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Postby HelloMeteor » Mon Oct 25, 2010 9:32 pm

Ever heard of it? The author of this blog thinks gold will eventually be revalued to somewhere in the range of $50,000 to $100,000 per ounce, without even adjusting for inflation.

I haven't really wrapped my mind completely around the argument for it, but it's interesting nonetheless.

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Re: Freegold

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Mon Oct 25, 2010 9:35 pm

I have not read the article yet, but gold bugs have been saying that for decades. The only difference is the revalued price keeps going up to counter inflation. The price is pegged to the FRN's in circulation, and the amount of gold in storage in Federal vaults.

Who knows? Maybe it is about to come true, now.
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Re: Freegold

Postby oober » Tue Oct 26, 2010 12:22 am

But what will a gallon of gas cost when gold is 50k?
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Re: Freegold

Postby beauanderos » Tue Oct 26, 2010 12:58 am

oober wrote:But what will a gallon of gas cost when gold is 50k?

by the time gold is valued at $50,000 an ounce... there won't be gasoline anymore, due to peak oil! :?
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Re: Freegold

Postby Redneck » Tue Oct 26, 2010 8:04 am

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Re: Freegold

Postby HelloMeteor » Tue Oct 26, 2010 10:01 am

Redneck wrote:
beauanderos wrote:
oober wrote:But what will a gallon of gas cost when gold is 50k?

by the time gold is valued at $50,000 an ounce... there won't be gasoline anymore, due to peak oil! :?

Sure it can go to $50,000 an ounce, if it is valued in U.S. dollars. Just like it would be worth $50 trillion in Zimbabwe money.

Gold and silver doesn't go up or down in value. Fiat currency just adjusts to reflect a perceived change.

Gasoline is sure to cost more as the purchasing power of the dollar gets less and less.

As far as peak oil goes.

Don't buy into the hype...


Sigh, no one bothered to even read what I wrote.
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Re: Freegold

Postby AGCoinHunter » Tue Oct 26, 2010 11:19 am

HelloMeteor wrote:Ever heard of it? The author of this blog thinks gold will eventually be revalued to somewhere in the range of $50,000 to $100,000 per ounce, without even adjusting for inflation.

I haven't really wrapped my mind completely around the argument for it, but it's interesting nonetheless.

Who wouldn't like to be a millionare?

Of course everyone who holds any PM's will be a millionare. The price of gold and silver is staying constant, its the FRN's that are dropping like a rock. Just like Zimbabwe, we all will be worth trillions of worthless dollars.
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Re: Freegold

Postby Treetop » Tue Oct 26, 2010 12:07 pm

AGCoinHunter wrote:Of course everyone who holds any PM's will be a millionare. The price of gold and silver is staying constant, its the FRN's that are dropping like a rock. Just like Zimbabwe, we all will be worth trillions of worthless dollars.

This has interesting possibilities though. First of course is being able to pay off any debts with cheap dollars. not everyone will have this option imo, wages do not track inflation 100 percent. Most people will be really hard up.

For those here. Obviously to differing degrees, most of us likely think inflation will be a major issue. and are taking steps to preserve wealth. Well theres another step to that, imo. that perhaps might be new to bring up. Preserving wealth is great, but in this new economy, preserving what you had, unless you are very wealthy will not be enough. and even professional people might be making mexican style wages. Barely able to pay a mortgage if they have one.

so at that point, I think using the preserved wealth to start a revenue stream is the way to go. Imo, food production is the best choice, because you can get ready now, whether through knowledge, and study, or buying some land if you have enough for that now, and perhaps piling up manure you collect from people. Like you would copper. saving it for later, or bags of leaves from curbs, or perhaps get a landscaping company to pump certain things there. while you perhaps grow a few different strains of an open pollinated crop, just small amounts, to see which grows best without irrigating perhaps. Or maybe get fruit trees going if you want more work. Many different angles, and avenues, but food will always be needed. If you have the land, soil amendments, and the knowledge to farm it low tech (low overhead meaning using on site means to maintain soil fertility, which can be done from many ways depending on where you live) then you might have an income when many others do not. Perhaps paying people in copper pennies to farm your land..... :D :lol:

Or raising fish or other animals, etc. Its real easy to use perma culture, or agro forestry to better utilize rangeland, in most areas. Many other avenues besides farms, but that is something we know will always be needed. there also are many mis conceptions out there. It doesnt have to be as hard as people think to maintain fertility of soil. When industrial ag grew up, it overshadowed much knowledge, that for some weird reason todays organic movement bypassed, making it all harder o themselves.

One thing Id suggest, is to trial grains and legumes especially, in your yards. winter and spring types. Most of us have gardeners around with good or decent selections of other crops. but even if a lot of grain is grown close to you, much of it is likely of the heavy chemical input type which might not even be possible to support. this very well might cause food rationing, or shortages.(I have seeds from a few, for SASE, and will have many more next fall) you can do it for a couple bucks, and a couple hours of work. the goal is to find low maintenance cultivars that grow well in your given area. that you can save your own seed of if need be, Id suggest learning more then that. but that is truly the key. If you understand only the basics, or learn them later from others having the right seeds, will make you 100 times better off. Loading up on good handtools if you go this route is a good idea to, now or with your PMs later when you actually do need to do it.
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Re: Freegold

Postby Redneck » Tue Oct 26, 2010 2:46 pm

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Re: Freegold

Postby Lemon Thrower » Tue Oct 26, 2010 4:08 pm

Fofoa basically discusses the writing of another.

Another claims that the price of gold and oil have been manipulated since 73, and that the price of gold exchanged between central banks is equivalent to $50,000 right now. this is before further inflation!

people should read the writings of Another which are linked on the Fofoa site.

I don't agree with everything Fofoa and foa wrote but i think Another was on to something.
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Re: Freegold

Postby Redneck » Tue Oct 26, 2010 6:54 pm

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Re: Freegold

Postby Nickelmeister » Tue Oct 26, 2010 8:57 pm

These links are VERY worthwhile. Another/FOA/FOFOA are quite the trio.
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Re: Freegold

Postby AGgressive Metal » Wed Oct 27, 2010 1:03 pm

Its really "deep" stuff. You have to go back and read the original stuff before you start in to the recent posts. Its not like any other argument you have ever read/heard.
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Re: Freegold

Postby Lemon Thrower » Wed Oct 27, 2010 2:27 pm

yes, read Another before reading FOFOA. read it twice actually.

also agree that its not the same arguments you've already hear a 1,000 times.
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Re: Freegold

Postby Cptindy » Thu Oct 28, 2010 7:38 am

The concept of FreeGold is beyond an inflationary scenario. It is a revelation of price and more specifically value suppression behind the scenes. A controlled conglomerate of World Banking and Power maintaining an illusion. Using the 10 to 1 ratio of debt based currency and assuming gold continues behind the scenes as a "bank reserve" the current situation is a large bubble inflated beyond measure. Gold and precious metals are merely maintained by the PTB within a realm of complete manipulation as all global commodities.
The problem as I see it, is the recognition of the Keynesian economic profile, as it has been transformed and instilled within the world as solid and factual.

It is all theory based!

One speculation ontop of another!

It will be expanded until it "pops." Once that occurs it will only be re-organized with different players in key positions. The concept of a Zimbabwe situation as it may be plausible will not happen. Currency change will be instituted far beyond a complete crash.

Will there be inflation? Yes!

Will our wealth be diminished? Yes!

Will it take a wheel barrel full of paper to buy bread? No!

Are commodities a good investment? Yes!

Just my Humble Opinion!
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Re: Freegold

Postby Lemon Thrower » Sat Oct 30, 2010 6:39 am

Cptindy, i mostly agree with you.

Another really talked about the background of the system and what is hidden from view. FOA talked about what is going to happpen. one interesting point is the u.s. has a lot of the gold. as jim rickards pointed out, a lot of the gold 'owned' by europe is sitting in u.s. vaults!?! Also, some countries like venezuela who have both oil and gold could become very wealthy.
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Re: Freegold

Postby Beau » Sat Oct 30, 2010 3:25 pm

Dream on guys it will never happen you being a millionaire or a Billionaire.

you know that only one of them will be that richOBAMA.

He will tax you to death if your silver and Gold is worth that much.

whether it be in a hidden bill like the Health plan, or some other hidden law.

don`t we have a $600 limit on almost everything comming up.

he will get it all before he is gone, in six years, did he win the election this time ?

gold and silver will be confiscated before long, or taxed at 98%.

you will all be poor dreamers before he is through.

he needs to think about life after death where there is no Muslim to save him, and he can`t take all the money, gold, and silver with him.

my old feedback



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Re: Freegold

Postby Metalhead » Sat Oct 30, 2010 10:38 pm

A most educated and well thought out statement Beau...
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