Has any one dumped coins in a Talaris QuickChange ?

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Has any one dumped coins in a Talaris QuickChange ?

Postby henrysmedford » Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:06 pm

Today at one of are dump banks Franklin noticed that the Coinstar was gone. And there was a new Talaris QuickChange Self Service Coin Deposit.http://talaris.com/en-us/products-services/self-service-solutions/quickchange-coin-deposit.aspx Are they good ,bad, slow, fast ? The bank bought them for each of there twenty branches.
We are going to try it out on Tuesday
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Re: Has any one dumped coins in a Talaris QuickChange ?

Postby 68Camaro » Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:10 pm

From the look of it that's the one my credit union has and I used a few times earlier in the year before they started charging. If so, it was blinding fast. Ate up the coins almost as fast as I could dump them in the hopper (which is deceptively small, but it feeds very fast).
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Re: Has any one dumped coins in a Talaris QuickChange ?

Postby henrysmedford » Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:14 pm

PS no charge for its use and eight branch close by! :D
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Re: Has any one dumped coins in a Talaris QuickChange ?

Postby newtopos » Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:52 pm

henrysmedford wrote:Today at one of are dump banks Franklin noticed that the Coinstar was gone. And there was a new Talaris QuickChange Self Service Coin Deposit.http://talaris.com/en-us/products-services/self-service-solutions/quickchange-coin-deposit.aspx Are they good ,bad, slow, fast ? The bank bought them for each of there twenty branches.
We are going to try it out on Tuesday

2,500 coins per minute, according to a specification online.
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Re: Has any one dumped coins in a Talaris QuickChange ?

Postby 68Camaro » Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:59 pm

On paper only 4x a coinstar, but in practice the coinstar has never lived up to its specs for me. I've felt lucky to get 200-300/min thru one. This one may not be the world record holder, but chomped through 100 face in well less than 10 minutes (I wasn't really counting the time, but like I said it was literally almost as fast as I could dump bags into it), which seems consistent with 2500/min (4 minutes, in theory).
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
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Re: Has any one dumped coins in a Talaris QuickChange ?

Postby NiBullionCu » Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:01 pm

Genealogy time:

Talaris bought the coin sorting/counting manufacture part of DeLaRue.

DeLaRue had bought LeFebure

LeFebure had bought Brandt.

I left Brandt shortly after it was acquired by DeLaRue circa 1999.

At that time Brandt was sourcing the coin deposit machines from Scan Coin in Denmark.

Not sure what is under the hood of the new ones...

I eventually want to get a Brandt/DeLarue model Mach5 machine with coin recognition.
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Re: Has any one dumped coins in a Talaris QuickChange ?

Postby PennyPauper » Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:43 pm

Several of those near me but they are several years older Delarue.Work great,quick.Often find coins on the magnet at beginning of belt. If they bag the coin its a great source.20 machines nearby would be a dream come true for any sorter.
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Re: Has any one dumped coins in a Talaris QuickChange ?

Postby TheJonasCollegeFund » Fri Jul 01, 2011 12:00 am

Most of the branches of my dump bank have this machine. Fast and holds "4" $50 penny bags. Then I think '2' bags each for quarters, dimes, and nickels. Not too sure about dollars or halfs. The only pain is when they have to change out bags...there is always more bags to change. The last time it happened to me they had to pull out the push cart. All '4' penny bags, a dime, a quarter, and a nickel bag had to be pulled out and switched with new bags. But it's faster and better than a coinstar. I dumped the zinc rejects from my last $50 bag earlier today. All of 5 minutes if that for roughly $34 in zincs only. One slight pause today as I suspect the machine was switching bags. I love the conveyor belt feeding...beats the hell out of the coinstar method! :D
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Re: Has any one dumped coins in a Talaris QuickChange ?

Postby slickeast » Fri Jul 01, 2011 12:16 am

You my friend just struck gold. Find as many branches as you can that will sell you the bags. Then dump at the ones that won't. These are the best machines to dump at. They will eat through some coin. They only have 3 bags for pennies ($150). They fill up fast. Before the CU put a $300 day limit I would dump $750 & 2-3k in halves in one visit.
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Re: Has any one dumped coins in a Talaris QuickChange ?

Postby HoardCopperByTheTon » Mon Jul 04, 2011 1:25 pm

Definately getting jealous here. Those things are as fast as half my counting machines. Definately a serious upgrade from the CoinStar machines. "My you have a lot of coins! Please wait while we catch up."

Slick offers excellent advice. Find out which branches will sell you the bags and let each branch determine if they will be a source bank or a dump bank. Parcel your take down to reasonable size batches for Franklin to sort. Man, if I could only get a source/dump setup like this. You guys have it made! :mrgreen:
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Re: Has any one dumped coins in a Talaris QuickChange ?

Postby henrysmedford » Mon Jul 04, 2011 2:00 pm

HoardCopperByTheTon wrote:Definately getting jealous here. Those things are as fast as half my counting machines. Definately a serious upgrade from the CoinStar machines. "My you have a lot of coins! Please wait while we catch up."

Slick offers excellent advice. Find out which branches will sell you the bags and let each branch determine if they will be a source bank or a dump bank. Parcel your take down to reasonable size batches for Franklin to sort. Man, if I could only get a source/dump setup like this. You guys have it made! :mrgreen:

The bank is Premierwest http://www.premierwestbank.com/locations-and-hours and they have branches in Northern California !
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Re: Has any one dumped coins in a Talaris QuickChange ?

Postby HoardCopperByTheTon » Mon Jul 04, 2011 2:08 pm

They are about an hour and a half away from me.. but I may have to open an account anyway. What's with the no Saturday hours? That's my time coin run time. :mrgreen:
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Re: Has any one dumped coins in a Talaris QuickChange ?

Postby henrysmedford » Mon Jul 04, 2011 2:21 pm

HoardCopperByTheTon wrote:They are about an hour and a half away from me.. but I may have to open an account anyway. What's with the no Saturday hours? That's my time coin run time. :mrgreen:
They had Saturday hours but that was before they were "said" to be on the FDIC watch list .
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Re: Has any one dumped coins in a Talaris QuickChange ?

Postby HoardCopperByTheTon » Mon Jul 04, 2011 2:24 pm

Yeah, those Saturday hours really make a bank look suspicious. Not worried about them being on the list.. I never keep more than the insured minimum in any one account. :mrgreen:
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Re: Has any one dumped coins in a Talaris QuickChange ?

Postby Morsecode » Mon Jul 04, 2011 3:03 pm

The Penny Arcade machines at TD Bank are Talaris. I noticed the nameplate yesterday when we had the machine open to change bags.

TD is open Sat til 3, Sun til 4, Thus & Fri til 8pm, Mon-Wed til 6. Very convenient for the penny hoarder. They were even open today til noon.
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Re: Has any one dumped coins in a Talaris QuickChange ?

Postby HoardCopperByTheTon » Mon Jul 04, 2011 3:07 pm

Oh man, now you guys are giving me bank envy! :mrgreen:
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Re: Has any one dumped coins in a Talaris QuickChange ?

Postby TheJonasCollegeFund » Tue Jul 05, 2011 1:16 am

Mine won't let me buy the bags....dump only...and I do!
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Re: Has any one dumped coins in a Talaris QuickChange ?

Postby cesariojpn » Tue Jul 05, 2011 5:09 pm

For a moment there I thought you wrote "TARDIS." Going like "Wait, The Doctor is into sorting coins now?"
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Re: Has any one dumped coins in a Talaris QuickChange ?

Postby GTOJohn » Tue Jul 05, 2011 6:33 pm

i've used the quickchange machine. it is fast.
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Re: Has any one dumped coins in a Talaris QuickChange ?

Postby henrysmedford » Wed Jul 06, 2011 6:38 pm

We used it today for the first time. It was fast not as fast as a Cummings. This one does not hold bags. It all goes into a bin and and Garda http://www.gardaglobal.com/cash_cash.php pick up the bin. So if it fills up to fast they might be mad. The CU has a Cummings so I think that will be a main dump bank.
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Re: Has any one dumped coins in a Talaris QuickChange ?

Postby GTOJohn » Wed Jul 06, 2011 6:42 pm

big smile on your son - looks like he is standing next to a new friend.

the ones i use all collect into bags. wonder why a bank would choose a bin or the bag model?
if you have access to a faster machine - im jealous -
it is good to hear that lobby machines are becoming popular.
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Re: Has any one dumped coins in a Talaris QuickChange ?

Postby henrysmedford » Wed Jul 06, 2011 6:52 pm

GTOJohn wrote:big smile on your son - looks like he is standing next to a new friend.

the ones i use all collect into bags. wonder why a bank would choose a bin or the bag model?
if you have access to a faster machine - im jealous -
it is good to hear that lobby machines are becoming popular.

BTW-- Here is a link to the Cummins the fast one http://www.cumminsallison.com/coin/self_service_coin.htm
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Re: Has any one dumped coins in a Talaris QuickChange ?

Postby henrysmedford » Wed Jul 06, 2011 6:53 pm

GTOJohn wrote:big smile on your son - looks like he is standing next to a new friend.

the ones i use all collect into bags. wonder why a bank would choose a bin or the bag model?
if you have access to a faster machine - im jealous -
it is good to hear that lobby machines are becoming popular.

BTW-- Here is a link to the Cummins the fast one http://www.cumminsallison.com/coin/self_service_coin.htm
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Re: Has any one dumped coins in a Talaris QuickChange ?

Postby TheJonasCollegeFund » Thu Jul 07, 2011 2:13 am

It looks small, too, compared to the ones at my dump banks!
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Re: Has any one dumped coins in a Talaris QuickChange ?

Postby thunter » Fri Jul 08, 2011 3:42 pm

I've been using the credit union as a dump bank as well so I'm glad we're on the same page. :)
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