Ebay salesman of the year

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Ebay salesman of the year

Postby JerrySpringer » Sun Oct 02, 2011 3:52 pm

This is not supposed to happen. No way. This is not false advertisement:

http://www.ebay.com/itm/230677850720?ss ... 1438.l2649
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Re: Ebay salesman of the year

Postby NDFarmer » Sun Oct 02, 2011 4:07 pm

I don't think this one is false advertising. He clearly states one quarter is silver and the other five are not. I think it is just IDIOT bidders that see the word silver in the auction title and just assume all the quarters are silver. If I tried to run an auction like that I would get slammed with negative feedback but he won't.

He does over grade them though. I have better looking quarters in my pocket!!!
Last edited by NDFarmer on Sun Oct 02, 2011 4:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ebay salesman of the year

Postby blackrabbit » Sun Oct 02, 2011 4:11 pm

Yea, pretty clear, except some does not usually equal one, which the description clears right up. Crazy drunken buyers I guess.
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Re: Ebay salesman of the year

Postby BlackOut » Sun Oct 02, 2011 4:19 pm

caveat emptor. He does clearly state what each of them is if you read it like anyone who is biding on an auction should, but I do see a bit of trickery in his posting. I think is on the buyers and their stupidity. $7 worth of quarters for $27 bucks plus shipping, geez.
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Re: Ebay salesman of the year

Postby appjoe » Sun Oct 02, 2011 4:41 pm

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Re: Ebay salesman of the year

Postby NDFarmer » Sun Oct 02, 2011 6:34 pm

Why would he have to build feedback when he has almost 2300 already?
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Re: Ebay salesman of the year

Postby aristobolus » Sun Oct 02, 2011 6:41 pm

NDFarmer wrote:I don't think this one is false advertising. He clearly states one quarter is silver and the other five are not. I think it is just IDIOT bidders that see the word silver in the auction title and just assume all the quarters are silver. If I tried to run an auction like that I would get slammed with negative feedback but he won't.

He does over grade them though. I have better looking quarters in my pocket!!!

The problem is that the heading of the auction says, "some with silver". In English "some" always means more than one. I believe the buyer could contest this and win; the more detailed description is clearly at variance with the fact(s).
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Re: Ebay salesman of the year

Postby creshka46 » Sun Oct 02, 2011 6:46 pm

Haha, there actually is false information in his ad. Clad quarters are 91.7% copper, and 8.3% nickel. Not 75/25 :lol:
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Re: Ebay salesman of the year

Postby chris6084 » Sun Oct 02, 2011 6:50 pm

NDFarmer wrote:Why would he have to build feedback when he has almost 2300 already?

I think he is trying to increase his percentage. He has a few negatives.
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Re: Ebay salesman of the year

Postby AGgressive Metal » Sun Oct 02, 2011 6:50 pm

Good catch. Sellers like this are why newbie coin buyers should avoid eBay.
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Re: Ebay salesman of the year

Postby aristobolus » Sun Oct 02, 2011 6:51 pm

creshka46 wrote:Haha, there actually is false information in his ad. Clad quarters are 91.7% copper, and 8.3% nickel. Not 75/25 :lol:

Good eye. I would use that as well. Nobobdy likes to be taken advantage of.
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Re: Ebay salesman of the year

Postby Corsair » Sun Oct 02, 2011 6:54 pm

Seller is doing everything right. This is 110% on the buyer. Open, shut.
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Re: Ebay salesman of the year

Postby SoFa » Sun Oct 02, 2011 7:13 pm

"Don't miss out on these". 43 quarters, They might be silver. WOW!!!

http://www.ebay.com/itm/Dont-miss-out-t ... 3a6b041888

From his feedback, he bought a roll of Glacier clad quarters in Aug.
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Re: Ebay salesman of the year

Postby cesariojpn » Sun Oct 02, 2011 8:15 pm

aristobolus wrote:I believe the buyer could contest this and win; the more detailed description is clearly at variance with the fact(s).

eBay is pretty much Pro-Buyer in many cases, so if the bidder is smart, he'd contest the auction AFTER he get's the coins and claim the problem.
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Re: Ebay salesman of the year

Postby texcollex » Sun Oct 02, 2011 8:37 pm

cesariojpn wrote:
aristobolus wrote:I believe the buyer could contest this and win; the more detailed description is clearly at variance with the fact(s).

eBay is pretty much Pro-Buyer in many cases, so if the bidder is smart, he'd contest the auction AFTER he get's the coins and claim the problem.

Makes you wonder if that's the plan. :?:
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Re: Ebay salesman of the year

Postby cesariojpn » Sun Oct 02, 2011 10:54 pm

texcollex wrote:
cesariojpn wrote:
aristobolus wrote:I believe the buyer could contest this and win; the more detailed description is clearly at variance with the fact(s).

eBay is pretty much Pro-Buyer in many cases, so if the bidder is smart, he'd contest the auction AFTER he get's the coins and claim the problem.

Makes you wonder if that's the plan. :?:

You'd be surprised at some bidders antics. I go to a toy site, and one of the biggest ways to get thread counts is to bitch about the latest bidder shenanigans.
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Re: Ebay salesman of the year

Postby aristobolus » Mon Oct 03, 2011 12:34 am

Corsair wrote:Seller is doing everything right. This is 110% on the buyer. Open, shut.

There has been several debates about similar auctions on this forum, or was it only once? Seriously, I understand that buyers should read the fine print, but our outrage should be against the one who attempts to deceive. Remember, Jesus' ire was chiefly seen in his overturning the tables of the money-changers!
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Re: Ebay salesman of the year

Postby Dave » Mon Oct 03, 2011 10:21 am

If people think the seller is right, I would really think hard about doing deals with them. This seller is wrong and every decent person should know that.
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Re: Ebay salesman of the year

Postby schockergd » Mon Oct 03, 2011 11:08 am

How can a metal ever be worth that much? Obviously this is a scam because coins should never be worth more than face value!
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Re: Ebay salesman of the year

Postby ardorlan » Tue Oct 04, 2011 11:44 am

aristobolus wrote:
NDFarmer wrote:I don't think this one is false advertising. He clearly states one quarter is silver and the other five are not. I think it is just IDIOT bidders that see the word silver in the auction title and just assume all the quarters are silver. If I tried to run an auction like that I would get slammed with negative feedback but he won't.

He does over grade them though. I have better looking quarters in my pocket!!!

The problem is that the heading of the auction says, "some with silver". In English "some" always means more than one. I believe the buyer could contest this and win; the more detailed description is clearly at variance with the fact(s).

I agree with you, but before I agreed I wanted to look it up.
"being at least one —used to indicate that a logical proposition is asserted only of a subclass or certain members of the class denoted by the term which it modifies" - http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictiona ... 1317746389 (Number 4).

a couple would be at least two, and I think of a few as 3 or more.
some is way more tricky as mentally I think of it has any number of them other then none or all.
I still think it would be better if he had 2 silver coins in there.
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Re: Ebay salesman of the year

Postby ardorlan » Tue Oct 04, 2011 11:50 am

aristobolus wrote:
Corsair wrote:Seller is doing everything right. This is 110% on the buyer. Open, shut.

There has been several debates about similar auctions on this forum, or was it only once? Seriously, I understand that buyers should read the fine print, but our outrage should be against the one who attempts to deceive. Remember, Jesus' ire was chiefly seen in his overturning the tables of the money-changers!

I would also have to for the most part agree with the seller, if anything he is teaching people some common sense, I by no means would call him saintly but dishonest or a scammer no, is he taking advantage of peoples short coming, clearly yes..

I think this would have to fall into the gray line on morals (being neither right or wrong) sounds like common business only different is his subtext legal disclaimer is in a normal size font.
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