Treetop wrote:Well obviously Im not an expert, but Im not exactly new to silver. Ive had some a few years, and know enough to know if your investing in silver unless your a day trader, it should be in your hands.
I was just wondering how much the paper silver market might be holding down the physical market. Also how likely it is in other peoples minds, that the pyramid scheme will fall. It seems inevitable to me.
That is a very important question. The answer to too complicated for me, Treetop. In fact, some maverick economist proclaim there is no manipulation at all. The silver market is valued at exactly where is should be. These mavericks state that all commodities rise and fall on "the basis", and a good savvy trader can make a profit on a basis move no matter if it goes up of down. To them, there is no naked short selling going on, just good old hard nosed business being conducted. Well, that is over my head, so , I hope someone else here jumps in and gives you a definitive answer.
If you believe silver is artificially suppressed... then you should be seeing good buying signals...
IMHO silver is undervalued right now. I believe silver shall rise to gold/silver ratio of 30:1. But I have been waiting for that move for maybe five years now. So, don't take my word for it!

When I die, I want to go like Grandpa did. He died in his sleep..... Not screaming and hollering like all the passengers in his car.