beauanderos wrote:Time is money. Ryedale's are expensive. Why did you, or would you, consider buying one? How do you justify the expense? At what point would you think to yourself... "well, that just paid for itself?"
68Camaro wrote:The unfortunate thing about the wording of the choices is that those of us without a Ryedale can't see the results unless we screw up the stats wtih a bogus reply...
beauanderos wrote:68Camaro wrote:The unfortunate thing about the wording of the choices is that those of us without a Ryedale can't see the results unless we screw up the stats wtih a bogus reply...
It wouldn't be bogus... just give it your best guess as to what might compel you to buy a Ryedale if you don't own one now. I know the correct answer would reflect a combination of the reasons listed... but there was still probably one primary reason that goaded/would goad you to buy one.
motos wrote:You can click "View Results". Doesn't have to screw up anything.
motos wrote:You can click "View Results". Doesn't have to screw up anything.
I hand sorted for about 7 months. Bought a Ryedale and within 2 months of sorting with that I sold 350lbs and payed for my machine outright and then some. Now everything is just profit!
rulesforrebels wrote:My main reason for buying one will be b/c I want to start selling my sort.
Personally I woudln't consider the Ryedale paid off just because I collected $500 worth of melt value in copper pennies, my paid off would be I sold enough pennies on ebay taht the profit totalled $500. With investments there's really no loss or gain until you sell for the most part.
beauanderos wrote:motos wrote:You can click "View Results". Doesn't have to screw up anything.
I hand sorted for about 7 months. Bought a Ryedale and within 2 months of sorting with that I sold 350lbs and payed for my machine outright and then some. Now everything is just profit!
Okay, don't mean to be confrontational... but explain that math to me? So you made $151.43 profit per each CTU you sold? That would be great! I usually only make $43 a lot after shipping and other costs, so to pay off a Ryedale I'd have to sell more than 12 boxes. Maybe you're referring to paying off the differential in equity value that Rodie was mentioning?
avidbrandy wrote:No I understand that and I hear that a lot from financial advisers and such, but I think it's flawed logic. If I have an ounce of gold, it is worth one ounce of gold. That will never change. Saying that you have to sell it for USD before you can mark your loss or gain implies that only a USD has 'real' value. If I have 100 USD, and we get 11% inflation this year, (which is the track we're on right now.) I still have 100USD, but did I lose money? F yea I did! Because my final item is not a USD. It's whatever I choose later to purchase with it, like gas for my car. I can purchase less gas for my car now, with the same USD. Did gas go up? Sure a bit. Did the USD go down 15% in the last 6 months. Yep.
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