I honestly don't know how to describe this other than saying I had a premonition that I needed to stop by and out of the way bank to check to see if they had any half dollars.
I have been by this branch maybe two or three times in several years and they have always told me that they never get halves in, so I normally just pick up a few boxes of pennies and walk out.
Yesterday I am sitting at my desk at work and get this nudge gut feeling that on my way home I need to stop by and pick up halves. I dismiss this and shrug my shoulders a bit. As I am about to leave the office I get a second feeling telling me I need to go now!
So I do....the teller tells me someone recent dropped off $500 in halves. I get them and check then and below is what I found: 2-1964, 2-1966, 12 -1967, 10-1968, 4-1969
Normally I don't have this strong of a feeling about thinks like this but this time I did and it paid off.