Having the conversation.....

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Having the conversation.....

Postby Copper Catcher » Fri Jul 29, 2011 2:22 pm

Before you carry on a conversation with someone you consider a friend or family member I think it is wise to ponder for a moment if it is worth the effort.

Let's be honest...you know the number of times you thought about talking to someone about buying silver or gold and just decided it was not worth the hassle.

You wanted to share your knowledge and insight that you have gained by spending hours upon hours reading different material and looking at different view points and studying various charts etc.

Yet no matter how well intended you might be it appears most people just can’t get out of their normal thought pattern, in short it is called, normalcy bias.

While the facts are crystal clear to you and others on this forum, it is not always easy to explain to someone without a clue that the copper metal value is worth more in pre 1982 penny than the face value of the coin. Sure this is easy to understand, but people don't see this as being relevant to their life in any way. Their world is not that big!

Honestly, if you are like me, you have lost count the number of times you have received blank stares as well as felt the ridicule for saving pennies. Even tellers that have been told the truth call us the "crazy penny guy" to other tellers. Oh sure, they like the chocolate and are friendly telling you how neat this is, but you have seem all of them shake their heads at you from time to time.

Be honest how many tellers do you know are saving pennies after being told the truth?

So realize when you talk about precious metals, copper pennies or even dare to go deeper and talk about being prepared by having extra food supplies on hand. All of this is to most people is just background noise. They want remember a thing you said until it is too late!
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Re: Having the conversation.....

Postby Merwanseth » Fri Jul 29, 2011 2:55 pm

We (my family) decided long ago not to have "the conversation" with anyone. Not only for the reasons that CC describes, but primarily for "safety" reasons. We've had threads about this before on Realcent... Think long and hard about tellers or casual friends at work going to a bar with some friends, or just having a get together at home. With a little alcohol mixed into the atmosphere, lips have a way of getting looser... And then they describe this strange guy at the bank or work who collects silver or gold and even stores six months of food etc. Not everyone who over-hears the conversation may have honorable intentions. They just might be able to pin down the identity of that strange guy by asking some seemingly innocent questions... Please think long and hard about having "the conversation" with anyone you wouldn't trust with your life...
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Re: Having the conversation.....

Postby Mossy » Fri Jul 29, 2011 4:20 pm

I generally don't try to explain or convence. Some of my relatives are criminals and I hear their side of how they pick victims, and I know how some of my relatives cannot keep their mouths shut. No, I'm not talking.

And, yes "normalacy bias" makes some people impossible to discuss contingency planning with.
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Re: Having the conversation.....

Postby franklin » Fri Jul 29, 2011 9:04 pm

I have had the conversation with a very few close friends but it usually ends with " yeah but silver is so high now that I will lose my butt when it drops". I had this conversation at $18 and $30 with one guy. The only one who listened was one of my college kids who was getting about 0.2% in her savings acct. and she came to me griping about it. Silver was at an even $30 when she bought 3 grand worth (some from y'all, thru me). She sold at $45 after she had made 50% in 2 months. She bought back in about 3 weeks ago near $32.
Her twin can't save a nickel.
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Re: Having the conversation.....

Postby Mossy » Fri Jul 29, 2011 11:40 pm

franklin wrote: The only one who listened was one of my college kids who was getting about 0.2% in her savings acct. and she came to me griping about it. Silver was at an even $30 when she bought 3 grand worth (some from y'all, thru me). She sold at $45 after she had made 50% in 2 months. She bought back in about 3 weeks ago near $32.

Smart chick.
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Re: Having the conversation.....

Postby IdahoCopper » Sat Jul 30, 2011 8:19 am

One of my best friends suffers from normalcy bias. I've been preaching to him for several years, even told him to borrow $100k when Ag was at $20 not all that long ago. If he had done that, today he could have paid off that debt, and still have $100k in Ag.

He knows I have preps. I've told him repeatedly, if he bugs out and makes it to my place from San Diego he better have food, diesel, or silver; or he will be turned away. I also tell him I have enough toilet paper so don't bother bringing FRNs.

He still thinks having $400k in credit lines on his properties will be enough when the SHTF.
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Re: Having the conversation.....

Postby TXBullion » Sat Jul 30, 2011 6:53 pm

CC, sometimes I wonder If maybe we have a different work ethic as well. Maybe a lot of people on RC can see hidden value. Maybe we also are willing to take the path to achieve it. Its one thing to know something but another to know something and do something about it right?
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Re: Having the conversation.....

Postby OneBiteAtATime » Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:36 pm

TXBullion wrote:CC, sometimes I wonder If maybe we have a different work ethic as well. Maybe a lot of people on RC can see hidden value. Maybe we also are willing to take the path to achieve it. Its one thing to know something but another to know something and do something about it right?

There it is! I believe we see value where others don't and that's the big difference..... to start and sometimes finish the conversation - I mostly slip them this url: http://www.realcent.org

Either they get it or they don't at that point.... I read in here for about 7 minutes and said YES!
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Re: Having the conversation.....

Postby Mossy » Sun Jul 31, 2011 10:47 am

OneBiteAtATime wrote:Either they get it or they don't at that point.... I read in here for about 7 minutes and said YES!

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Re: Having the conversation.....

Postby shinnosuke » Sun Jul 31, 2011 3:15 pm

TXBullion wrote:CC, sometimes I wonder If maybe we have a different work ethic as well. Maybe a lot of people on RC can see hidden value. Maybe we also are willing to take the path to achieve it. Its one thing to know something but another to know something and do something about it right?

Work ethic, ethics and an understanding of the ever-present likelihood of abuse by government -- in all areas.

Governments, in the modern era anyway, have killed more of their own people than they have killed of other countries.
A. Stalin killed off 30-40 million. Yes, many of those were Ukranians, starved to death, who opposed his unfair agricultural policies, but they were still part of the grand Soviet Motherland.
B. Mao killed what, 70-80 million Chinese?
C. Hitler caused the death of 6 million Jews, many who were German citizens, but he also killed German Christians who opposed his socialistic policies. Consider also the deaths of all the innocent children who died from bombs dropped by Allied planes. Their blood is also on the heads of Hitler and his administration.

Think this kind of outrageous killing can't happen in modern, free America? It already has. Not so long ago, in Waco, TX, a self-styled religious leader had a small following and big ideas. The government trumped up charges of child abuse on the little TX compound and sent in the FBI. Instead of saving the children, the government shot, gassed, and burned those very children they were pretending to care about. I knew this country was doomed because we as a nation, as Texans, did not go to the assistance of those Branch Davidians. Whatever their crime, if any, it was not worthy of death of every man, woman and child. No, the nation just sat in front of the TV and watched the events unwind. Pitiful.

Well, if governments will do these things to their people, to their own citizens who elected them or who pay taxes to provide for their lifestyles, do you think those in power would hesitate for a moment to inflate the money supply and debase the value of the currency?

So a day of reckoning is coming. I am not willing to give up on those I care about, but it's critical to surround myself with those who already get it.
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Re: Having the conversation.....

Postby beauanderos » Sun Jul 31, 2011 4:06 pm

Even people who make an inquisitive comment regarding precious metals, because they know your interest, only "listen" for a few moments for an explanation that truly requires a several hour substantive response. For that reason, I gave up trying to persuade others and just quietly continue to convert fiat every paycheck. Events are conspiring to place dollar depreciation (debt ceiling debates) in the forefront of people's consciousness, and more than a few coworkers have become receptive to the idea of picking up a few coins. Now... if they would just actually DO it ;)

Shinn... good post, thanks for sharing your belief
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Re: Having the conversation.....

Postby shinnosuke » Sun Jul 31, 2011 7:46 pm

beauanderos wrote:Shinn... good post, thanks for sharing your belief

Thanks, sir. That means a lot to me coming from you.
When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them... (Thomas Jefferson)
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Re: Having the conversation.....

Postby TXTim » Sun Jul 31, 2011 9:37 pm

Hey Country-

Good post and thank you keeping the tracking threads- lots of work!
The "conversation" depends on the delivery in my opinion. Developing relationships is key.
I'm always honest in how I describe my pursuit of copper, silver, etc. and let everyone know that a copper penny is worth 3X face.
I also tell them that it is a lot of work and a hobby. This approach has opened many avenues including intros to relatives who want to sell to a trusted buyer.
90% of my tellers hold silver and copper for me and always ask how the last bags & boxes came out.
Everyone here should exploit their salesmanship to maximize desired results.
Tell them what you're doing and why. They will respond.
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