68Camaro wrote:balz wrote:BTW, I just LOVE that FOFOA blog! (What is FOFOA for, BTW?)
I understand what you say... and what he says. But what worries me if that what we will live will be completely different from any other crisis in the past. The periods of deflation didn't last long because the increasing population and cheap energy NEEDED that money.
With Peak Oil, we will experience a decline in human population, maybe one third to two third, depending if one is optimistic or pessimistic. That would be very different from anything that occured in the past.
Wouldn't that decline in population cause massive deflation?
Back in the late 90s thru around 2002, there were two secret bloggers, supposedly big bank insiders, whistleblowers, essentially, who were blogging about insider stuff and what really went on. They called themselves "Another" and "Friend of Another" (FOA). Then they just disappeared, stopped blogging, and to the best of my knowledge no one knows where they went. Then came Friend of "FOA", who picked up where they left off, and he calls himself that, FOFOA.
Dunno about you dude, but i"m not gonna live to see that happen, and PM s are timeless, will always have value, even if things inflate or deflate a bit.
Thanks for the explanation. This guy sure knows what he is talking about. Precious material there. My only point is that he does not take into account the looming energy crisis that will bring the human population down in his equation.
I've yet found someone who take this into account when debating inflation vs. deflation.