My blog .. on Mitt Romney and the Information Revolution

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My blog .. on Mitt Romney and the Information Revolution

Postby hejira11 » Thu Jun 09, 2011 6:29 am

Ok, I need to get this off my chest early on, before it wells up. The only 3 candidates I see (so far) that are not being bought and paid for by the FEDERAL RESERVE are Ron Paul, Sarah Palin and Hermann Cain.

Mitt Romney is nothing more than a used car salesman that looks good in a suit. Kinda like Bill Clinton, only this time with an "R" after his name.

We are on the verge of our Dollar collapsing. If this is news to you, then get your head on straight and look around you! WE are the people that have to make the hard choices if we want to keep The United States of America a free nation. We are only a few unpaid bills away from losing our way of life. We will be GIVEN a new currency. Most believe a WORLD CURRENCY, hand picked by the INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND (IMF) and the Federal Reserve has given us all the rope we asked for to hurry this process along. Just ask Brazil. This happened to them around a decade ago. THE FED is using our debt to hang us.

We need to start talking to each other and decide what we want for this country. Already, the end of Quantitative Easing 2 (QE2) is being extended. It was supposed to end on the 30th of this month. Now August is being floated. The dirty little secret is that this money, printed from thin air, can't be stopped without driving us into a depression the likes of which we have never seen.

Part of the problem is that the very information system that should have been educating us about this and warning us is already owned by the very people that want us to fall. YET we are still FREE. There are too many people that are aware of what is happening. If it was as simple as killing a president, they would have done that..again. They control what we are taught in school. They pay the teachers! They OWN all the Television networks, They hold all the anchors and reporters contracts in their hands. THEY decide what gets aired. And they allowed us to borrow ourselves into the dilemma we are currently in.

We need to get behind a man or a woman that is not for sale. Remember, "Freedom is not free." and "We are never more than one generation away from losing liberty." Friends, We are potentially weeks away from our Dollar based system collapsing.

The only resistance facing the FEDERAL RESERVE and the IMF crew are people like you and me. They are doing their best to marginalize us, but there are too many of us, from too many different walks of life to sufficiently write us off into a neat little package...certainly too many of us to drive through Dealy Plaza.

We need to start talking to everyone we know and let them know what is happening. Electing ANYONE with an "R" after their name is not the easy solution we may have been hoping for. Look at the people the MEDIA are excoriating. THEY ARE SCARED TO DEATH at the thought of Palin or Paul or Cain, getting elected. "THEY" have the full weight and measure of the media and our educational system behind them....Even FOX. Why else would, Glenn Beck, The #2 rated show on the #1 news network be taken off television??? "THEY " don't want you to hear what he has to say.

"They" are now trying to take over the Radio and the internet.

I'm dragging out Orwell now, folks. And I am standing up as part of the information revolution!

Darren LaSalle

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." -- George Orwell
Last edited by hejira11 on Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My blog .. on Mitt Romney and the Information Revolution

Postby scrapper2010 » Thu Jun 09, 2011 6:48 am

If Sarah Palin is one of the three people who can save our country then we are in trouble.
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Re: My blog .. on Mitt Romney and the Information Revolution

Postby AGCoinHunter » Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:31 am

Cain used to work for the federal reserve.

From wiki... "Cain became a member of the board of directors to the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City in 1992 and served as its chairman from January 1995 to August 1996, when he resigned to become active in national politics."

Now, do I think he is bought and paid for by the fed, thats debatable. I listened to Cain locally on the radio for the past several years and I agree with many of his points. I would vote for him over any of the others in the field including Paul. No way Palin wins a national race. She just doesnt have what it takes.
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Re: My blog .. on Mitt Romney and the Information Revolution

Postby Mossy » Thu Jun 09, 2011 12:29 pm

scrapper2010 wrote:If Sarah Palin is one of the three people who can save our country then we are in trouble.

If you have not noticed, we are already in big trouble.

Back when Palin was running for Vice President, I used to say that everything bad said about her could be true, and she would still be the least unqualified of the five for the office of President. I've seen nothing to change my mind.

Remember two points, though. First, she scares the daylights out of the Left so they cackle with all sorts of nasty and childish gossip. Second, she thouroughly ticked off the Republican inner circle by booting Murkowski and disrupting the graft they were getting from the oil companies pumping in Alaska, so they are also trying to destroy her reputation.

The loudest and most common charge is that she is a quitter. Palin pushed a change in the laws to allow people to file ethics charges virtually for free, and forgot to add a penalty for losing. One of her local enemies (Murkowski supporter?) hit her with a long string of fraudulent ethics charges, each one costing serious money to defend against, each one requiring many man hours to deal with, she could not hand them off to state employees, and she was not (then) wealthy enough to hire someone to handle the problem. It was step down, or go bankrupt.

Hillary was #2 on qualifications, but I think she is one stone cold killer.
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Re: My blog .. on Mitt Romney and the Information Revolution

Postby hejira11 » Thu Jun 09, 2011 7:28 pm

Sarah is not my first choice, but I spent a little over a year traveling and working in many cities in Alaska...even Wasilla :) when she happened to be Governor. Most Alaskans I got to know were impressed with her management of the state.
I like Cain cause he used to be in the FED but now has only a shoestring budget to campaign with. If he was INSIDE he would have better access to the media and he would be appearing all over the place....Notice he's NOT?

Thanks for not tearing my first blog apart. I love to write and I am trying to improve my skills. I really appreciate all of you that took the time to read it and share your opinions. Thank You!
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Re: My blog .. on Mitt Romney and the Information Revolution

Postby Mossy » Thu Jun 09, 2011 8:12 pm

hejira11 wrote:Sarah is not my first choice, ...
I regard her more as a "least bad" choice, not someone I like as a first choice. Says a heck of a lot when some country hick housewife has a serious chance to be selected for Pres of the US.

Ron Paul? I need to think about a bit. He has a support staff that Palin does not have. Cain? Hmmm.

On the net? Need thick skin. There's them that's jerks just because they can be jerks and not get their faces re-arranged.
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Re: My blog .. on Mitt Romney and the Information Revolution

Postby shinnosuke » Tue Jun 14, 2011 8:50 pm

I just heard on the radio that Governor Rick Perry is very close to announcing his bid for the Republican nomination and that he's already picked his running mate: Sarah Palin.
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Re: My blog .. on Mitt Romney and the Information Revolution

Postby John_doe » Sun Jul 03, 2011 2:54 am

scrapper2010 wrote:If Sarah Palin is one of the three people who can save our country then we are in trouble.

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Re: My blog .. on Mitt Romney and the Information Revolution

Postby hejira11 » Thu Jul 07, 2011 6:30 am

John_doe wrote:
scrapper2010 wrote:If Sarah Palin is one of the three people who can save our country then we are in trouble.


Borrowing from Mossy here: We are already in big trouble.
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