jbj wrote:If you have the time you should start dumping at a coinstar machine. I found a way to dump for free there. If you just dump one zinc at a time and print the slip they don't charge you. If you have lots of free time it may be an option.
traderchowder wrote:I've gone to a Wells Fargo where I live and asked for small amounts of rolls of pennies. Even asking for $10 worth of pennies seems to confuse the tellers.
Both times I tried it the teller manager came up to the tellers while I was there and said "are you OK?", which I'm thinking must be code for "is this guy bothering you? and do you need me to step in?". I thought it was interesting that two different teller managers asked if they were OK the exact same way. I'm like she's gathering rolls of pennies, no cause for alarm. Both times the teller ladies said no, which is good. And yes both the tellers were cute.
jbj wrote:If you have the time you should start dumping at a coinstar machine. I found a way to dump for free there. If you just dump one zinc at a time and print the slip they don't charge you. If you have lots of free time it may be an option.
ed_vantage17 wrote:Chase waive the fee if you have $1500 in the bank or at least one direct deposit of $500 a month. On the plus side, (at least around these parts) if you get a change of address packet from the post office, there is a $125 bonus from Chase to open a new checking acc't. Opened my acc't 3 weeks back and already got the money. I think you gotta keep the acc't open 6 months before you can close it without penalty.
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