You know you are serious about pennies when........

Forum for discussing any topic related to investing in, collecting and saving US, Canadian, UK, and other Copper Bullion Pennies for their metal content.

Re: You know you are serious about pennies when........

Postby tinhorn » Sun Jun 12, 2011 4:17 pm

When you decide to stop at just ONE bank on the way home from work, but by the time you get home you've spent all your beer money and next week's gas money on four more boxes.
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Re: You know you are serious about pennies when........

Postby slickeast » Sun Jun 12, 2011 5:04 pm

When you have to go dump the zincs to make your house payment.
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Re: You know you are serious about pennies when........

Postby Copper Catcher » Mon Jun 27, 2011 2:32 pm

By mistake you throw away a penny tossing empty rolls in the trash can; so you dump the trash can get see if you missed a copper coin.

You see a penny laying in the road or busy parking lot and dodge traffic to retrieve it.

You inspect the take a coin, leave a coin tray in the local C stores.

If you find a bent copper coin while sorting you get a hammer and make it flat in order to put it in your bucket that you are saving.
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Re: You know you are serious about pennies when........

Postby slickeast » Mon Jun 27, 2011 3:01 pm

Copper Catcher wrote:

If you find a bent copper coin while sorting you get a hammer and make it flat in order to put it in your bucket that you are saving.

My boss at work gave me the trash out of the coinstar machine. I used a hammer to flatten out all the bent coins. I bought lunch with them. :mrgreen:
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Re: You know you are serious about pennies when........

Postby ed_vantage17 » Mon Jun 27, 2011 4:11 pm

You can identify copper vs zinc on sight without looking at the date with better than 95% accuracy.
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Re: You know you are serious about pennies when........

Postby John_doe » Mon Jun 27, 2011 4:19 pm

slickeast wrote:When you have to go dump the zincs to make your house payment.

When you dump zincs to buy forex!
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Re: You know you are serious about pennies when........

Postby Corsair » Mon Jun 27, 2011 4:40 pm

When someone says they are worried about that bill they have coming due, and you realize you have that entire amount in pennies sitting in your family room.
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Re: You know you are serious about pennies when........

Postby hirbonzig » Mon Jun 27, 2011 5:21 pm

When you're in a fast food drive thru and you make the person that hands over your food wait until you're finished looking at your change and setting aside any copper cents.
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Re: You know you are serious about pennies when........

Postby hirbonzig » Mon Jun 27, 2011 5:32 pm

The cup holders in your car are catagorized into copper cent, 1982's and spendable change holders.
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Re: You know you are serious about pennies when........

Postby reddirtcoins » Mon Jun 27, 2011 6:02 pm

You buy them even though you can see that most of them are green...
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Re: You know you are serious about pennies when........

Postby Copper Catcher » Mon Jun 27, 2011 7:59 pm

When sorting pennies or driving to the bank you can't get this song out of your head! :shock:
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Re: You know you are serious about pennies when........

Postby Copper Catcher » Mon Jun 27, 2011 8:23 pm

You realize RealCent members could break this record...but obviously it should be done with only copper pennies! ;)

Guinness World Record Penny Pyramid- video shows 300 hours in under 3min ... re=related

World Record Attempt Completed; April 17th 2006 289,318 pennies,

More has been added.... ... re=related
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Re: You know you are serious about pennies when........

Postby PhucilliJerry » Tue Jun 28, 2011 11:09 am

When your fiancee gives you a dirty look because you just smiled when the cute girl in front of you at the grocery store checkout bent over to pick up the penny she just dropped and you were smiling because you heard that "sound", not because she had a nice butt......and your fiancee knows you aren't lying.......

Re: You know you are serious about pennies when........

Postby shinnosuke » Tue Jun 28, 2011 2:27 pm

When those pennies in the fountain at the mall look awful tempting even though there are lots of people walking by...
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Re: You know you are serious about pennies when........

Postby henrysmedford » Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:30 pm

When you tell the kids that you are going to Home Depot and they say are you getting more of the Homer buckets?
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Re: You know you are serious about pennies when........

Postby Gamecock » Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:00 pm

when you can tell that a coin is 95.5% copper, 3% tin, and 1.5% zinc just by listening to the sound it makes when you flip it in the air
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Re: You know you are serious about pennies when........

Postby John_doe » Fri Jul 01, 2011 12:02 am

henrysmedford wrote:When you tell the kids that you are going to Home Depot and they say are you getting more of the Homer buckets?

Off topic, but do those buckets have lids? How much do they cost?
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Re: You know you are serious about pennies when........

Postby henrysmedford » Fri Jul 01, 2011 2:31 am

John_doe wrote:
henrysmedford wrote:When you tell the kids that you are going to Home Depot and they say are you getting more of the Homer buckets?

Off topic, but do those buckets have lids? How much do they cost?

$7.00 with the lid.
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Re: You know you are serious about pennies when........

Postby Doctor Steuss » Wed Jul 06, 2011 11:02 am

When you have a bumper sticker on your car that says "Zinc Happens."

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Re: You know you are serious about pennies when........

Postby Red King » Wed Jul 06, 2011 9:55 pm

shinnosuke wrote:When those pennies in the fountain at the mall look awful tempting even though there are lots of people walking by...

YES!!! It always saddens me when I walk by those wishing fountains, knowing that there is no discreet way to make off with them. At best, others notice, and suddenly you are categorized as a bum. At worse, mall security notices and you're 'escorted' to the curb (only to return with a fake mustache and glasses later)

I always wonder why so many shoppers insist on throwing their hard-earned change away...but then again, it is a mall, so it goes with the territory I guess...

Oh, and to one-up you, you know you're serious when you actually contact the mall management office to ask where they deposit that change...then they refuse to divulge that info, for whatever excuse or another the secretary pulls out.
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Re: You know you are serious about pennies when........

Postby merchoarder » Wed Jul 06, 2011 9:59 pm

hirbonzig wrote:When you're in a fast food drive thru and you make the person that hands over your food wait until you're finished looking at your change and setting aside any copper cents.

Or you make them wait until you close your door after picking up the pennies on the ground :lol:
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Re: You know you are serious about pennies when........

Postby brandon » Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:18 pm

sparechange wrote:when you use a bag of zincs to buy a case of lava soap.
ha i have done that
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Re: You know you are serious about pennies when........

Postby fansubs_ca » Wed Jul 13, 2011 2:44 am

John_doe wrote:Every bank employee in town knows you as the "penny guy", and has sent you away multiple times but you keep going back.

I once had a teller say "you're the penny guy" to me back in the late 1980s!

Of course back then (when I was a teen) it wasn't copper I was hunting (it was only 90¢/lb
back then ^_-) I was literally coin searching for U.S. pennies (they were worth more then).
This teller recognized me from annother branch as she had shifts at both. Back then about
4% of pennies circulating in Winnipeg were U.S. and 6% of those were wheats so I got 0.24%
wheats. If I knew then what I knew now I would have held onto the wheats rather than
selling them to U.S. coin dealers when I went south at 1.5 times face, then 1.3 times face,
then 1.2 times face. At least U. S. coin dealers would actually buy something, up here in
Canada anything other than silver tended to be illiquid. Even though it may sell in a coin
shop for a big mark up everyone was fully stocked and didn't need any more of anything.
Of course we didn't have Ebay in those days.

Many years later when I got into copper searching I wished my old dump bank was still open
because I suspect all my old dumps were still sitting in their vault until the day they closed
the branch....and they would be 100% copper since that's all Canada minted back then! :o
I stopped dumping there when they told me their vault was full, many months later I went
back and they said they had a limit they would take because they had so many in their
vault. They apparently didn't have many commercial clients requesting change.

But back on topic...

  • You see a bunch of pennies on the floor in the mall and squint to see if any are copper
    before bending down to pick them up. (Done it! :lol: )
  • You write a parody rap song entitled "Funky Green Patina" (Didn't but had the idea. :lol: )
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Re: You know you are serious about pennies when........

Postby John_doe » Thu Jul 14, 2011 12:53 am

fansubs_ca wrote:
John_doe wrote:Every bank employee in town knows you as the "penny guy", and has sent you away multiple times but you keep going back.

I once had a teller say "you're the penny guy" to me back in the late 1980s!

Of course back then (when I was a teen) it wasn't copper I was hunting (it was only 90¢/lb
back then ^_-) I was literally coin searching for U.S. pennies (they were worth more then).
This teller recognized me from annother branch as she had shifts at both. Back then about
4% of pennies circulating in Winnipeg were U.S. and 6% of those were wheats so I got 0.24%
wheats. If I knew then what I knew now I would have held onto the wheats rather than
selling them to U.S. coin dealers when I went south at 1.5 times face, then 1.3 times face,
then 1.2 times face. At least U. S. coin dealers would actually buy something, up here in
Canada anything other than silver tended to be illiquid. Even though it may sell in a coin
shop for a big mark up everyone was fully stocked and didn't need any more of anything.
Of course we didn't have Ebay in those days.

Many years later when I got into copper searching I wished my old dump bank was still open
because I suspect all my old dumps were still sitting in their vault until the day they closed
the branch....and they would be 100% copper since that's all Canada minted back then! :o
I stopped dumping there when they told me their vault was full, many months later I went
back and they said they had a limit they would take because they had so many in their
vault. They apparently didn't have many commercial clients requesting change.

But back on topic...

  • You see a bunch of pennies on the floor in the mall and squint to see if any are copper
    before bending down to pick them up. (Done it! :lol: )
  • You write a parody rap song entitled "Funky Green Patina" (Didn't but had the idea. :lol: )

copper is illiquid? Lol

that makes no sense, but they don't know what we know! ;)

have you considered selling abroad as opposed to domestic? There are huge demands for copper on an international basis in developing countries. If our governments fill those orders you are sitting on a gold mine. If they don't see what calls you can make, and your still sitting pretty.

Sell it for the domestic currency of the country your exchanging with at a high end premium, then exchange somewhere that has a strong dollar and low commodities prices.
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Re: You know you are serious about pennies when........

Postby Copper Catcher » Thu Jul 14, 2011 7:22 am

You offer local charities a fundraising idea: Collecting pennies and you will match what they collect up to $1000. Also you will count the total they collect and taken them off their hands for no charge and simply hand them a check.

Sadly, the two nonprofits I floated the idea too several years ago were too lazy and said it would be overly time consuming for the amount of money they would collect.
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