Save the World

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Save the World

Postby shinnosuke » Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:27 am

This sort of reasoning never hits the mass media. It is so simple and clear. Yet, all we can seem to do is elbow our way to the front of the entitlements line creating debt, debt and more debt. Who is going to pay back all this debt?

It is hard to define how much money Greece is getting. Is it the next tranche of IMF money? Is it the amount of cuts the Greek government agreed to take? Is it future promises of money from the Troika? It's hard to tell, but $20 billion seems to be about the amount that is being provided to get us through another 3 months...Let's assume the Lehman 2.0 and contagion crowd are correct. Is it realistic to assume that $3 per person is enough to save the world's entire economic model? If so, sign me up, I will contribute my $3. But the GDP of the U.S. $14.5 trillion (it is easy to remember since it is the same as the amount of U.S. debt outstanding). The GDP of the European Union is $16 trillion. Add in another $10 trillion for China and Japan and you have GDP of $40 trillion. The doomsayers are telling us that $20 billion is all that it takes to save a $40 trillion system? We have a $40 trillion global economy that hinges on getting $20 billion to Greece so they don't default.

The rest of the article is here:
When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them... (Thomas Jefferson)
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Re: Save the World

Postby 68Camaro » Thu Jun 30, 2011 3:00 pm

I wrote a long "end of the world" piece in response, only to have it die during a time-out because I took too long (I should have done a cntrl-A cntrl-C save, and then cntrl-V pasted it back in, but I didn't). Probably not going to repeat that effort, and it was too grim anyway. I gave myself the creeps just writing it.

At any rate, the Greek bail-out (and any $20BN fantasy story) is just a stop-gap effort, a thumb in the dike. Too much is owed by too many. There is no one that can come along to bail out the world. It will all implode - it's just the details of how, and the order of it, that is somewhat in doubt. To repeat myself (for the n-th time) - there can be no good end to this, and the only question is how bad will it get.
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
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Re: Save the World

Postby shinnosuke » Thu Jun 30, 2011 4:00 pm

Ha! That's sounds just like me. I have started so many posts here only to discard them halfway through because they were too dark.

Let's just keep doing what we're doing to prepare. If our own efforts are not enough, then hopefully the prayers we will offer will bring the necessary assistance.
Last edited by shinnosuke on Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them... (Thomas Jefferson)
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Re: Save the World

Postby beauanderos » Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:16 pm

I pray for the souls of those who would attempt to prey on me when TSHTF
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Re: Save the World

Postby whatsnext » Mon Jul 04, 2011 9:02 pm

I dont see very much happening, yeay money issues but not the end. There will be no horde roaming around eating everything unless it is invaders. There is very little historic percedent to support the canniblistic butcher disaster of doom and ultimate society breakdown.

I tell the people who tell me about the horde that the horde is the demon with 1000 mouths in their head.

Things/people are just going to be controlled better. It is all a means to an end.

Sure I'm puting more food back, but thats for natural type doom.
Last edited by whatsnext on Mon Jul 11, 2011 11:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Save the World

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Mon Jul 04, 2011 10:49 pm

shinnosuke wrote:This sort of reasoning never hits the mass media. It is so simple and clear. Yet, all we can seem to do is elbow our way to the front of the entitlements line creating debt, debt and more debt. Who is going to pay back all this debt?

It is hard to define how much money Greece is getting. Is it the next tranche of IMF money? Is it the amount of cuts the Greek government agreed to take? Is it future promises of money from the Troika? It's hard to tell, but $20 billion seems to be about the amount that is being provided to get us through another 3 months...Let's assume the Lehman 2.0 and contagion crowd are correct. Is it realistic to assume that $3 per person is enough to save the world's entire economic model? If so, sign me up, I will contribute my $3. But the GDP of the U.S. $14.5 trillion (it is easy to remember since it is the same as the amount of U.S. debt outstanding). The GDP of the European Union is $16 trillion. Add in another $10 trillion for China and Japan and you have GDP of $40 trillion. The doomsayers are telling us that $20 billion is all that it takes to save a $40 trillion system? We have a $40 trillion global economy that hinges on getting $20 billion to Greece so they don't default.

The rest of the article is here:

I am beginning to think the "doom" is not going to be as doomy as the prophets make it out to be. Agora Financial guaranteed their customs we would see $2,000 gold long before now. Hasn't happened yet. Mr. SilverGoldSilver @, prophesied that we would be trading acres of land for an oz. of silver. Oh, how I wish! Gerald Celente said 2010 would see a world economic collapse. We are half way thru 2011 and it hasn't happened yet.

ultimately, I don't see anyone paying off all this debt. Many South American countries defaulted on foreign owned debt in my lifetime. The world kept turning. Japan has operated for somewhere 20 years now with a national debt of 200% to GDP ratio, haven't they?

You know, I actually made more money, and could buy more silver & gold before I started doing all this doomsday prepping. I am beginning to wonder if I have wasted my time.
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Re: Save the World

Postby 68Camaro » Tue Jul 05, 2011 5:26 am

Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay wrote:I am beginning to think the "doom" is not going to be as doomy as the prophets make it out to be. Agora Financial guaranteed their customs we would see $2,000 gold long before now. Hasn't happened yet. Mr. SilverGoldSilver @, prophesied that we would be trading acres of land for an oz. of silver. Oh, how I wish! Gerald Celente said 2010 would see a world economic collapse. We are half way thru 2011 and it hasn't happened yet.

ultimately, I don't see anyone paying off all this debt. Many South American countries defaulted on foreign owned debt in my lifetime. The world kept turning. Japan has operated for somewhere 20 years now with a national debt of 200% to GDP ratio, haven't they?

You know, I actually made more money, and could buy more silver & gold before I started doing all this doomsday prepping. I am beginning to wonder if I have wasted my time.

Prediction of timing is always suspect. But we all hope you're right. I hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

While I certainly hope that the worst of my fears don't come true (and I'm not really even prepared for the worst of them), my expectation is something in the middle. Things won't be grand, and I also don't expect total collapse of the system. But I do expect something else really bad to happen. Regression into a military dictatorship is possible. Frankly a world war is possible, which essentially none of us here have lived through - so we don't appreciate how awful the first two were, and one may not be the end of civilzation as we know it, is not something I want to live through, nor my children. And this time too many countries have nukes.

The difference in all your above examples is that the rest of the world wasn't all collapsing at the same time. The problem now is not just one country. Why are they so worried about Greece? It's just a tiny country. No biggie, right? The problem is that the entire world economy is a house of cards and they know it.

Just listened to a bubble-head businsess commentor on the early news say "Things are looking pretty positive now". Right.
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it. George Orwell.
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Re: Save the World

Postby didou » Tue Jul 05, 2011 7:32 am

It may not seem like much but most people in the world probably don't have US$3 to begin with, that's mean that the people who live in rich country will have to pay more, a lot more each. And the one who lucky enough to live in a rich country own $6 in debt for every $3 they have. They can't even pay their own debt, neither than the $3. They just don't realize it yet.

Even if we wish to save the world that way, we can't do it. The sum of everyone money and debt is negative worldwide. If we pay Greece debt with fake money because we don't have it, it will cool thing down for a little while and hit stronger on the next wave.

According to statistics Canada, every Canadian owe in average CAD$1,48 for every dollar they can produce in the future. So even if the debt frenzy stop now and work all your life to pay your debt only (nothing else), you won't be able to fully paid it and will pass the debt onto the next generation. I'm not sure if this include future interest on the debt or not, but that doesn't change a lot, we are screw big time both way.
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Re: Save the World

Postby shinnosuke » Tue Jul 05, 2011 8:10 am

didou wrote:It may not seem like much but most people in the world probably don't have US$3 to begin with, that's mean that the people who live in rich country will have to pay more, a lot more each. And the one who lucky enough to live in a rich country own $6 in debt for every $3 they have. They can't even pay their own debt, neither than the $3. They just don't realize it yet.

Even if we wish to save the world that way, we can't do it. The sum of everyone money and debt is negative worldwide. If we pay Greece debt with fake money because we don't have it, it will cool thing down for a little while and hit stronger on the next wave.

According to statistics Canada, every Canadian owe in average CAD$1,48 for every dollar they can produce in the future. So even if the debt frenzy stop now and work all your life to pay your debt only (nothing else), you won't be able to fully paid it and will pass the debt onto the next generation. I'm not sure if this include future interest on the debt or not, but that doesn't change a lot, we are screw big time both way.

Quote of the day! we are screw big time both way

didou, you explained the situation very well.
When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them... (Thomas Jefferson)
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Re: Save the World

Postby whatsnext » Thu Jul 07, 2011 3:29 pm

kitty face :3
Last edited by whatsnext on Mon Jul 11, 2011 11:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Save the World

Postby Tourney64 » Thu Jul 07, 2011 8:39 pm

Greece is small. Spain is significantly larger and require a bailout due the failed green policies they tried. USA contributes 18% to the IMF bailouts. USA is in deep trouble. Prepare food stockpiles, convert your dollars (gold, silver, copper, guns, ammo, farmland, water. Dollars will be useless real soon.
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Re: Save the World

Postby avidbrandy » Fri Jul 08, 2011 9:47 pm

Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay wrote:
shinnosuke wrote:This sort of reasoning never hits the mass media. It is so simple and clear. Yet, all we can seem to do is elbow our way to the front of the entitlements line creating debt, debt and more debt. Who is going to pay back all this debt?

It is hard to define how much money Greece is getting. Is it the next tranche of IMF money? Is it the amount of cuts the Greek government agreed to take? Is it future promises of money from the Troika? It's hard to tell, but $20 billion seems to be about the amount that is being provided to get us through another 3 months...Let's assume the Lehman 2.0 and contagion crowd are correct. Is it realistic to assume that $3 per person is enough to save the world's entire economic model? If so, sign me up, I will contribute my $3. But the GDP of the U.S. $14.5 trillion (it is easy to remember since it is the same as the amount of U.S. debt outstanding). The GDP of the European Union is $16 trillion. Add in another $10 trillion for China and Japan and you have GDP of $40 trillion. The doomsayers are telling us that $20 billion is all that it takes to save a $40 trillion system? We have a $40 trillion global economy that hinges on getting $20 billion to Greece so they don't default.

The rest of the article is here:

I am beginning to think the "doom" is not going to be as doomy as the prophets make it out to be. Agora Financial guaranteed their customs we would see $2,000 gold long before now. Hasn't happened yet. Mr. SilverGoldSilver @, prophesied that we would be trading acres of land for an oz. of silver. Oh, how I wish! Gerald Celente said 2010 would see a world economic collapse. We are half way thru 2011 and it hasn't happened yet.

ultimately, I don't see anyone paying off all this debt. Many South American countries defaulted on foreign owned debt in my lifetime. The world kept turning. Japan has operated for somewhere 20 years now with a national debt of 200% to GDP ratio, haven't they?

You know, I actually made more money, and could buy more silver & gold before I started doing all this doomsday prepping. I am beginning to wonder if I have wasted my time.

Keep in mind that places like silvergoldsilver always have their own motives and money to make. silvergoldsilver is actually a perfect example, as they until recently had their own site for selling silver bullion. It's like all the investment firms that says 'invest in gold through us! it's going to $5000 an ounce!"

found this hilariously scary video. It's extremely humorous. about a 3 minute video that sums up the economic crisis. I wasn't aware of the number on Ireland's debt.

And hooray for Texas and our love of guns.
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Re: Save the World

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Sat Jul 09, 2011 6:35 pm

avidbrandy wrote:
Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay wrote:
shinnosuke wrote:This sort of reasoning never hits the mass media. It is so simple and clear. Yet, all we can seem to do is elbow our way to the front of the entitlements line creating debt, debt and more debt. Who is going to pay back all this debt?

It is hard to define how much money Greece is getting. Is it the next tranche of IMF money? Is it the amount of cuts the Greek government agreed to take? Is it future promises of money from the Troika? It's hard to tell, but $20 billion seems to be about the amount that is being provided to get us through another 3 months...Let's assume the Lehman 2.0 and contagion crowd are correct. Is it realistic to assume that $3 per person is enough to save the world's entire economic model? If so, sign me up, I will contribute my $3. But the GDP of the U.S. $14.5 trillion (it is easy to remember since it is the same as the amount of U.S. debt outstanding). The GDP of the European Union is $16 trillion. Add in another $10 trillion for China and Japan and you have GDP of $40 trillion. The doomsayers are telling us that $20 billion is all that it takes to save a $40 trillion system? We have a $40 trillion global economy that hinges on getting $20 billion to Greece so they don't default.

The rest of the article is here:

I am beginning to think the "doom" is not going to be as doomy as the prophets make it out to be. Agora Financial guaranteed their customs we would see $2,000 gold long before now. Hasn't happened yet. Mr. SilverGoldSilver @, prophesied that we would be trading acres of land for an oz. of silver. Oh, how I wish! Gerald Celente said 2010 would see a world economic collapse. We are half way thru 2011 and it hasn't happened yet.

ultimately, I don't see anyone paying off all this debt. Many South American countries defaulted on foreign owned debt in my lifetime. The world kept turning. Japan has operated for somewhere 20 years now with a national debt of 200% to GDP ratio, haven't they?

You know, I actually made more money, and could buy more silver & gold before I started doing all this doomsday prepping. I am beginning to wonder if I have wasted my time.

Keep in mind that places like silvergoldsilver always have their own motives and money to make. silvergoldsilver is actually a perfect example, as they until recently had their own site for selling silver bullion. It's like all the investment firms that says 'invest in gold through us! it's going to $5000 an ounce!"

found this hilariously scary video. It's extremely humorous. about a 3 minute video that sums up the economic crisis. I wasn't aware of the number on Ireland's debt.

And hooray for Texas and our love of guns.

Oh, yeah! Someone posted this just a little while back. I LMAO everytime I see it!!! :lol: So very true!
When I die, I want to go like Grandpa did. He died in his sleep..... Not screaming and hollering like all the passengers in his car.
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Re: Save the World

Postby theo » Mon Jul 11, 2011 7:16 pm

Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay wrote:
shinnosuke wrote:This sort of reasoning never hits the mass media. It is so simple and clear. Yet, all we can seem to do is elbow our way to the front of the entitlements line creating debt, debt and more debt. Who is going to pay back all this debt?

It is hard to define how much money Greece is getting. Is it the next tranche of IMF money? Is it the amount of cuts the Greek government agreed to take? Is it future promises of money from the Troika? It's hard to tell, but $20 billion seems to be about the amount that is being provided to get us through another 3 months...Let's assume the Lehman 2.0 and contagion crowd are correct. Is it realistic to assume that $3 per person is enough to save the world's entire economic model? If so, sign me up, I will contribute my $3. But the GDP of the U.S. $14.5 trillion (it is easy to remember since it is the same as the amount of U.S. debt outstanding). The GDP of the European Union is $16 trillion. Add in another $10 trillion for China and Japan and you have GDP of $40 trillion. The doomsayers are telling us that $20 billion is all that it takes to save a $40 trillion system? We have a $40 trillion global economy that hinges on getting $20 billion to Greece so they don't default.

The rest of the article is here:

I am beginning to think the "doom" is not going to be as doomy as the prophets make it out to be. Agora Financial guaranteed their customs we would see $2,000 gold long before now. Hasn't happened yet. Mr. SilverGoldSilver @, prophesied that we would be trading acres of land for an oz. of silver. Oh, how I wish! Gerald Celente said 2010 would see a world economic collapse. We are half way thru 2011 and it hasn't happened yet.

ultimately, I don't see anyone paying off all this debt. Many South American countries defaulted on foreign owned debt in my lifetime. The world kept turning. Japan has operated for somewhere 20 years now with a national debt of 200% to GDP ratio, haven't they?

You know, I actually made more money, and could buy more silver & gold before I started doing all this doomsday prepping. I am beginning to wonder if I have wasted my time.

Well, gold is up almost 40% and silver has nearly doubled in the past year. I can't buy as much silver and gold as I used to either and my income has increased. Having said that, I do take what some of these sites have to say with a grain of salt. They seem to be "one up"ing each other with wild predictions for attention. Although I'm prepping for some bad scenarios, I like to think that things will hold together. Frankly, I think we're in for a more extreme version of the 70s at the very least. Back then we had a larger manufacturing base, lower debt/GDP ratio and don't even get me started on interest rates!

I just saw Wall Street II last night and, although it minimized the Government's role in in the 2008 crash, it seemed almost prophetic at times; with Gorden Gecko sounding like Peter Schiff. Have any of you guys seen it?
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