Question about dump banks

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Question about dump banks

Postby lewbo » Sun Jun 26, 2011 8:54 pm

My dump bank has a free coin counter for members that gives you a deposit ticket to take to the teller. I have gotten boxed pennies from them in the past. Do you think I would get my own pennies back now or would they go out and then come back from another source? Maybe I should do a test how long should a wait before asking for a couple boxes? What is the cycle time on pennies dumped like this or does it matter?
Selling US pennies 1.9 face shipped. Never mind I am keeping everything!
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Re: Question about dump banks

Postby Chief » Sun Jun 26, 2011 10:37 pm

I do not mix my dump and pickup banks. It would be best if you did not as well. Keep sorting! :)
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Re: Question about dump banks

Postby slickeast » Sun Jun 26, 2011 11:36 pm

Don't poop where you eat.

Don't pee into the wind.

Don't bite the hand that feeds you.

Don't dump pennies at your pickup bank.
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Re: Question about dump banks

Postby John_doe » Mon Jun 27, 2011 12:28 am

Chief wrote:I do not mix my dump and pickup banks. It would be best if you did not as well. Keep sorting! :)

same here, I think most of the forum would agree here.
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Re: Question about dump banks

Postby GTOJohn » Mon Jun 27, 2011 4:12 am

a dump bank with a lobby coin counter is a good thing - dont ruin it by trying to get pennies from them as well.
thought it has been said many times before, dump at different banks than you pick-up from.
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Re: Question about dump banks

Postby inflationhawk » Mon Jun 27, 2011 5:34 am

Cardinal sin. You are banned from posting in the forum for a week. Just kidding, I think you get the picture though from the responses so far. Hopefully, you live in an area with lots of banks and have other options for pick ups.
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Re: Question about dump banks

Postby gilpo » Mon Jun 27, 2011 9:41 am

At the risk of getting banned from the forum, I have a pickup and a dump that's the same. I've banked there for years and the tellers know me by name. They order me as many boxes as I want and give me plastic coin bags to bring my Zincolns back in. All the boxes I get are strings and I'm getting 30-35% coppers. Is this the exception rather than the rule?
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Re: Question about dump banks

Postby inflationhawk » Mon Jun 27, 2011 9:53 am

I would say most definitely an exception to the rule and while they may seem helpful and friendly now, that might not always be the case. I wouldn't risk having such a good relationship at that bank by taking too much advantage of the situation. That's extra work for the bank to order and store the coins and then hold yours until the coin distributor comes back. It's not really about the risk of getting your own coins back, because in most situations that would never happen. It's awesome that you have such a great relationship at that bank, I'd just be careful not to take advantage of them too much and harm that relationship. It took years to build that relationship, it could be lost by one too many coin swaps.
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Re: Question about dump banks

Postby gilpo » Mon Jun 27, 2011 5:20 pm

I only dump $100/week there. I don't have a Ryedale so my little hand-fed comparitor can't do much more than that. I know you aren't supposed to talk about roll searching, but I told them what I was doing when they asked. Every dump day they always ask if I've found anything. In our conversations, I did find out that one of the tellers checks all the halves, quarters and dimes for silver when customers drop them off. So needless to say I won't be hunting silver from that bank. They think I'm crazy for sorting pennies so I doubt they'll join in on this fun anytime soon.

Oh, and next teller appreciation day, I will make sure they know how much I appreciate them.
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Re: Question about dump banks

Postby reddirtcoins » Mon Jun 27, 2011 6:04 pm

There is no D in my ump like no P in my ool....
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Re: Question about dump banks

Postby galenrog » Tue Jun 28, 2011 8:54 pm

After having my dump bank tell me that coin machines were for established business customers only I went searching for another. I now use two credit unions. I pick up bagged pennies at another and rolled coin at a bank that specifically asked if I was going to be bringing loose coin back to be deposited. It takes a bit of time and a little gas to do it right in my area, but the credit union that takes most of my coin has tellers that get quite a laugh and even pool what days I will show up and with how much coin. I am trying to get more banks to order coin, but have slim pickings without a business account.
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Re: Question about dump banks

Postby shinnosuke » Tue Jun 28, 2011 9:03 pm

galenrog wrote:After having my dump bank tell me that coin machines were for established business customers only I went searching for another. I now use two credit unions. I pick up bagged pennies at another and rolled coin at a bank that specifically asked if I was going to be bringing loose coin back to be deposited. It takes a bit of time and a little gas to do it right in my area, but the credit union that takes most of my coin has tellers that get quite a laugh and even pool what days I will show up and with how much coin. I am trying to get more banks to order coin, but have slim pickings without a business account.

You should be able to get a DBA down at the county courthouse/office. That DBA will allow you to open a business account at the bank. You don't have to be incorporated to be in business. I owned a DBA when I was selling a lot of things to companies in Japan. I named the company after my father. It was called OF Sales. :lol:
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