THE BIRTHDAY BOX!So I picked up my customary box of halves last Saturday. Figured I wouldn't need to cash them in till Friday so I focused on pennies. Wednesday was my birthday and I was a liitle cash poor so I grabbed 5 rolls out of the box for lunch money and raffle money at coin club that night. I checked the rolls for silver prior to spending them.. and got an uncustomary 4 silvers out of the 5 rolls.. all 40%ers. Normal for me on these Brinks boxes is 0-2 silvers week in and week out. Could this be one of those boxes I read about the rest of you guys getting? I went to coin club that night and won 2 prizes.. a seated liberty dime and the grand prize, an NGC MS-64 1904-0 Morgan. This was turning out to be a pretty lucky day for me. I got home from coin club late that night and didn't have time to sort any more halves since I had to be in early for work Thursday. Thursday night I finally got to sort the rest of the box. I opened the first roll.. and there was that silver stripe. My excitement started to build. I kept opening rolls.. and there was a silver stripe in just about every roll. It was like a crackerjack box.. a prize in every roll. Sure, there was the occasional roll with no silver in it.. but then the next roll would have 2. When I finished the top half of the box I had 30 pieces of silver stacked up.. 29 40% and 1 90%. Would the second half be as good as the first, or was the silver streak about to run out? The first roll had 1 silver. The second roll had 2. The third roll had 4. This was turning out to be one of the best boxes of BWR I ever got. Somehow they must have mistakenly shipped me one of BamaJoe's boxes by mistake. The second half of the box was even better than the first half. It yielded 39 more pieces of silver.. 37 40% and 2 90%.. Even Frank made an appearance..a 1963-D. Total for the box was 69 silver.. 66 40% and 3 90%! Also got what I call a RealCent half. A NIFC punched with RC.. 2005-D.
So then I tossed the non-silver halves in the trunk along with some nickels, dimes and quarters I had been sorting in case I got off work early and could stop by the CU to dump before they closed. I managed to get to the CU in time to dump and I won the contest for dumping the most in the CoinStar. $75 prize.. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.. that's 3 boxes of pennies!
$150 quaarters.. 1 silver
$200 dimes.. 1 silver
$300 nickels.. 1 silver and 1 hide
Saturday I picked up a bunch of coins from a bank that had called me Thursday.
$500 CWR dimes.. 10 silver
$200 nickels.. 2 silver and 2 hides
Picked up my weekly box of halves
Could this be the companian box?
Imagine the letdown when the first 5 rolls yielded no silver. Then the first half of the box.. still nothin'
Didn't strike silver until the 33rd roll.. a lonely 1967.. the only silver in the box.
Ah, back to reality.
Cashed in some dime rolls at the grocery store bank on Sunday to buy groceries etc.. and spread the dumps around. Of course they had a bunch of dimes to trade me so I took them.
23 Brinks rolls.. quickly sorted these into spenders and keepers.. 4 silver
7 CWR.. 1 silver
If your percentages are low.. just sort more. If your percentages are high.. just sort more