by reddirtcoins » Thu Aug 04, 2011 5:44 pm
Best way to hoard, make grandad fund it and use one of his spare rooms to store it.... LOL!!
Really you're doing great just because you are active. I have 5 gallon buckets (pennies) that I seal mine in but, they most likely will get too heavy. I also package $25fv with my vaccum packer and stack them like they are small bank bags. I keep the Wheats and older off to the side.
Best to Hoard?..... Everything that you can afford.
Nickles, I just keep rolls. But I do look through bags for war nickels.
Dimes, hardest right now but, I currently hand sort all of those.
Qtrs, Not currently doing those.
Halves, the easiest to hand sort. Just scored about 10 last night in a $500fv bag...
I think you will adjust by the way you can dump. Seems that I am always getting backed up dumping...
"Truth, like gold, is to be obtained not by its growth, but by washing away from it all that is not gold."- Leo Tolstoy