killer buy today...thank you craigslist...

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killer buy today...thank you craigslist...

Postby zlew3885 » Mon Sep 12, 2011 12:02 am

been lurking on this form for a bit and thought i should start posting.

i have been buying and selling a lot of coins locally over the last few months and i have officially "caught the bug"

i advertise on craigslist that i pay 26x face. most of the time I don't get anything exciting, just junk, but this morning a guy calls me, i meet him at a starbucks and he pulls out two old albums FULL of barber halves and walking libs. scored em all at 26x. plus two albums of mercs. not a bad day!

i'll be posting more of my finds on here and would love to build up a reputation to buy/sell/trade with some of you. i own and manage a local shop and mostly deal with scrap gold and electronics, so this foray into coins is very exciting for me.

good night to all!
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Re: killer buy today...thank you craigslist...

Postby mr18 » Mon Sep 12, 2011 7:57 am

Im happy you got a great deal, Craigslist and flea markets is where I find the best deal on silver coins, whether its junk or .999. But if you own a shop, which sounds like a pawn shop, why meet in starbucks? If you are paying 26x face, which is 2x higher than coin shops in my area, why not advertise for the customers to come to your shop?
Just sounds like a lot of trouble if you have a physical location for people to go to.
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Re: killer buy today...thank you craigslist...

Postby schockergd » Mon Sep 12, 2011 8:02 am

I've had some luck with craigslist but not a ton, locals are always my best source.
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Re: killer buy today...thank you craigslist...

Postby shinnosuke » Mon Sep 12, 2011 12:28 pm

mr18 wrote:Im happy you got a great deal, Craigslist and flea markets is where I find the best deal on silver coins, whether its junk or .999. But if you own a shop, which sounds like a pawn shop, why meet in starbucks? If you are paying 26x face, which is 2x higher than coin shops in my area, why not advertise for the customers to come to your shop?
Just sounds like a lot of trouble if you have a physical location for people to go to.

Personal "off the grid" purchases vs. business purchases? I dunno. Just a guess on my part, but I would like to know too.

zlew, I hope you'll share more. I haven't had any luck with craigslist. (Perhaps I need to offer more than 26x in San Antonio.)
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Re: killer buy today...thank you craigslist...

Postby zlew3885 » Mon Sep 12, 2011 1:09 pm

exactly. I buy through my shop, and also on the side personally.
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