misteroman wrote:the 74 ones that were aluminum they did the wheat design on them! That would've been neat
They didn't have a wheat design on them but they are very cool. Only 1 known to still exist and its in the Smithsonian museum.
Here is a picture.
http://quotationsbook.com/assets/shared ... m_cent.jpgIf you google 1974 aluminum penny you can see the coin that got graded by ICG that is on display at the Smithsonian museum.
For those that don't know there was a penny melt ban in 1974-1978. The ban went on because copper prices started to rise and they were worried about the coins being melted. In 1974 the mint made around 100,000 pennies out of aluminum for a test run. I am not sure why but they decided to scrap the idea and supposably all but 1 was melted down. The 1 was given to the Smithsonian museum and is currently on display there.