New To silver. Need advice.

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New To silver. Need advice.

Postby rambo_k9 » Sat Oct 09, 2010 8:26 pm

Hey all. I'm new to the silver game. Been watching and wishing and finally bought some halves and an ASE this week.
I hope not to sound stupid but what am I looking for and what should I stay away from. I'm looking to buy for worst case scenario/investment in the future. Did my first purchase through Goldline and it was easy. They have been selling more silver than gold in the last month.
Any advice on which coins to buy/collect would be great. Thanks in advance.
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Re: New To silver. Need advice.

Postby MO-SILVER! » Sat Oct 09, 2010 9:15 pm

Put an Ad on Craigslist in your area telling people you're interested in picking some up.. if you feel it out you can sometimes pick up silver under-spot because they are looking to move it in a day or two. If you call around and see what shops are buying at you can usually offer a little more but less than what you'd be buying it from them at.

My craigslist scores have been pretty good getting morgans and ASE's at spot is great. (only happened once)
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Re: New To silver. Need advice.

Postby justoneguy » Sat Oct 09, 2010 10:39 pm

what did you buy at goldline?
and how much did you pay?
i hear they push upgrades rather than spot price silver.
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Re: New To silver. Need advice.

Postby commoncents » Sat Oct 09, 2010 11:24 pm

I suggest that you buy some US silver dimes and US silver quarters (spending money for smaller items). US silver half dollars tend to have the lowest premium above spot price and tend to be least worn (closest to .729 troy oz per $1 face value) because they didn't circulate much. US silver dimes tend to be the most worn (possibly as little as .715 troy oz per $1 face value).

After you have as much as you think you might need for immediate purchases, then consider in which form you would like to preserve your savings. Even common date US Silver Dollar coins have numismatic value.
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Re: New To silver. Need advice.

Postby beauanderos » Sun Oct 10, 2010 7:56 am

commoncents wrote:I suggest that you buy some US silver dimes and US silver quarters (spending money for smaller items). US silver half dollars tend to have the lowest premium above spot price and tend to be least worn (closest to .729 troy oz per $1 face value) because they didn't circulate much. US silver dimes tend to be the most worn (possibly as little as .715 troy oz per $1 face value).

After you have as much as you think you might need for immediate purchases, then consider in which form you would like to preserve your savings. Even common date US Silver Dollar coins have numismatic value.
half dollars usually have the highest premium on junk, not the lowest. Overall, I'd say Rosie dimes would be your best bet for lowest price for most weight, followed by Washington. Don't by Walkers or Mercs as they'll have more wear. Generic silver rounds will give you more for your money than Eagles, but will be a bit harder to sell. You need to look up what APMEX is selling silver for, calculate the face value (15.9x, 16.3x) and then look around. Maybe you could find a slightly better deal here from a member, or keeping in mind the maximum bid, try ebay (don't forget to calculate s/h).
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Re: New To silver. Need advice.

Postby rambo_k9 » Tue Oct 12, 2010 9:37 pm

Thanks for all the input guys. I'm buying for long term and WTSHTF days. I plan on holding onto it for a long while. Found some good deals on Ebay and paid a tad to much with Goldline but thats okay too. Good experience and learning process. I'm taking my scrap money and putting it into silver for the moment! Keep the ideas and advice coming if you have it.
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Re: New To silver. Need advice.

Postby Treetop » Wed Oct 13, 2010 7:04 am

Ive gotten some amazing deals on ebay. although I havent done it for awhile now. But what I used to do is bid on every auction, at well below spot price. sometimes it worked others it didnt at all, as more people were after silver. 99.99 percent of the time, I wasted my time, but through flukes or luck, i got some amazing deals a few times. 6-8 below spot many times. It was a lot of work, but if you have the time, it can work.
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Re: New To silver. Need advice.

Postby Copper Catcher » Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:32 pm

rambo_k9....If you have not bookmarked this site you might want too. It is a great reference guide. Coinflation
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Re: New To silver. Need advice.

Postby SteelCityCopper » Wed Oct 13, 2010 8:09 pm

Diversify. You never know how much halves, quarters, dimes, ingots will get you WTSHTF. Its easier to trade a dime than cutting a quarter and trading the pieces (I guess assuming they don't have change :) )
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