The Copper King (new sorting machine)

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Re: The Copper King (new sorting machine)

Postby Kurr » Fri Jun 24, 2011 9:52 am

My .02 (I did not watch the vids, just looked) on how you could improve:

Get a 4x4 or 6x6 and a saw. Try to cut it in such a way that you have a solid mount base. Your engineering skills may be ok, but the wood and drywall screws give it a "cobbled together" look that just screams "I'll break the first time I get knocked over"
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Re: The Copper King (new sorting machine)

Postby adagirl » Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:07 am

Kudos for your efforts.

I love my Ryedale.
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Re: The Copper King (new sorting machine)

Postby ed_vantage17 » Fri Jun 24, 2011 7:41 pm

I'm familiar with what you're using for a hopper and feeding mechanism. I wouldn't expect the all plastic hopper or small motor to last more than 50,000 coins. Just my opinion.
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Re: The Copper King (new sorting machine)

Postby Chief » Fri Jun 24, 2011 7:49 pm

Just my opinion, worth what you paid for it, what a monstrosity. Just a gigantic machine. Plus jams every few dollars? I"ll keep my Ryedale.
ETA: Video shows nothing worth while.
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Re: The Copper King (new sorting machine)

Postby JerrySpringer » Sat Jun 25, 2011 1:59 pm

I still think you should call it ' The Nutcracker'. Things are too tame today. Anyone can call their coin sorter a King or Drysdale or Hathaway. Those who live on the edge want a micro-brewed coin sorter that hollers "Come and get me coppers!" .
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Re: The Copper King (new sorting machine)

Postby rulesforrebels » Sun Jun 26, 2011 9:23 am

Hey guys looks like a pretty decent little sorter you got there. Your video is too short and doesn't actually show pennies getting sorted. From what I could see I was impressed though as far as homemade machines go.

Personally I didn't have a problem with a beer being in the shot and thought the "its a rock, oh no, WTF, it's a pistachio" was kind of funny.

People seemed kinda uptight making such a big deal about those things but they do have a point, you want to be able to sell your prodcut to everyone and if having a beer bottle in the shot turns some people off then it's not a smart thing to do from a business perspective.

I have a feeling you guys aren't trying to really get into a true manufacturing setting though, I dont think there's enough of a market for a product like this anyways. I imagine you guys are trying to build some machines in your basement, make a few bucks off ebay. Thats great still great though so I suppose you dont have to be as professional as some on here would like you to be.

Still though, you need to take a longer video from a better angle that actually shows this thing in action. I have a buddy who's looking for a sorter, pm me or email me at and let me know what your charging and stuff. I would build one for him but I'm leaving for a trip around the Caribean this week and am going to be gone for a month, he wants to get started with his sorting asap.
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Re: The Copper King (new sorting machine)

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Sun Jun 26, 2011 11:57 pm

We Are Jakes wrote:Wow it seems like you guys really hate us. I can't believe some of you are really bothered by the beer , and the language. I thought this was a forum for men, and all men know beer, tools, and copper go well together. In all seriousness( and we don't take ourselves too seriously) we know the copper king sucks, but were working on it. Made some more improvements yesterday, and we've solved most our jamming problems. Did one entire box of pennies with only 1 jam. I think that pretty darn good for two kids in a basement. It sure beats doing drugs.

You have asked for opinions. Here is a small bit of advice: Never ask someone what they think... they just might tell you! Everyone here is doing just that! :lol: Listen to these "old timers". They are the Captains of Copper, the Bosses of Brass, the Centenarians of Cents . They know what they are talking about, and they are really doing you a favor by even taking the time to write to you. Listen to them.

I like your idea. Nice try. I bet you will sell a lot of them. What kind of warranty will you offer? I appreciate your honesty for saying how often they jamb. Is your product really ready to go on the market?? If you "know the copper king sucks" (???!!), then you also know it is not ready for prime time. You could run into trouble, forced to buy back your copper king, maybe be kicked off eBay.

Your videos are waaayy too short. You are giving potential buyers mere seconds to make a buying decision. Not enough information. You could make the mistake of making them too long, as well.

Unless you are selling beer, it should never be in a presentation. Unless you are selling R-rated movies, profanity should never be in a presentation, either. Why? It sends an unspoken message: You don't care enough to take care of things important to a potential buyer. It's a turn-off. Crass. Uncouth. Juvenile. Sophomoric. You never get a second chance to make a first impression.

For a couple of kids in a basement, this is impressive! Keep it up! And, stay off the drugs! :D
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Re: The Copper King (new sorting machine)

Postby We Are Jakes » Thu Jun 30, 2011 1:17 am

Hey guys we sold out first copper king. And we also have a new video up (minus the beer and swearing). They are also available for purchase at
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Re: The Copper King (new sorting machine)

Postby barrytrot » Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:54 am

We Are Jakes wrote:Hey guys we sold out first copper king. And we also have a new video up (minus the beer and swearing). They are also available for purchase at

Quite a bit improved.

Also your site, while spartan, isn't bad.

It's funny that the lamp is one third the cost of the copper king :)
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Re: The Copper King (new sorting machine)

Postby beauanderos » Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:22 am

suggestion. Video is much improved without the audio, lets viewers focus on machine, not distractions. Two things. There is a subliminal connotation that the machine isn't all that fast at sorting because of these factors, though it does seem a fair bit quicker than hand-sorting. Although it works, there is an implication that this is for small-time sorters due to your only feeding in cents at a trickle... and only catching them in small plastic cups. I don't know if your machine would jam if you fed in handfuls at a time (or filled the hopper to its max capacity) but I don't think any sorter will want to sit there and feed in one or two cents at a time. Also, you'd make a better impression of the machine function and capacity if you placed, for instance, a couple of $25 bank penny boxes (already half full) to capture the sorted cents. Just the fact that you might be able to see the dollar value ($25) will move people up from thinking "aw, pennies are worthless, who cares?" You might also want to place several stacked $25 boxes in the background (doesn't matter if they are empty or full, no one will know) where they are visible, or one half full of plastic wrapped bank pennies in the background. This also implies that this "hobby" doesn't have to be restricted to only people who check their pocket change.
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Re: The Copper King (new sorting machine)

Postby JobIII » Fri Jul 01, 2011 10:56 am

Wow typical responses from the Realcent pulpit. :roll: And it seems to have been hijacked by off-topic posting as well...

Ryedale coin sorters have set a pretty high level of performance that people here use to compare to other devices. Keep in mind that your homemade device is being compared to something that was professionally constructed.

The device looks like a pretty good work in progress. Keep testing it to see what works and what needs to be improved. I would also suggest using videos that show it working, period. Perhaps keep the sound off. And there is also the presentation of the device to think of. Perhaps a backdrop in a well lit area to allow the viewer to see all the working parts as well as the device in action.

Best of luck to you and the device!

BTW commentary on this site tends to be harsh and unconstructive at first followed by less harsh and more constructive over time, leading to mostly non-sense posting. If your product sells it sells. So take the opinions of others with a grain of salt, including mine :D

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Re: The Copper King (new sorting machine)

Postby gojomoso » Mon Jul 04, 2011 8:43 pm

We Are Jakes wrote:Hey Guys. I've been lucking on the site for sometime now and finally decided to join. My friend and I have been selling comparators on ebay, and had some good luck so we decided to see what kind of sorting machine we could make. We've made a couple and been getting some good results from them, as well as favorable reviews from fellow numismatics so we're going into production and selling them. check it out and let us know what you think.

if you want a higher quality machine to build check out coinmech for better comparitors, and do a quick google search for a hopper that is not a $20 coin sorter/roller. Not trying to put your machine down, but i would try slightly more expensive products because you get what you pay for (specifically the imported comparitor) :mrgreen:
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Re: The Copper King (new sorting machine)

Postby We Are Jakes » Tue Jul 12, 2011 11:44 pm

Becasue of the success of the first Copper King we have put another one up on ebay. ... :MESELX:IT
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Re: The Copper King (new sorting machine)

Postby TheJonasCollegeFund » Wed Jul 13, 2011 12:35 am

It's not a Ryedale.....but heck....I couldn't build anything close to that. My hat's off to you for your effort. Keep improving. I wish I hadn't ruined so many brain cells back in the day!
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Re: The Copper King (new sorting machine)

Postby CoinHuntingObsession » Thu Jul 14, 2011 6:42 pm

your video only shows you putting zincs through the machine. I did not see a single penny come out of the other slot.
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Re: The Copper King (new sorting machine)

Postby We Are Jakes » Thu Jul 14, 2011 11:51 pm

Thats probably because most of the pennies you find are zinc. If you look at our youtube channel there are other videos where you can see coppers being separated as well.
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Re: The Copper King (new sorting machine)

Postby timmus0382 » Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:26 pm

Where did the videos go? I want to watch them
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Re: The Copper King (new sorting machine)

Postby NoCents » Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:18 pm

We Are Jakes wrote: It sure beats doing drugs.

I don't know, I've done some good pennies, and even better drugs. Where's the basement?
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Re: The Copper King (new sorting machine)

Postby anarchir » Tue Jul 19, 2011 1:02 pm

A hundred bucks? Might as well spend the extra 20 and get the big name Ryedale. Keep up the good work making them though! I want to get a coin sorter eventually.
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