Hello Everyone,
I just got a Ryedale last week and have only run about 150fv through it so far, I love it. Before the Ryedale I was a hand sorter, and only did a box or three a week. When I was hand sorting, dumping was fairly easy. When I had close to $50-75fv I would send my sister in law to the local TD Bank that has a coin counter. They used to let me do it for free but I don't have an account there so I send her because she does have an account there. I am definitely going to open an account there ASAP. I was thinking of telling the branch manager that I was opening the account solely as a coin collector.
My problem is that now that I have the Ryedale, I will have way more than $100fv of Zincolns to dump. Are there banks that offer those big plastic bags to return change in? Is TD Bank one of them? How should I go about opening the dump account, tell them its a business account? Basically I am looking for the easiest, least shady/embarrassing way to unload mass amounts of zincs.
Any tips, tricks, and info on dumping pennies would be greatly appreciated and valued by myself and I am sure other new realcent.org members!