :ugeek:

Canada has 15 more years of copper with, let's say 45% residual copper in circulation. :o
US has an average of 30% of residual copper in circulation. :o

So year are talking of around 1% depletion per year. However, it is not depletion per say, simply that more pennies are produces every year, this thinning out of the copper is inevitable.

On the other hand, copper value and the hoarding that ensues, is relatively new. As new hoarders are coming on-board, an additional true depletion is occurring. I believe that the US has, proportionnally to Canada, a lot more hoarders (in the range of 5x more) which are relentlessly attacking the circulating coppers.

My predictions:

Copper for Canada will go down at a rate of about : 1 - 1.1% per year for the next 5 years.
Copper for the US will go down at a rate of about : 1.5 - 1.7% per year for the next 5 years.

However as soon as the babyboomers (largest generation on the books) start clearing their house to move to a retirement home, you should watch for those CWRs. This will be our last chance to hit it big. Percentages could, at that point stabilize for awhile.

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Re: Copper cent supply dwindling?

Postby hobo finds » Sat Jun 04, 2011 9:50 pm

from 1959-1982 Copper memorials (23 years)
From 1982-2011 Zinc memorals (29 years)

Also I think way more zincs were made during this time so... yes less copper
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Re: Copper cent supply dwindling?

Postby adagirl » Sat Jun 04, 2011 11:15 pm

My experience here in GA is 10% - 14%, so my average is right on with San Antonio. You guys that are getting 20% + are lucky!
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Re: Copper cent supply dwindling?

Postby ed_vantage17 » Sat Jun 04, 2011 11:20 pm

Not to brag, but I was very disappointed to get a 26% box today. Sorted three yesterday and averaged 35% with one pulling in 44.3%. I weigh the boxes before I open them and anything that comes in at 15 Lbs 6 Oz or more is over 40%. Under 15 Lbs. and I know it's not going to be that great. If I only got $3-$4 FV per box I don't think I'd be doing this, that's for sure.
I love Wisconsin. :D
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Re: Copper cent supply dwindling?

Postby shinnosuke » Sat Jun 04, 2011 11:23 pm

ed_vantage17 wrote:Not to brag, but I was very disappointed to get a 26% box today. Sorted three yesterday and averaged 35% with one pulling in 44.3%. I love Wisconsin.

Everybody too busy eating cheese to sort?
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Re: Copper cent supply dwindling?

Postby ed_vantage17 » Sat Jun 04, 2011 11:25 pm

Actually the unemployment is highest in this part of the state. I think the bad economy might have something to do with it. Not sure what, but it feels right.
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Re: Copper cent supply dwindling?

Postby henrysmedford » Sun Jun 05, 2011 12:00 am

ed_vantage17 wrote:Actually the unemployment is highest in this part of the state. I think the bad economy might have something to do with it. Not sure what, but it feels right.

I think you are right about unemployment. When we drive out into the sticks were the unemployment is higher and get CRW they are winners. I the people are selling there change to pay the rent.
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Re: Copper cent supply dwindling?

Postby adagirl » Sun Jun 05, 2011 12:41 am

ed_vantage17 wrote:Not to brag, but I was very disappointed to get a 26% box today. Sorted three yesterday and averaged 35% with one pulling in 44.3%. I weigh the boxes before I open them and anything that comes in at 15 Lbs 6 Oz or more is over 40%. Under 15 Lbs. and I know it's not going to be that great. If I only got $3-$4 FV per box I don't think I'd be doing this, that's for sure.
I love Wisconsin. :D

Way to rub it in! Even at the low % down here I will continue to sort. The regional differences are striking. How about shipping some of those cooper pennies my way and throw in some cheese for protein, which I will need since I have to work 2-3x harder than you, as I sort more pennies?? :D
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Re: Copper cent supply dwindling?

Postby biglouddrunk » Sun Jun 05, 2011 6:12 am

I've seen no drop off in the 2 years I've been doing this, but the copper game is all about regions. Michigan is a area with a high % of copper. I have a friend that does wheresgeorge and he has found that currency tends to stay in michigan once it gets there so I suppose pennies do the same thing.
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Re: Copper cent supply dwindling?

Postby gettin copper » Sun Jun 05, 2011 11:25 am

ed_vantage17 wrote:Not to brag, but I was very disappointed to get a 26% box today. Sorted three yesterday and averaged 35% with one pulling in 44.3%. I weigh the boxes before I open them and anything that comes in at 15 Lbs 6 Oz or more is over 40%. Under 15 Lbs. and I know it's not going to be that great. If I only got $3-$4 FV per box I don't think I'd be doing this, that's for sure.
I love Wisconsin. :D

I'm about 30 minites north of Milwaukee and get 30%+ on the reg too
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Re: Copper cent supply dwindling?

Postby biglouddrunk » Sun Jun 05, 2011 11:45 am

Have any of you folk-lift scale guy so to speak seen a job in your region? I would suppose that regional drops would happen before a national drop.
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Re: Copper cent supply dwindling?

Postby ed_vantage17 » Sun Jun 05, 2011 1:24 pm

adagirl wrote:
ed_vantage17 wrote:Not to brag, but I was very disappointed to get a 26% box today. Sorted three yesterday and averaged 35% with one pulling in 44.3%. I weigh the boxes before I open them and anything that comes in at 15 Lbs 6 Oz or more is over 40%. Under 15 Lbs. and I know it's not going to be that great. If I only got $3-$4 FV per box I don't think I'd be doing this, that's for sure.
I love Wisconsin. :D

Way to rub it in! Even at the low % down here I will continue to sort. The regional differences are striking. How about shipping some of those cooper pennies my way and throw in some cheese for protein, which I will need since I have to work 2-3x harder than you, as I sort more pennies?? :D

I played with the idea of selling weighed but unsorted boxes, but I want the coppers. I'd be sick to see a 15Lb 9Oz box go in the mail for only a buck or two above face. I will trade fresh cheese for fresh peaches and/or peanuts though. Food for thought. :mrgreen:
Ferengi rule of acquisition #162: Even in the worst of times someone turns a profit.

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Re: Copper cent supply dwindling?

Postby adagirl » Sun Jun 05, 2011 2:10 pm

LOL! We have lots of peanuts and peaches down here, but I get a premium on the good 'ole southern boiled peanuts. The boiled peanuts go for 1.7 face, so if you have a ton of copper I will trade ya a ton of boiled peanuts. :)
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Re: Copper cent supply dwindling?

Postby adagirl » Sun Jun 05, 2011 2:11 pm

btw - I am not from the deep south originally,... just a transplant here. But I am picking up on the local dialect
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Re: Copper cent supply dwindling?

Postby adagirl » Sun Jun 05, 2011 9:38 pm

ed_vantage17 wrote:Not to brag, but I was very disappointed to get a 26% box today. Sorted three yesterday and averaged 35% with one pulling in 44.3%. I weigh the boxes before I open them and anything that comes in at 15 Lbs 6 Oz or more is over 40%. Under 15 Lbs. and I know it's not going to be that great. If I only got $3-$4 FV per box I don't think I'd be doing this, that's for sure.
I love Wisconsin. :D

Just in time for this thread...I can't believe it, but I just acquired my highest % of copper pennies here in GA. Just sorted 3000 pennies and it yeilded 17.8% copper. An all time high. Still not as good as our cheese head friend in WI, but it's like striking gold in GA. :mrgreen: I am going to try an order my first $200 bag tomorrow at the bank.
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Re: Copper cent supply dwindling?

Postby Number21 » Mon Jun 06, 2011 2:08 am

henrysmedford wrote:I get 60%+ Canadian copper of the ones that make to Oregon about 25-40 per $50 sorted.

That's odd, I might find 10 or so canadians in $50 in the Portland area, and I'm closer to Canada! I just found my first canadian centennial penny...
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Re: Copper cent supply dwindling?

Postby adagirl » Mon Jun 06, 2011 3:26 pm

Okay I went to the bank today and tried to order one of those $200 mother load penny bags I have heard about on here. They told me they can only order the $25 boxes, so I ordered 8 boxes. For those that have had success, how have you obtained these $200 bags? Seems like an awful heavy load.
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Re: Copper cent supply dwindling?

Postby jldco » Mon Jun 06, 2011 4:39 pm

Nickels are $200 in bags, Pennies are $50
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Re: Copper cent supply dwindling?

Postby adagirl » Mon Jun 06, 2011 6:02 pm

That explains why the teller thought I was crazy. Is it just luck of the draw as far as getting a pure $25 zinc box? I had one teller last year give me a full box of the 2009 LP4. Okay I can sell that, but I was after a mixture of zinc & copper so I could pull the copper.
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Re: Copper cent supply dwindling?

Postby henrysmedford » Mon Jun 06, 2011 7:06 pm

Number21 wrote:
henrysmedford wrote:I get 60%+ Canadian copper of the ones that make to Oregon about 25-40 per $50 sorted.

That's odd, I might find 10 or so canadians in $50 in the Portland area, and I'm closer to Canada! I just found my first canadian centennial penny...

You might try buying rolls from Umpqua Bank they sell $50 rolled in a bag. As for the 1967 Rock dove Franklin has found 56 in the last running year he sent 39 to TheJonasCollegeFund see and we have the rest in a tube all from Umpqua Bank! :D
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Re: Copper cent supply dwindling?

Postby Number21 » Mon Jun 06, 2011 10:44 pm

56! Wow...I don't think I have that many wheats! :lol:
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